Dealer Says PDP is No Longer

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Dang boys. Rehash.
This has all been covered in great detail previously. Lotecredneck - Tony the dealer from Texarkana has given us all the skinny on extension of the initial PDP program, and how dealers where able to order both A and AE models for just for flooring. These were to arrive later in the summer after PDP models were delivered.

You want real info instead of going back and forth with rumor, innuendo, and conjecture? Go find some of Lotecredneck's old posts.

+1, but please keep away from myendo, k? Thanks.

Without you guys beatin' up on the effin' new guy any more, I think you should give him a break.

The thread subject is misleading:

Dealer Says PDP is No Longer, Has a New '06 on the Showroom Floor
Just from that sentence, it would be very easy to infer that PDP was permanently over, not just for '06. That's what lured me into reading this thread.

Based on an assumption that PDP is dead forever, not just '06, none of the previous PDP threads would be any help, or relate in any way to the subject matter, so doing a search for a subject of "PDP cancelled" or "PDP over" or "PDP ended" won't return a valid search, so cut him some slack.

Search is a wonderful thing, if you know exactly what you're looking for, but searching for something as vague as "PDP over" returns exactly "dick".

(taking my life in my own hands) It's kinda like trying to prove a negative. Like searching for "Skooter NOT asswipe". Couldn't find a thread covering that, so I guess that means Skooter IS an asswipe?!

Pay no attention to the man behind the keyboard. If he's quoting me, you just gotta know he's gone totally Fruit Loops!


It does not seem like good news if there are extra FJRs sitting around at the end of the model year for a couple of years in a row. It would indicate that they are not selling as well as Yamaha had planned and that means they will probably cut the R&D budget for the next upgrade.


Don't know about the motherships corporate plans. Do know there are many fence sitters waiting to hear if the Kawasaki GTR 1400 comes to life. Another Japanese option without going the 1200GT route.

It does not seem like good news if there are extra FJRs sitting around at the end of the model year for a couple of years in a row. It would indicate that they are not selling as well as Yamaha had planned and that means they will probably cut the R&D budget for the next upgrade.


Don't know about the motherships corporate plans. Do know there are many fence sitters waiting to hear if the Kawasaki GTR 1400 comes to life. Another Japanese option without going the 1200GT route.

Best FNG reply I've seen this week.


I am with RadioHowie (is that bad?), I thought the dealer was indicating the PDP was permanently canceled. As I remember now the dealers would be allowed to order some FJR's for the showroom floor in May for August delivery? Fits with what the dealer indicates. Tony posted this info somewhere, but I didn't find the reference in a search on his name.

I am with RadioHowie (is that bad?)
Yes. Very bad.

I don't remember any info coming out that the PDP was officially dead. Frankly, I think there is a good chance the dealers won't even know that information until the last minute. Like Iggy said, I would take any info received that is NOT officially out of corporate Yammie's mouth with a grain of salt.

I bet we won't know about the PDP being dead or not until they (Yamaha corporate) announce info on the 07 FJR. Which could be sooner, or later.

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Way to encourage the new guy to post-up!


OH NO!!!! I'm BANNNED!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry!!! Didn't mean it!!!


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If you folks don't like peple who have just purchased their first FJR then just say so and I for one will not post anything. I read this forum for several week's before I even knew there was a "search". I won't be asking anything for fear it won't be in the right format or has been posted 6 months ago and when I was not even aware there was a FJR Forum.

I am a "newbie" and if you don't want my input just say so. Everyone does not live by this site. And we are not all computer Geeks.

When I first started reading posts on this site it was very interesting and helpful and people could obtain information. After several of the hateful posts chewing out the writer, I just think you need to lighten up on those of us who don't quite get it -- you know the newbies. You know some might not like being called a "f--kin" Newbie" C.R

Wow, I don't think I have ever seen such grouchy replies to a post on this forum. Is everyone takin' some kind of pill that isn't working or what. I thought this site was supposed to be for sharing info and FUN. Whassup wit dat :p

If you folks don't like peple who have just purchased their first FJR then just say so and I for one will not post anything. I read this forum for several week's before I even knew there was a "search". I won't be asking anything for fear it won't be in the right format or has been posted 6 months ago and when I was not even aware there was a FJR Forum.
I am a "newbie" and if you don't want my input just say so. Everyone does not live by this site. And we are not all computer Geeks.

When I first started reading posts on this site it was very interesting and helpful and people could obtain information. After several of the hateful posts chewing out the writer, I just think you need to lighten up on those of us who don't quite get it -- you know the newbies. You know some might not like being called a "f--kin" Newbie" C.R

Sheesh! You cutey-pie newbies! :p

There. Is that better?

My advice is also to lighten up. Quite a bit. Of course, staying on topic is good too.

Quit playing the victim. Me? Not liking anybody with a new FJR?!?! Pullleeeease! Spare me the drama. Where have I ever said I don't want your, or anyone elses input? Yes, stuff that gets re-posted for the bazillionth time gets old for us old timers. PRIMARILY when it is obvious that the poster has made no effort to find the information for themselves. I help newbies all the time, providing links, and other info. So back off Frances.

Also, you mis-quoted me ("f--kin" Newbie). I guess I should have used a smiley in my post because I was being somewhat sarcastic. I thought that would have been somewhat obvious since jjsC6 has been a member for over 6 months with 289 posts to his credit. Not quite a newbie, by any means, huh?

Wasssup EXPDSGT? Bad day at work? Fightin with the missus? I thought you have always been pretty reasonable in your posts in the past. Don't see why you got your panties in such a bunch.

Wow, I don't think I have ever seen such grouchy replies to a post on this forum. Is everyone takin' some kind of pill that isn't working or what. I thought this site was supposed to be for sharing info and FUN. Whassup wit dat :p
+ a bazillion

Something in the water?

If you folks don't like peple who have just purchased their first FJR then just say so and I for one will not post anything. I read this forum for several week's before I even knew there was a "search". I won't be asking anything for fear it won't be in the right format or has been posted 6 months ago and when I was not even aware there was a FJR Forum.
I am a "newbie" and if you don't want my input just say so. Everyone does not live by this site. And we are not all computer Geeks.

When I first started reading posts on this site it was very interesting and helpful and people could obtain information. After several of the hateful posts chewing out the writer, I just think you need to lighten up on those of us who don't quite get it -- you know the newbies. You know some might not like being called a "f--kin" Newbie" C.R
Aw, c'mon EX, if you've been viewing this forum for several weeks, then you know we are a bunch of lemmings. Once one of us jumps, so do the others. Heck, every once in a while one of us may even come to the rescue of a noob. Just ignore Skooter. He's just a cranky old mileage addict. Must be time for a fix about now, eh skoot?


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No joke, man. I've seen n00bs get made fun of - with love, of course - but this is rediculous. Dude posted what he was told. Dude doesn't know how Yammy does things (as MOST of you also DO NOT KNOW). Dude thinks he may be HELPING YOU all and you hang him? Give me a break, folks.

I'm a noob and have asked some utterly stupid questions on here as some of you may/may not know. If I had gotten this treatment when I first logged on I'd have bolted ages ago and told you all to kiss my ass.

Let it die. Again we know nothing, he thought he was helping, he's an FNG and didn't know about the search (which isn't the greatest, BTW), and again HE THOUGHT HE WAS HELPING!

This thread has pissed me off all day.

This thread has pissed me off all day.
You and me both!

I guess I am not getting it. My first post in this thread was not directed towards the initial poster, bkbennet, but towards several of the replies by not-so newbies afterwards. I agree with everything you said. bkbennet is new and was trying to be helpful, but I was surprised at the mis-information that followed.

I thought some of the first replies towards bkbennet were pretty good, and helpful. You know, the one's by Ignacio and rhulcher. But what followed afterward to a certain degree, was rumormongering.

Again, we are in agreement. Hopefuly this will die soon.

But.........I will disagree and say that the search feature is very useful on this site if you take the very small amount of time to learn how to use it.

Must be time for a fix about now, eh skoot?
Apparently so.

Didn't think I was all that cranky today, but perhaps the idea of caging it to WFO is having a derogatory effect on my extremely puny psyche.

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Sheesh! You cutey-pie newbies! :p

"There. Is that better"?

"My advice is also to lighten up. Quite a bit. Of course, staying on topic is good too".

"Quit playing the victim. Me? Not liking anybody with a new FJR?!?! Pullleeeease! Spare me the drama. Where have I ever said I don't want your, or anyone elses input? Yes, stuff that gets re-posted for the bazillionth time gets old for us old timers. PRIMARILY when it is obvious that the poster has made no effort to find the information for themselves. I help newbies all the time, providing links, and other info. So back off Frances".

SkooterG it's not just his perception. Because your an admin, you have the right to be condescending? Talk about playing the victim! I too have noticed a shitty attitude here just because the guy asks a question that he could have found via a search function. "PRIMARILY when it is obvious that the poster has made no effort to find the information for themselves". What kind of an attitude is that? I thought that is the purpose of this, to share information and insight, not beat him for asking a question. Also, is Frances his name, or another cheap shot? And because you are the admin and have been on this site makes you more experienced? I am not having a bad day, I'm having a great one. Now drink a Beer and lighten up yourself

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I am with RadioHowie (is that bad?), I thought the dealer was indicating the PDP was permanently canceled. As I remember now the dealers would be allowed to order some FJR's for the showroom floor in May for August delivery? Fits with what the dealer indicates. Tony posted this info somewhere, but I didn't find the reference in a search on his name.
Vindicated! You hear that, VINDICATED I SAY!!!


where's my coconut?

I am with RadioHowie (is that bad?)
Yes. Very bad.
Oh, you sumbitch...

You are NOT taking this away from me!

To the BatCave, Robin...

Huh? What's going on in here? Shitty attitudes? Here? Nawww. :)

This is the FJR forum. Thicken up the skin a little and join in on the fun.

Now about that PPD. You all have it all wrong so lemme splain it. This year each dealer was given the option of purchasing their very own mini FJR factory. The reason you see them on the floor now is because the dealers are manufacturing them out back themselves.

Geeeezus, now is that so hard.


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