Dealer Says PDP is No Longer

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Well, MY dealer make the best FJR's AND gots the best price too!


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Gee whiz, maybe to counterbalance FNGs there should be an FOG (Effin' Old Guy) rating....'cuz some are sure acting like OLD FOGIES! Gots nuthin' bedder ta dew then set on thuh porch sippin' Ol' Whatchmacallit en tek potshots et them new guys who'er still lernin' the forum en the FJR?

Scooter--your post did not jump on me--you chastised jjsC6 for not doing a search and it went from there. My post was merely stating that some of us newbies might have an idea, but when you get "jumped" for not doing it the right way, we may stay on the sidelines. We all have a learning curve.

Read your post #17 again.

I don't feel like a "victim" . And I am pushing 70 years so I am closer to diapers than panties. I did roll my quad in the sand at 60 MPH and collapsed both lungs and broke my collarbone Feb 3rd, so I have owned my FJR for two months but have not been able to ride it -- so I am suffering.

My only point is -- we have a common interest and enjoy tinkering with our bikes. I just thought the comments were not the type that a bunch of guys would say to each other sitting around a table having a few cold ones. You have the five blue dots -- I don't; so what do I know.

The name is C.R. or Russ not Francis but I answer to most anything. By the way I was not the first to say somthing about your comments about new forum members being hesitant to post, and I was not trying to start a controversy.

I ride next week (I hope) Later all. C.R.

Being from NY can someone explain what the problem is exactly? Keep in mind that :****: is our way of saying hello, all I am hearing in this topic is a lot of love. :D

Based on an assumption that PDP is dead forever, not just '06, none of the previous PDP threads would be any help, or relate in any way to the subject matter, so doing a search for a subject of "PDP cancelled" or "PDP over" or "PDP ended" won't return a valid search, so cut him some slack.
Plus it appears to ignore the recent cases where buyers of floor models found out that their warranty was partially expired before they bought their "new" bike due to dealers using "ghost" buyer names to try and trick the PdP.

One of those cases was documented on this forum as a result of some of us taking the time to walk him through the process and giving him the info needed to ask his dealer some tough questions.

Just now had the time to review this whole topic (post) and I've never heard such yelling at each other(posters & adm) in a chatroom,,,,all I can say is THE ADMINS MIGHT WANT TO TAKE A MIDOL.........

Didn't you guys learn your lesson only a short time ago when your website was hacked and you had to rebuild the whole damn thing that it's not a good idea to verbally criticized everyone who has a different opinion than yours?

Definitely there are some slow learners here.....

Didn't you guys learn your lesson only a short time ago when your website was hacked and you had to rebuild the whole damn thing that it's not a good idea to verbally criticized everyone who has a different opinion than yours?
Sounds like you know something we don't know. Cough it out! :ph34r:

Didn't you guys learn your lesson only a short time ago when your website was hacked and you had to rebuild the whole damn thing that it's not a good idea to verbally criticized everyone who has a different opinion than yours?
Sounds like you know something we don't know. Cough it out! :ph34r:

Heck, when someone hacked & crashed the website back when it was pretty obviously on of the Admin pissed off the wrong person,,,,,,,,I thought they might of learned their lesson, and start being a little nicer...But just a couple of days ago one of the admins cut off my head and poured sand down my neck for saying basically nothing....I can't even tell you what I said out fear of reprisal....I couldn't believe it.....just went home and didn't post anything again until today.....

Hell, I don't feel I can even honestly express how I feel in here much anymore, cause if it goes against the GODs, they'll probably ban me....and heck, I need all the help I can get....I can't even get a pair of GRIP PUPPIES on the dang handlebars...

Regarding the Grip Puppies, soak 'em hot water w/ LOTS of soap. Then soap up the grips. Use a towel to grab the grips and twist them on if you need to. Took me a bit, but that's how I got them on.

Regarding the Grip Puppies, soak 'em hot water w/ LOTS of soap. Then soap up the grips. Use a towel to grab the grips and twist them on if you need to. Took me a bit, but that's how I got them on.

Yea, yea, yea,,,,I now know every goddamn way in the world to put em on thanks to FJR.COM.....The problem I had was with the directions that came with them...They said PUT SOAP ON THE GRIPS, they didn't say what kind of soap so I used dry powered laundry detergent soap (ALL) .....I can guarantee you that don't work orth a damn.

Anyway, I ended up using so much liquid dish soap that even now, if it rains and the grips get wet, bubbles blow out the ends of the handlebars while I'm going down the road.....the kids like it..

Its alwasy something...

Anyway, I ended up using so much liquid dish soap that even now, if it rains and the grips get wet, bubbles blow out the ends of the handlebars while I'm going down the road....
Heck, when someone hacked & crashed the website back when it was pretty obviously on of the Admin pissed off the wrong person
I have always assumed that the forum hacks were by some pimply faced teenager, for me that makes it kind of understandable (in a not really kind of way). The idea that it could be a member of this forum is really revolting, that is the only word I can think of to describe it. Its not the forum being down, but the posts and info we lose.

Sorry about the hijack, but I guess thats mute at this point.

I assumed the forum hacks were either generic attacks against the software (last time where multiple sites were hacked based on the sw used) or someone from "the earth toned forum" that were pissed that people left in droves when they kicked off the people who made that board what it was (up to that point). Since the mass departure to this board, that one has been dying the slow death of a thousand cunts.

Heck, when someone hacked & crashed the website back when it was pretty obviously on of the Admin pissed off the wrong person
I have always assumed that the forum hacks were by some pimply faced teenager, for me that makes it kind of understandable (in a not really kind of way). The idea that it could be a member of this forum is really revolting, that is the only word I can think of to describe it. Its not the forum being down, but the posts and info we lose.

Sorry about the hijack, but I guess thats mute at this point.
That'd been my guess too, but who knows........I've been told that most all college students majoring in Computer science have to take a course in computer hacking, meaning most all of them are accomplished hackers, and we wonder where all these hacker come from?

Again, my guess is the admins pissed off the wrong person all he or her would have to do is call little Johnny, who's away at college and tell him if he'd like to drive a new corvette when he comes home for summer (GO SIC EM BOY) and bamm....NO WEBSITE!

Otherwise, I can imagine someone wanting to hack the pentagon's computer or something like that, but seeking gratification over FKG up a site dedicated to motorcycles? Maybe it was a college project...I guess that wouldn't be that out of the ordinary based on what's happening today, But this website isn't the only thing that's gotten weird....the whole damn country seems to be bordering on the verge of having a major NERVIOUS BREAKDOWN of some kind pretty soon!!! And I'm not gonna mention whom I hold responsible for all the mayhem that seems to be going on nationwide, as I need to know how to install a Power Commander.

I'm just saying that if I was the one or the ones who had to spend two staight days of my life having to rebuild this website, I think I'd make sure the ADMINS were on their best behavior...

I'm just saying that if I was the one or the ones who had to spend two staight days of my life having to rebuild this website
errr, I believe that is the admins - a volunteer job, in fact one of your friendly admins is paying for this site. Since we are in their territory for free I think its us that ought to behave.

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I'm just saying that if I was the one or the ones who had to spend two staight days of my life having to rebuild this website, I think I'd make sure the ADMINS were on their best behavior...
Here I am at WFO, just got a chance to login, and I see your rant on connecting hacks with admin attitudes and totally off the original topic? I don't know if you're trying to connect two completely disconnected issues or just squirrely and trying to start something. Maybe you need to PM me if you know something about hacking. Starting rumors is just not cool.

And to suggest you'd get banned for expressing your opinion just is looney. Do you realize that nobody has ever been banned expect two spammers after 1 post? Even Downn2 hasn't been banned.

But, this topic has gotten TOO far off the original field and is the country going to hell comment is just veiled politics there Hoss. You can be happy that you got this thread closed.

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