December BBQ in the Central Coast

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Just got in from a wonderful afternoon BBQ. George & Jan really threw down a great feed at a very charming venue. Loved all the good food and fellowship. Thank you guys for hosting this shindig. I sure hope we get invited back sometime....

Way cool time....Thank again so very much and Happy holidays to all....

Last i heard Jill Blew a .20 :drinks: Oh Jill your goning to have one hell of a ride home :puke: ,

Enjoy that :rofl: :rofl:

Picture Video to follow soon in the Images section


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Let's just say my new user name is, 'Tuna'. Don't ask. <_<

Out side of the 'Thrilla in Manila, Los Osos Style', it was a great party! I think it as a draw, but Sponge Bob and Barry played footsies first in the hot tub. I think that took sumpin' outta Sponge Bob. Fairlaner even got his world, um, rocked!


I keed, I keed! Sorta. Great time George and Jan, thanks!

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George, Jan thanks for a great party.

Sponge Bob was kinda funny, He and Barry in the hot tub was a sight to see, i know pictures, pictures, pictures.

I will post them as soon as i get round to down loading them.


Let's just say my new user name is, 'Tuna'. Don't ask. <_<
Out side of the 'Thrilla in Manila, Los Osos Style', it was a great party! I think it as a draw, but Sponge Bob and Barry played footsies first in the hot tub. I think that took sumpin' outta Sponge Bob. Fairlaner even got his world, um, rocked!
I heard the name 'Two Nuts' mentioned too :)

Don't think Barry and Sponge Bob are going to live down their hot tub experience for some time. Oh, if only they knew the conversation that went on while they were underwater-bonding!

Fairlaner shared the compliment, and rocked my world (aka the porta potty) for me. He also explained how a bottle of Southern Comfort will evaporate at a tremendous rate if left uncapped. That must be the explanation, because we were the only ones drinking it....

No headache for me this morning, no nausea. Even went out for my morning run, again and again and again. (Thanks for the Immodium, Jean). :bad:

We had a slow and gentle ride home, reflecting on what a wonderful weekend we had, because it was spent with such great people. Many thanks George and Jan for putting this on.


SoCo Evaporation thats what it was Jill, it seems to evaporate alot around here.


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what Homo activity would you be talking about Bob????????? And check out the bubbles


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I think it as a draw, but Sponge Bob and Barry played footsies first in the hot tub. I think that took sumpin' outta Sponge Bob.
Toe's party rules:

#2. Leave before the homosexual activity starts, unless it's a mostly-girls party....
Wait a minute, don't you sleep most nights with a group of strange men? Not that I am condoming that type of behavior. :yahoo:

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Wait a minute, don't you sleep most nights with a group of strange men? Not that I am condoming that type of behavior. :yahoo:
Condoming? Freudian slip there, Barry?

Those mens are not strange, they're all friends. All twin beds, but some gang showers. What happens at the firehouse....

This really was a fun time to see a bunch of old friends, make some new friends, and, in the quiet moments, to think of Andrew. One thought kept returning to my feeble brain was 'how would Andrew view this, how would he visualilze and personalize this experience'? Then, after thinking about it for a bit I realized it's best to be in the moment, to celebrate life with the living, and let really good memories be just that.

It was great fun watching everyone try to follow the directions of taking the breath alcohol test directions. Shit, it took FairLaner 4 attempts to get enough wind to 'blow' for 3 seconds. Other folks had no problem with this test.

The surprising result was from WWFJR - hell, that guy was lit like a 4th of July firework in Creston and he only blew a .03? No waaaay. Actually, the results were quite fun - well worth the $34 bucks for the little tester I bought from Kragen.... :rolleyes:

..and, for the record, the non-drinker in the group tested at 0.00 so the tester has *some* merit..

KJ has a really nice place, and having multiple fire pits allowed the group to mingle from area to area; choice is always good, and I liked the fact I could be hear one thread at one fire location then cruise to the other and have a well developed thread ongoing at the other warmth spot.

On another note, it was very intersting to see how Carnitas are really made - I never would have guessed that Coke was used to carmalize, TooKillYa for (still don't know, but who cares anyway? :rolleyes: ) and a light beer?

All in all, a GREAT time, and I have to give kudos out to Skuel - that dude, while quiet and assuming, can camp, be independent, and socialize all at the same time; I gained respect for Steve this weekend.

Thanks again, KJ - hope you do this again!

+1 on Steve's camping ability and the only other person that offered to help me set up camp. Your karma account is high Steve.

Wait a minute, don't you sleep most nights with a group of strange men? Not that I am condoming that type of behavior. :yahoo:
It's not the SLEEPING that's the problem. :rolleyes:

And a +1 to Steve for help with putting up the tents. We rookies must have looked kinda pathetic to a seasoned camper. At one point, I suggested reading the directions, but was corrected to the fact that men don't DO things like that.


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Wait a minute, don't you sleep most nights with a group of strange men? Not that I am condoming that type of behavior. :yahoo:
It's not the SLEEPING that's the problem. :rolleyes:

And a +1 to Steve for help with putting up the tents. We rookies must have looked kinda pathetic to a seasoned camper. At one point, I suggested reading the directions, but was corrected to the fact that men don't DO things like that.

And to think I was there and missed all that fiasco? Geesh...

And to think I was there and missed all that fiasco? Geesh...
I believe that I've identified the problem. We tried to put the tent up early in the afternoon before the requisite amount of alcohol had been consumed. The only time we'd erected the tent previously was at home, around midnight, after a long bike ride then a few drinks. But...... there are no witnesses to the way the tent looked.

We'll do it better next time. :)

