December BBQ in the Central Coast

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I have got to put two cents in here. I just came up to relax and enjoy company of some other riders and get away from some current stress. Those that did not come really missed out. I wont forget getting a little perspective on life from KJ. As Carver mentioned his thoughts on Andrew. My thoughts were that I didn't get the chance to know him as much as I should have. So I really took the time to listen to others and learn something about them that I cant take away.

I really enjoyed getting to know more about everyone. But especially our hosts KJ and Jan and learning more about them.

I think others will agree that its really neat to learn about someone else, especially since I have driven by KJ's house, which is over 200 miles away from me, at least a 20 times over the last 14 years, and never knew what I was missing.

Thanks again to our hosts for sacrificing their time and space for us. And also letting us get to know them. Wont be forgotten.

I don't know about the accuracy of that Kragen tester..........I'd been regularly hitting the Patron anjeo and whatever looked tasty for a long while. It read 0.00 twice before a Barabus (funny hat) double jolt of repesado sent me to 0.03 :blink: I bow so humbly to Queen Jill at.........what was it 0.20 ???

Thanks George for hosting.........It was about this much fun :yahoo:


We had a great time.


Larry and Beth

George and Jan,

Thanks for having all of us over to your beautiful home.

It was great seeing you all.

On sunday I took a ride up HYWY 1 to big sur. What a beautiful place. Lots of twisties and incredable views.

I had a real blast.


When George first announced this cook-out/camp-out a few month ago, I just knew it had the potential to be a blast, which the reports from the those fortunate to attend confirm in spades, and would be well worth the trip down from Northern California. Unfortunately, work got in the way with a trip to Saigon. :( But if George and Jan repeat this shindig again, I'm in! :yahoo:

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When George first announced this cook-out/camp-out a few month ago, I just knew it had the potential to be a blast, which the reports from the those fortunate to attend confirm in spades, and would be well worth the trip down from Northern California. Unfortunately, work got in the way with a trip to Saigon. :( But if George and Jan repeat this shindig again, I'm in! :yahoo:
Well, I'm just glad that there were no performance or progress reports to announce! Sounds like everybody made it home A-OK!

The Hacienda is now pretty well soaked after the last couple of days of rain. Rain gutters were clogged and a couple of ditches full of branches. Believe it or not, The Honey Hut is still here? The weather held for the BBQ and that was the good thing!

See you characters in Death Valley on the 15TH AND 16TH of February 2008?

Hasta Luego,

George & Jan

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When George first announced this cook-out/camp-out a few month ago, I just knew it had the potential to be a blast, which the reports from the those fortunate to attend confirm in spades, and would be well worth the trip down from Northern California. Unfortunately, work got in the way with a trip to Saigon. :( But if George and Jan repeat this shindig again, I'm in! :yahoo:
Well, I'm just glad that there were no performance or progress reports to announce! Sounds like everybody made it home A-OK!

The Hacienda is now pretty well soaked after the last couple of days of rain. Rain gutters were clogged and a couple of ditches full of branches. Believe it or not, The Honey Hut is still here? The weather held for the BBQ and that was the good thing!

See you characters in Death Valley on the 15TH AND 16TH of December?

Hasta Luego,

George & Jan

I think, and correct me if I am wrong, that KJ means 15th&16th of February.

I think, and correct me if I am wrong, that KJ means 15th&16th of February.
Yes, I stand corrected (and have done so on the previous post. I did mean February, Thanks Barrie!

Just wanted to say another hearty thanks for the great time and the great cooking lesson.

Beth and I headed out to Morro Bay and took in a late breakfast. I checked out the surf

and about ten or so very large otters hanging around on the kelp.

We ventured back to Montana de Oro and saw a great camp spot there. Above Spooner's cove.

Is that were your were planning the future campout ?? BIG WAVES :blink:

I'm already marking down the Feb. 15 & 16th, '08 for the DV ride.

Good call on the Friday and Saturday.



I'm already marking down the Feb. 15 & 16th, '08 for the DV ride. Good call on the Friday and Saturday.


Larry -

OK kewel!

Barry C. (Airhead 124) & I have reservations in Beatty already for these 2 nights! Rudy Lopez will be my roomy at the Stagecoach, and Don(?) will be sharing a room at the Motel 6 with Barrie C. at the Motel 6. Robert Van Houtte is looking to book in some where for a booking at this time also.

I think it's time(?) to move this over to it's own thread on the FJR1300 Forum. Stay tuned to the CA. page!
