Did You LOSE Something When Your Wheels Came LOOSE?

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Is it time for a MadMike2 post? He could blow a fuse on the spell check mechanism.
That is not likely to happen any time soon. I've had my "chops busted" about a few issues via PM and that is one of them. My time is better spent elsewhere on matters more important.
No way Mike, say it ain't so. :unsure:
Ahhhh, yes. Those hyper-sensitive, no-humor-having-ass-munch-phuck-wads. Gotta love that ****.

That's OK, MM2, there are no such worries once you're at the bar in Golden after a day of riding the Rockies. See you their there!

I have a personal editor. It really saves on embarassing moments such as this.

Surely, you poor bastards don't type this hype yourself. I mean, gee, do you all not realize just how many unemployed English majors are out there?

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Wow!, another love in, on this thrtead, two!!??? I hope SlooterH doesn''t cloose this one to.
Screw him! I'll plink his big old floppy ears until he gives. ;)


That is not likely to happen any time soon. I've had my "chops busted" about a few issues via PM and that is one of them.
Are you kidding me?!

Ah yes the bar in Golden, that will be a sight to see wednesday evening.....

First ones on me, Iffn i know you that is.


There's only four kinds of people in the world: those bothered by this stuff, those that it doesn't bother at all, and those who can't do math.
wait a tick?>

There's only four kinds of people in the world:

1.) those bothered by this stuff

2.) those that it doesn't bother at all

3.) and those who can't do math.

4.) ?????????????????????????
OK, you're obviously a member of the fourth group. Or the fifth.

Let me make it really simple.**** YOU ALL YOU ****** *****.

.....as bust would say......" eat a dik".
This is a family forum, we'll have none of that....

Odot - You truly are a forum enigma!

Hey guys, how's that statue coming for odot?
Geez, no need to call somebody an emema. That's pretty harsh. (I love what I've started here.)

I have a personal editor. It really saves on embarassing moments such as this.
Surely, you poor bastards don't type this hype yourself. I mean, gee, do you all not realize just how many unemployed English majors are out there?
Got any jobs for an unemployed history major?

I have a personal editor. It really saves on embarassing moments such as this.
Surely, you poor bastards don't type this hype yourself. I mean, gee, do you all not realize just how many unemployed English majors are out there?
Got any jobs for an unemployed history major?
Of course. The restrooms are right down the hall, on the right.

I'm with you on that Mike, as well as several other common spelling and grammar errors. On the other hand, we are a diverse community and can embrace our differences. (I think it went something like that, when I was interviewed by the HR manager in light of a comment made to a co-worker). Some of us are differently abled. Is it time for a MadMike2 post? He could blow a fuse on the spell check mechanism.

QUOTE (juniorfjr @ Jun 18 2008, 06:55 PM)

The one that bugs me is "I did it on accident" GRRRRRRR.

Or how about..... 'The car went out of control' instead of saying that the driver either lost control, or never really had it in the first place.
Or how about: "The telephone pole just jumped out in front of me!"

you are a bunch of knit-pik'ers.' I think y'all need to get layed! middle aged virginity is never good :)

I mean this hole thred is over an extra ******* (yeah I can spell that one write) :eek:

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They have right hands......they can take care of themselves.

edit:....oh, good one, rad.

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They have right hands......they can take care of themselves.

edit:....oh, good one, rad.
Get the irony? I mean, "Adolph sez"...........Gawd I cill me!

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I have a personal editor. It really saves on embarassing moments such as this.
Surely, you poor bastards don't type this hype yourself. I mean, gee, do you all not realize just how many unemployed English majors are out there?
Got any jobs for an unemployed history major?
Of course. The restrooms are right down the hall, on the right.
How appropro! Now, if you can just find something for the psych majors...


One entry found.


Main Entry: hom·onym

Pronunciation: \ˈhä-mə-ˌnim, ˈhō-\

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin homonymum, from Greek homōnymon, from neuter of homōnymos

Date: 1697

1 a: homophone b: homograph c: one of two or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning (as the noun quail and the verb quail)

2: namesake

3: a taxonomic designation rejected as invalid because the identical term has been used to designate another group of the same rank — compare synonym

— hom·onym·ic \ˌhä-mə-ˈni-mik, ˌhō-\ adjective

Where this all started and because I couldn't remember the word.
