Did You LOSE Something When Your Wheels Came LOOSE?

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Don't even get me started on the way that our society has started accepting stupid phrases like, "My Bad."
Your bad? Your bad what? Brain? Yeah, I think so.
Your bad breath? Or should I say breadth?

What about there/their/they're?

I'm just glad I know how to spell zigzag and zizzle!

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WRECKless driving vs. RECKless driving... one gets you a discount on your insurance, the other, a trip to the pokey.

OK, I can't conduct spelling and grammar classes for all of you, but it's worth a shot here. As a longtime internet user I've grown used to misplaced apostrophies, misspellings, typos, and all the other ways a writer can go wrong, but the one that just GRINDS MY TEETH, and I hate to say one that's seen hereabouts waaaaay too often, is seeing the word "lose" (you know, you can't find something) spelled "loose" (damn, I have a loose tooth. Notify the tooth fairy.") Not to mention "Hey, what a looser you are." Ghhhhhrrrrrkkkk! :ranting2:
OK, that's it. Before you post, feel free to PM me. I'll be glad to advise on a case-by-case basis.
Standard plural for "apostrophe" is "apostrophes."

I have to agree with the spelling nazis and grammarians. On the one hand, it is positive that people can sit down and communicate their (not there :rolleyes: ) thoughts, etc, on the internet. On the other, I decry the lack of attention to detail and lack of understanding of the importance of quality. I work with a guy who's grammar is appalling -- "Me and him did ..." Gack! I really don't know how (or why) he survives in the business world. Do businesses these days accept shoddy oral and written communications skills? How in the world did this young man get to his mid-to-late-20s getting away with it?

I'm just rereading "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" so the inattention to quality thing is interesting. Book report to follow.

Cheers all,


OK, I can't conduct spelling and grammar classes for all of you, but it's worth a shot here. As a longtime internet user I've grown used to misplaced apostrophies, misspellings, typos, and all the other ways a writer can go wrong, but the one that just GRINDS MY TEETH, and I hate to say one that's seen hereabouts waaaaay too often, is seeing the word "lose" (you know, you can't find something) spelled "loose" (damn, I have a loose tooth. Notify the tooth fairy.") Not to mention "Hey, what a looser you are." Ghhhhhrrrrrkkkk! :ranting2:
OK, that's it. Before you post, feel free to PM me. I'll be glad to advise on a case-by-case basis.
Standard plural for "apostrophe" is "apostrophes."
Excellent Walt! :lol:

There's only four kinds of people in the world: those bothered by this stuff, those that it doesn't bother at all, and those who can't do math.
Ok there SactoMike, Spleen this to me pleeze. If Math is numbers and Mathmatical is got to do with numbers. Then why ain't Gramatical got to do with the metric system?

There's only four kinds of people in the world: those bothered by this stuff, those that it doesn't bother at all, and those who can't do math.
wait a tick?>

There's only four kinds of people in the world:

1.) those bothered by this stuff

2.) those that it doesn't bother at all

3.) and those who can't do math.

4.) ?????????????????????????

OK, I can't conduct spelling and grammar classes for all of you, but it's worth a shot here. As a longtime internet user I've grown used to misplaced apostrophies, misspellings, typos, and all the other ways a writer can go wrong, but the one that just GRINDS MY TEETH, and I hate to say one that's seen hereabouts waaaaay too often, is seeing the word "lose" (you know, you can't find something) spelled "loose" (damn, I have a loose tooth. Notify the tooth fairy.") Not to mention "Hey, what a looser you are." Ghhhhhrrrrrkkkk! :ranting2:
OK, that's it. Before you post, feel free to PM me. I'll be glad to advise on a case-by-case basis.
Standard plural for "apostrophe" is "apostrophes."
Goddam grammar nazi.

There's only four kinds of people in the world: those bothered by this stuff, those that it doesn't bother at all, and those who can't do math.
Ok there SactoMike, Spleen this to me pleeze. If Math is numbers and Mathmatical is got to do with numbers. Then why ain't Gramatical got to do with the metric system?
I thought you were gonna say somethin' about my Gramma. Better not, pal. :grrr:

I'm with you on that Mike, as well as several other common spelling and grammar errors. On the other hand, we are a diverse community and can embrace our differences. (I think it went something like that, when I was interviewed by the HR manager in light of a comment made to a co-worker). Some of us are differently abled. Is it time for a MadMike2 post? He could blow a fuse on the spell check mechanism.


The one that bugs me is "I did it on accident" GRRRRRRR.
Or how about..... 'The car went out of control' instead of saying that the driver either lost control, or never really had it in the first place.

I'm with you on that Mike, as well as several other common spelling and grammar errors. On the other hand, we are a diverse community and can embrace our differences. (I think it went something like that, when I was interviewed by the HR manager in light of a comment made to a co-worker). Some of us are differently abled. Is it time for a MadMike2 post? He could blow a fuse on the spell check mechanism.

The one that bugs me is "I did it on accident" GRRRRRRR.
Or how about..... 'The car went out of control' instead of saying that the driver either lost control, or never really had it in the first place.
Jill, you're so reasonable and sane. I'm sure you struggle to fit in here. :D

I know folks who can't spheuel worth a fueck but can wuld, repair, fixx, do better than paid physiologists on famaily maters and have a grater cense of the wurld than I ever will. I appreciate their talents and accept their challenges. Too me, diversity is the key. I am friends with some technical genuses who kant speuhl but can program a space shuttle launch. (Not you Daniel :rolleyes: , you no how to speul). On the other hand, I daily deal with folks with fancy titles (doctor, phd, Mensa) award winners, who can't figure out how to even configure IMAP Outlook. So who is really chkallenged? :unsure:

I judge no one lest I be judged by the Mensa mind-spurting ego-endowed nimwads I would never want to assoiciate wid. :rolleyes: :unsure: :glare: :angry: [SIZE=8pt](guess I DO judge people after all)[/SIZE]

Is it time for a MadMike2 post? He could blow a fuse on the spell check mechanism.
That is not likely to happen any time soon. I've had my "chops busted" about a few issues via PM and that is one of them. My time is better spent elsewhere on matters more important than participating in an argument with those who have no understanding or sense of humor.

Mike, my friend and riding buddy, it might be best to let this entire subject drop. Those who care will already be attempting increased knowledge and applied improvement. Those who don't will waste your time and their emotional energy defending the lack they cannot or will not understand.

Don has taken the high ground on the matter. It is really about the intent of the particular person's heart and our ability to understand rather than someone trying to fill the role of English tutor.

We could start a thread about the mispronunciation (Those interested could look here) of words by normal, educated and public personalities, like:

nuclear vs "nuke-you-ler"

[SIZE=8pt](I have spelled phonetically for emphasis, not to insult or demean any person, creed, science or religion. Keep your PMs to yourself or be added to my "block" list.)[/SIZE]

OR, we could just let it fade away. :rolleyes:

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Let me make it really simple.


.....as bust would say......" eat a dik".
