DIY Oil a pool of oil in cowling

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Well-known member
May 31, 2007
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Tonight, I changed the oil and filter using the tips in the "Bin-O-Facts" regarding choice of oil filter and amount of oil (used 4.33 qts), and then I started up the bike and let it idle.

After about a minute, I noticed a couple of half dollar-sized drops accumulate on the ground right below the rear of the fairing behind the radiator (near where the exhaust pipes came down from the engine). I promptly shut her down and inspected the area.

I suspected I didn't tighten the drain plug, but it was tight and, besides, the oil was about five inches forward of that, anyway. I shined a flashlight inside the fairing and I noticed a small accumulation of oil inside the fairing behind the radiator.

I don't think I overfilled it, and neither the drain plug nor filter is leaking.

Thoughts? I bow to your knowledge and experience...


Was it a pool of oil or a couple drops? When you were draining the oil, is there any chance some oil ran down onto the exhaust and then followed the exhaust down and then dripped? Feel the underside of the exhaust pipes to see if they have oil on them.

btw...'02 Spyder here

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Ooops, sounds like daspyda will now be called dacleana :rolleyes: . Can u trace the oil? Filter change too? Sometimmes I have some residual oil from bottom of the pan I didn't get 'cuz I was in a hurry! Let us know whe you find out, please.

Was it a pool of oil or a couple drops? When you were draining the oil, is there any chance some oil ran down onto the exhaust and then followed the exhaust down and then dripped? Feel the underside of the exhaust pipes to see if they have oil on them.
Wow...thanks. That gave me an idea to check out the area along the bottom of the fairing all the way back to the filter.

Turns out, some oil escaped from the oil filter pickup inlet after I removed the old filter. It fell into the ridge at the bottom of the fairing, ran to the front and pooled in the "V" of the fairing.

Note to self: place a shop cloth beneath the oil filter before removal to catch any leakage.

Thank you, Randy!!!!


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Note to self: place a shop cloth beneath the oil filter before removal to catch any leakage.
Pull that screw at the bottom of the fairing and stick a little piece of wood in it to pry it away so it won't get a stream of oil on it.

Note to self: place a shop cloth beneath the oil filter before removal to catch any leakage.
Pull that screw at the bottom of the fairing and stick a little piece of wood in it to pry it away so it won't get a stream of oil on it.
In lieu of a shop cloth, a piece of aluminum foil can be used. Folded over the fairing lower, to prevent any stray oil from hiding in there or on the exhaust. Foil can be shaped to act as a funnel to route the oil toward your drain pan. Works well and then just throw it away.

I slip a baggie over the fairing below the filter, after removing the screw of course. I save the foil for my hats.

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After I take out the screw in the flaring, I just unfold the box the new filter came in, and put it beween the flaring and the engine.

Wow....if you don't fix that leak I am calling the E.P.A on your ass. And where them damn ducks are located.....they don't mess around with oil leaks.

Tonight, I changed the oil and filter using the tips in the "Bin-O-Facts" regarding choice of oil filter and amount of oil (used 4.33 qts), and then I started up the bike and let it idle.
After about a minute, I noticed a couple of half dollar-sized drops accumulate on the ground right below the rear of the fairing behind the radiator (near where the exhaust pipes came down from the engine). I promptly shut her down and inspected the area.

I suspected I didn't tighten the drain plug, but it was tight and, besides, the oil was about five inches forward of that, anyway. I shined a flashlight inside the fairing and I noticed a small accumulation of oil inside the fairing behind the radiator.

I don't think I overfilled it, and neither the drain plug nor filter is leaking.

Thoughts? I bow to your knowledge and experience...

All the oil you are seeing runs down from the filter mating surface and drips onto the bodywork below and runs forward and aft resulting in oil dripping on either side of your drainpan(but not IN it!!) after draining the oil take the bike off the center stand and onto the sidestand - unscrew the oil filter about 1 turn - drill/punch a hole in the side of the filter - then turn the hole to the bottom and let the filter completely drain - THEN take the filter off.

Great idea about the hole in the filter, Tolley. Can you shed some light on the crush washer business? I actually don't even recall seeing one on the drain plug from my original oil change.......was there one or have they stopped using one?

The main thing is not to over tighten the drain plug, like factory specs. I usually torque the plug to 20 to 25 lbs. And Odot, lighten up eh? It's just a couple drops, no need to alert the EPA cops....they might bring guns. PM. <>< :D :D

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I slip a baggie over the fairing below the filter, after removing the screw of course. I save the foil for my hats.
Right! Them gamma rays is every where.

Pull the bolt on the lower flaring, then take the box the filter came in apart at the seams, unfold the box, and put on top the flaring under the filter. The oil runs down into the drain pan not the flaring, your sandwich stays fresh in your baggie, an you stay safe from the gamma rays inside your foil hat.
