Do you always wear a helmet?

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yep i always wear a helmet. i value my melon.
i've even had to get a mirrored visor on my helmet cause i got tired of the boys swerving into my lane as they were trying get a look at me. has helped alot.

it's just common sense to wear a helmet.
Curious... Do you carry a clear shield for night riding?
Yeah, absolutely I do! I do alot of night riding in the summer when it's not as hot so I gotta have it with me.

Always when I am riding my kids to ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Full Coverage Snell approved spend money on good lids and spend the time to have it fit right.

Always. Ever since my Dad took the keys from me at age-3. Yes, I was three years old when I started riding and yes, dirt bikes had keys in those days.

I even put on a helmet when I am riding a bike down my deadend street to dry it off after washing. My kids put on a helmet before they sit on a bike or quad.

I love my head, almost as much as I love theirs. :rolleyes:

I live near several ski mountains and we had three fatalities on the ski trails this season. If people are dying by hitting a tree at skiing speeds then I sure don't want to hit my unprotected head on anything at FJR speeds.

I just got back from a week of golf in Myrtle Beach, SC. No helmet required there. It made me cringe every time I saw a guy on a sport bike, frequently with a young pillion, and no helmet on either of them.

Slightly off topic, but I was watching The Today Show I think, while waiting for my truck to get fixed at the dealer, when I saw that 18 fatalities occured during Daytona Bike week; there was no mention of helmet usage but I can probably guess.

What a wunderful thread.....I just wated 1/2 hour of good productive time here at work and swore I would not participate. But I have to, cant just let this die!

62 years old, riding since I was 14 on some kinda two wheeler. Several crashes but as an MSF instructor/coach, I used to tell my students that I only count the ones where a trip to the emergency room was in order. Two of those, one was in/out same afternoon (FJ1100 vs Ford wagon...wagon won.) The other resulted in four days in hospital waiting for them to fix my left hand (I think the bike fell on it, crushed two bones) with plates and screws.

Helmets? You bet. I had to throw two of them away after my crashes.

Fault? Mine the first time, inattentive, car stopped, I didn't. Second time was while passing a car, he decided to turn left with no signal. 55 mph crash, totaled the '05 BMWLT. This was the one that led to the hospital stay. Both times full face helmets were ground down to the core.

And in November, I hit a median with my FJR, about 30 mph, banged up my helmet pretty good too. A bruise on my elbow was extent of injury. FJR had busted wheel though!

But helmet laws? No. I feel it should be up to the individual. I honestly cant imagine why one would ride without one but it does all come down to assumption of risk. And If I were going to spend all my time riding at 80 or 100, rather than 35 - 60, I probably wouldn't wear one either (I dont want to be kept alive after a 100 mph crash!) But as Busey learned, 25 mph is all it takes. I too put my helmet on to move my bikes from the workshop to the house and back, < 100 yds. Ground hard, head soft (well sorta...) And I dont buy the 'Social burden' thing either.

Bye, y'all

Riding since I was five or six...back in the very early 60's...old man always made sure I was wearing a helmet, whether I was in competition..(early motocross) or not...same thing with ear plugs...always wear them...personally I think it should be the individuals choice......but.....I also believe your insurance should reflect that...bottom line....... if you fall not wearing a skid lid the odds are your going to do more damage than not but it should still be your choice right or wrong..... now that & a buck & a quarter will buy you a cup of coffee :D

Always in every sport where my head could come into contact with something over 10 MPH. Found a great new reason to have a flip front helmet today- bumble bee smacks up into helmet... flip the lid and bumble bee pours out...nice B) .

I've been wearing one ever since my hero decided NOT to wear his.


Of course, that fabled "Jan Berry/Brian Wilson Stare" gets ALL the girls.


Put together Busey, Wilson and Berry (if he were alive) and what would you have?


for every ONE of these stories ----> "My mom being a cop has told me stories of seat belt cutting people completely in half=dead."

There are TEN stories of people who received minor injuries in a rollover or collision and did not get thrown out of or into the window and lived to tell about it.

When a person participates in a dangerous activity involving speed they are just plain foolish, and selfish, not to wear personal protective equipment like seat belts and helmets.

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Seatbelt and or helmet laws are not a restriction of your personal freedoms. They are or should be a requirement to operate a motor vehicle, just like a drivers license is.

When a person participates in a dangerous activity involving speed they are just plain foolish, and selfish, not to wear personal protective equipment like seat belts and helmets.
I'm foolish. And selfish. I don't even care what you have to say. I don't want to wear a helmet or a seatbelt. I think it's foolish and selfish of you to insist that I do! There, we're even. :p :lol:

(I'm surprised the moderators let this one go..... :eh: )

Seatbelt and or helmet laws are not a restriction of your personal freedoms. They are or should be a requirement to operate a motor vehicle, just like a drivers license is.
I disagree completely. A license proves (well, is intended to prove, let's not get into an argument about how easy it is to pass drivers test) that you can drive well enough not to kill other people. Seatbelts and Helmets do nothing but protect yourself, they shouldn't be legislated.

If you want to open the "medical costs" pandora's box, it pretty quickly degenerates into a "Outlaw McDonalds" argument, so I don't buy that. Plus, I'd be interested in whether or not helmet-less riders in accidents actually cost less because they're dead, but, again, I just don't buy the medical cost to society argument at all unless you want to take it further than just helmets/seatbelts.

All that said, however! I _always_ wear a helmet (and gear) on a bike, and seatbelts in a car, and I think people that don't are stupid. But, that's just my opinion, and I don't think government should dictate that people not be stupid.

Seatbelt and or helmet laws are not a restriction of your personal freedoms.

Missed that day in Civics class, didja?

All laws...that's ALL laws are restrictions of personal freedoms.

It's just that some freedoms should be restricted, and some laws are bad.

Not disagreeing with your stance that seatbelt and helmet laws are good things, just your contention that said laws are not restrictions of personal freedom, because they certainly are.

A license proves (well, is intended to prove, let's not get into an argument about how easy it is to pass drivers test) that you can drive well enough not to kill other people. Seatbelts and Helmets do nothing but protect yourself, they shouldn't be legislated.
A license only proves that a person has minimal working knowledge of state traffic laws, not that they have ANY ability to drive without being a threat to themselves or others.

And your "victimless crime" argument is just dying for someone to jump in and pound to pieces. Tell it to the wives, sons and daughters of dead drivers who weren't bothered to wear seatbelts or helmets.

"Hell, I'm Dale 'The Intimidator" Earnhardt'. I don't need no gawdamn, sissyfied HANs device."

Thank you very much.


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