Drunk Posting -- Potential safegard ??

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Reno, NV
I see our friends at Google are addressing the issue. Me wonders if the technology could be brought into the forum here. LOL

Anyone who has been on either side of a post or email that you know would be taken back if at all possible should appreciate this.

Yep, I've been on both sides of those kinds of emails. LOL

go here clicky

We developed a committee last month to look into this. Odot and BustaNut Joker are the committee chairs. :D

Do you guys have any progress?


DUMBASS!! It's PWI! Posting While Intoxicated and, It's damn assed MANDATORY at least once a month here.

Damnit John. Get a grip!!!


I'm still thinkin a breathalyzer hooked to ta the send button'd keep me outa sum shtuff...

i'm jus sayin...


Though I hate it when I send them, I love READING drunk posts. I wish there were more of them here on the forum lately.
Yep, I agree with the Old one here. If yer dumb enough to post while intoxicated, it stays up and we get to have fun with it. If it's timely for a Friday dogpile (or even at any time), we have a good DP at your expense. I believe we need to carry that tradition forward in honor of TWN. IIRC, he was in Alaska when we last had such an opportunity -- it was Lago who P'dWI and took that beatdown, but noted his impaired condition before TWN could rejoin and help us stomp him. Still, we got several good pages out of it, and I believe it was a part of the Cliff notes version we filled TWN in on upon his return.

So, R.J. -- if you post while intoxicated and we give you the beatdown you have coming, just buck up and consider that you're taking it to honor a tradition that you know TWN would have approved of continuing.


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Mail Goggles software comes to life after dark and on weekends, when altered states of mind are more probable, and requires that five simple math problems be answered correctly in less than a minute in order to send a Gmail missive.
Shit. You peons can't get 5 simple math problems right sober, let along drunk! :lol: (unless it involves calculating fuel mileage)

Now, if we could only make it ask 5 simple grammatical questions, I might adopt it!

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Mail Goggles software comes to life after dark and on weekends, when altered states of mind are more probable, and requires that five simple math problems be answered correctly in less than a minute in order to send a Gmail missive.
Shit. You peons can't get 5 simple math problems right sober, let along drunk! :lol: (unless it involves calculating fuel mileage)

Now, if we could only make it ask 5 simple grammatical questions, I might adopt it!

You don't need 5 questions, only one.


(What would Odot do?)

The Friday Dog Piles only happen because of the drinking. The really drunk ones post up their tar babies, and the mildly buzzing masses have something shiny to play with all night long. Just like a million monkies, occasionally, some mildly drunk sot, or perhaps the drowned rat of an OP, coughs up a moment of brilliance that makes it all worthwhile.

I've always called what you guys are referring to as TWI (Typing while Intoxicated)... but PUI works for me, too!
