Electric gloves in Central Florida...

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Crash Cash

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
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Does anybody know anyone that stocks electric gloves within driving distance of Orlando? I've called the Cycle Gears in Orlando, Sanford, Tampa, and Daytona. I've also called the Helmet Shoppes in Orlando & Daytona, as well as the dealerships like Orlando Yamaha, Cycle Sports Center, Spaceport Yamaha, and that place down near Mercy Drive. I even got one ******** that even said "why would we stock something like that?" at Seminole Powersports. :huh:

Anywhere I'm missing that someone else can think of?

EDIT: I was hoping to try the new Warm'n'Safe stuff, but I'd happy with Gerbing. I have the Gerbing inserts, but I'd like to see if I can find the actual gloves that fit. My size is usually medium to XXL, depending on the cut.

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Does anybody know anyone that stocks electric gloves within driving distance of Orlando? I've called the Cycle Gears in Orlando, Sanford, Tampa, and Daytona. I've also called the Helmet Shoppes in Orlando & Daytona, as well as the dealerships like Orlando Yamaha, Cycle Sports Center, Spaceport Yamaha, and that place down near Mercy Drive. I even got one ******** that even said "why would we stock something like that?" at Seminole Powersports. :huh:

Anywhere I'm missing that someone else can think of?

EDIT: I was hoping to try the new Warm'n'Safe stuff, but I'd happy with Gerbing. I have the Gerbing inserts, but I'd like to see if I can find the actual gloves that fit. My size is usually medium to XXL, depending on the cut.
It depends how bad you want them. You might be able to get them at a Harley dealer. I think that Harley Electric Gloves are made by Gerbing. Just make sure to park out back when you pick them up! :yahoo:

I had a pair for three years and only sold them because I thought I'd never ride again after a bad crash. I used them for three winters and they were so warm I couldn't use them fully on.

It depends how bad you want them. You might be able to get them at a Harley dealer. I think that Harley Electric Gloves are made by Gerbing. Just make sure to park out back when you pick them up! :yahoo:
Actually, the funny part is that's what I was going to do after work, since there's a HD dealer 3 blocks from home! It would be the first time I've visited since they built it a couple years ago.

However, there's also the Helmet Shoppe next door, so I stopped by in person, and chatted with the guy, and he agreed to order some Warm'n'Safe gloves in L & XL, if I agreed to buy whichever one fit, since I've bought a ton of stuff from him in the past. They're in stock in Florida and should be here by the weekend.

So I was saved from the humiliation of walking into a HD dealership... :)

I would install OEM heated grips.

Takes the chill off those cool mornings and nites.

Then you will have them when if you need them.

No extra plugs, No extra groves to carry.

As a Canadian heated grips allows me to ride into 34F temps. without putting on snowmoble groves.

My two cents


Some of us are wondering why a Florida rider needs heated gloves???
Because it's been 34F-43F for the past couple weeks going to work in the morning, with some of the coldest temps since 1977, and the coldest average December since 1989?? And yeah, I'll start considering OEM grips. It can't hurt, and doesn't take up any room...

EDIT: OEM grips: $365 Moldavian clams!! Yeow! My arse!! It's hot and hurts and stuff!! No wonder you only have two cents left!!

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Some of us are wondering why a Florida rider needs heated gloves???
Because it's been 34F-43F for the past couple weeks going to work in the morning, with some of the coldest temps since 1977, and the coldest average December since 1989?? And yeah, I'll start considering OEM grips. It can't hurt, and doesn't take up any room...

EDIT: OEM grips: $365 Moldavian clams!! Yeow! My arse!! It's hot and hurts and stuff!! No wonder you only have two cents left!!
My brother inlaw lives in Naples FL & called to say he was freezing his butt off (i personally am still riding in the 20`s with no heated gear) :p Just woundering if the end plugs are the same for the Gerbings as the Warm`n`Safe. Yes i`m looking at getting heated stuff (tired of the turtle affect) :yahoo:

Some of us are wondering why a Florida rider needs heated gloves???
Because it's been 34F-43F for the past couple weeks going to work in the morning, with some of the coldest temps since 1977, and the coldest average December since 1989?? And yeah, I'll start considering OEM grips. It can't hurt, and doesn't take up any room...

EDIT: OEM grips: $365 Moldavian clams!! Yeow! My arse!! It's hot and hurts and stuff!! No wonder you only have two cents left!!
My brother inlaw lives in Naples FL & called to say he was freezing his butt off (i personally am still riding in the 20`s with no heated gear) :p Just woundering if the end plugs are the same for the Gerbings as the Warm`n`Safe. Yes i`m looking at getting heated stuff (tired of the turtle affect) :yahoo:
Yes, they both have N size coax plugs. I don;t recommend the Gerbing G3's as your hands will sweat. I have W&S Ultimates.


I'm just down the road from you in Polk County, so I know of what you speak concerning the recent cold...

But you SURELY don't expect to get any of our Northern brothers to cut you a single milligram of "slack" when you post-up requesting heated glove info for a Florida rider, do you?

And people wonder why I carry snowmobile gloves in my side cases. :blum:

At least we're still riding! Fook them northern fairies! :finger:


I'm just down the road from you in Polk County, so I know of what you speak concerning the recent cold...

But you SURELY don't expect to get any of our Northern brothers to cut you a single milligram of "slack" when you post-up requesting heated glove info for a Florida rider, do you?

And people wonder why I carry snowmobile gloves in my side cases. :blum:

At least we're still riding! Fook them northern fairies! :finger:
+1, Gunny; Yeah, fook 'em!

I've been to work through more 25-degree days this year than I can remember in several years before, and it's not even New Year's yet. All the liners in my gear, plus a fleece jacket inside, and winter waterproof gloves that I can't use the garage door remote or the GPS with, having 1/2-acre fingertips.

But as RH points out, we are riding!

I'm just glad I don't have to ride my naked SV-650 now... that 1300cc space heater is nice!

I got a British Motorcycle Gear jacket at Bike Week last year and some First Gear Thinsulate overpants from Cycle Gear. Between that and the Cee Bailey's +6 +4 shield, and the v-strom guards, I stay pretty toasty.

But yeah, I got tired of trying to drive with boxing mitts on, thus the "Quest For Electric Gloves That Fit". I also broke down and bought the OEM heated grips... what the hell, it's Christmas!

And today it was 72F, so I sure as hell took advantage of that! Today I said "you Florida people are all such wimps! I'm from oop nawth and we know how to handle cold weather!!" so the waitress rolled her eyes and said "yeah? from where, up north?"


Anyone use the Tourmaster Synergy gloves? It seems like I'll have to shell out $250+ for a Gerbings setup and these are around $150 with built in controller and on/off switch. I guess I'll stop by the Gerbings booth at IMS and confirm exactly what I need.

I would install OEM heated grips.
They just arrived today. Holy crap. I've never seen so many little pouches and boxes marked "YAMAHA". Plus a tube of Genuine Yamaha Yamabond #7 handlebar grip adhesive "specially formulated for bonding rubber to metal" - I kid you not. And instructions that seem fairly clear with no Japanglish.

I think I got my $400 worth.

So is this the standard controller? It looks a little different:


Some of us are wondering why a Florida rider needs heated gloves???
All things are relative, and what's cold for us may be a warm summer day for you! With that said, we had a heck of a cold winter last yr, and 3 freezes so far this yr in beautiful Central Florida. I was in Key West over the holidays and one day it was a high of 55!

I bought a Gerbings heated insoles, jacket liner, and glove liners. Of course, now the gloves don't fit into any set of gloves I own, so I need to head down to the Helmet shop or someplace and do some trial fits. Prolly out to install heated grips for most occasions...

Actually, the funny part is that's what I was going to do after work, since there's a HD dealer 3 blocks from home! It would be the first time I've visited since they built it a couple years ago.
Crash, which dealer do you live nearby? "A couple of yrs ago" has got to be the one near Waterford Lakes?

I would also look into Hippo hands or WaterShed bar covers along with the heated grips, I can wear summer gloves and keep hands warm with the wind and rain off. These are from WaterShed the same ones the Police Motor Officer uses. There are some bar covers on E-Bay for a lot less


