engine dies when trying to take off 08 FJR

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Well-known member
May 13, 2008
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Port Angeles, WA
Damdist thing has started happening on my 08. Crack the throttle getting ready to let the clutch out and the engine dies. Everything else is on. Engine is at normal temp, bike fires right back up with no hesitations. Only seems to happen at most once per ignition cycle. And I can't seem to reliably duplicate it. First couple of times I honestly thought I wasn't paying attention and let the clutch out too fast. Have since found that's not the case. Any thoughts???

Most time the problems you are experiencing are caused by too low an idle speed. Is your idle speed at 1100 rpm? If not, bump it up and most likely your problems will be solved.

My 2007 did that once in a while during the first 1000 to 1200 miles and it hasn't done it since. Everything was proper on mine too. Idle was set correctly, but it would just die as you started to crack the throttle to move away. I'm glad it's gone, but I'm installing my PCIII tomorrow and that should make everything a whole lot better.

Most time the problems you are experiencing are caused by too low an idle speed. Is your idle speed at 1100 rpm? If not, bump it up and most likely your problems will be solved.
Yup! :thumbsup:

Also how many miles on it? Mine started running much better after about 2500.

Most time the problems you are experiencing are caused by too low an idle speed.
Figured as much. Many of the problems listed on this fourm I don't have however. Idle speed at full operating temp is just over 1100. This tends to happen after sitting idling through a red light or waiting on traffic before takeoff. A quick blip of the throttle before starting to let the clutch out and... nothing. Hit the starter button and life resumes. No other issues. It does seem to be on the first warm up of any given ignition cycle but not everytime. EG- Start bike cold, get two bars and start riding. Get stopped at an intersection (around 4 bars temp now) blip the throttle, usually as rpm's are coming down i'll start easing the clutch out, and nothing. bike has stalled. Starts right back up and doesn't miss a beat till some other ignition cycle. Could be a week, could be next day. No real rhyme or reason to otherwise.

Also how many miles on it? Mine started running much better after about 2500.

Started doing it (first time I remember that I know it wasn't me not paying attenion to the clutch) was around the 2000 mile mark. I now have just over 3500.

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Maybe not. If the bike "thinks" the kickstand is down (even though it physically isn't) it will kill the ignition when the clutch is released.

There was another guy with a a new '08 that said a similar thing happened to him and he dropped his bike. I wonder if there are some problems with the kickstand / clutch interlocks on '08's?

I have an '08 with a little over 300 miles (I know, ride more), and it happened once - but I think that was user error (still getting used to the clutch).


Maybe not. If the bike "thinks" the kickstand is down (even though it physically isn't) it will kill the ignition when the clutch is released.

There was another guy with a a new '08 that said a similar thing happened to him and he dropped his bike. I wonder if there are some problems with the kickstand / clutch interlocks on '08's?
Thought about that. Checked the operation for the kickstand kill switch before posting to the forum. In gear (on my 08 anyhow) clutch in at a stop slide the kickstand down and about halfway down the bike shuts off. Can't restart until the stand is either up or the bike is put back into neutral. Wish it was something simple like that.

Have 3000 on mine and it stalls at any given time and it's not the kick stand i would say once every 100 miles it matters not hot or cold/ also i have to replace the front tire it seems the center of the tire has erupted the stealer said i ran it under inflated, he pulled out his $1.00 stick air measureing tool and said i was running 36 lbs. i pulled out my $ 79.00 snap on gauge and it read 41 lbs. he said his reading would prevail. MORE TO COME ON THIS

Damdist thing has started happening on my 08. Crack the throttle getting ready to let the clutch out and the engine dies. Everything else is on. Engine is at normal temp, bike fires right back up with no hesitations. Only seems to happen at most once per ignition cycle. And I can't seem to reliably duplicate it. First couple of times I honestly thought I wasn't paying attention and let the clutch out too fast. Have since found that's not the case. Any thoughts???
I have a week old 08, it has happen twice, each time within 5 minutes of engine start. Idle is 1100 rpm. While down shifting I would throttle up to match rpm and it died twice, lucky enough in a straight line. Now I wait for about 5 minutes of warm up, and no problems so far.

Mine has done that once, but I am due for the 600 mile service and I'm thinking it may be the throttle body sync?? that the PM calls for?

Mine has done that once, but I am due for the 600 mile service and I'm thinking it may be the throttle body sync?? that the PM calls for?
I do not think a TBS would effect the stalling. Either the idle is too low, there is operator error of some kind or there is a some sort of engine control electrical problem (sidestand sensor, TPS, ECU, etc.). I'd go with raising the idle speed first. Set it up to around 1200-1300 rpm and see if the problem goes away. 1100 rpm is spec, but a few more rpms won't hurt anything. A few less may.

Hi all, I have the exact issue clicky. Bike has 60 miles on it. 25 from and to the dealer.

If you know already go a paragraph down. I was turning right onto a busy street from a stop. Hit the gas let out the clutch and 600 lbs of bike lands on me. 5 days old.

Like you I also had stalls going home, thinking it was my error (after 21 years and 10 bikes I would think I know the way to take off) anyway. I troubleshot on here, asked for help with the intermittent die and was pointed toward a raise in idle. Easy enough. Raised it to a warm 1100. Great. Assumed it was good.

Took it out. 4 miles later, die-fall. NOT THE IDLE FOLKS. Not an ignition prob, not a kickstand prob, no loose wires.

It was in the shop for 4 days with the techs on the phone with Yamaha every day before they pronounced it Good To Go!. Along the way they had to perform the CO mod that is locked out from the US which if we did would void our warranty, TB synchs, possibly voodoo... I have told them I won't take a damaged bike back from them since they never test drove it and it is THEIR problem.

Forward to today, Wednesday, 8/13/08 and I am (hopefully) in the final stage of them settling with me on a new bike. Plus the Helmet that put a 3" round dent in the gas tank.

This is not normal bike behavior, it is apparently somewhat common since there are not THAT many sold every month and how many frequent this board? 10%?

Take yours back. reproduce the problem. Don't leave until you do. Don't take it back until it is right.

If you stall on a left turn in front of a 18 wheeler. What then?

If they don't settle with me I am starting a lawsuit, already to go, just want them to make it right before I become a dick.

I'll keep you in the loop, as I may ask for general info from anyone with the same problem and I would be glad to share anything to help a fellow FJR out.

