2 weeks and so much left to do!
tby's bike has been in the shop a week now. All it needed was a service and a new tire. Apparently UPS messed up (who knows who messed up really) and they say it MIGHT be in today, which means we MIGHT get his back back tomorrow. If not, we'll get it back Monday.
We ordered a new set of bars for me. We are getting some from the Spyder ST because they are a tad taller and a few inches closer so I can reach again. I don't sit the same way I did before my back surgery and now I can't reach the bars without leaning forward and then leaning back, stretching my shoulder, shoulder blades, and neck muscles causing massive amounts of numbness and tingling and over all 'I want to die" feelings every night. So, new bars are on the way... and I need to get my new tire installed before we go. I like the idea of packing well in advance. It won't be the night before, thought, that's for sure.