EOM Route Files Ready

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Just a big thanks from the South FL riders to all involved in putting the maps together. They look great and I am sure they'll be very helpful.

The problem I now have is deciding which rides to pick for Sat & Sun...

See you guys soon.



Zumo uses gpx, (I guess Garmin finally caught on) but you can translate gpx to gdb with Mapsource or other software.

Hope the FTP site stays up for at least another day, give us dial-ups a chance to download them.

PS - I need a refresher on FTP - I can't even find my ftp app - I'll bet it's been 5 years since i used it last.

I may even have to hook-up the MAC. LOL ROFL

THANKS again Jeff

Thanks guys and gals! That was a lot of work! I have done the same for a couple of rallies, but I only offered one ride each day.

Too bad Microsoft S&T won't let you save a common format that crosses older versions. My 2005 version can't read your 2006 version.

Just a couple of weeks now... :yahoo:

I setup a temporary FTP site on one of my web servers. You can use InternetExplorer or most any FTP client of your choosing.
FTP Link to EOM Routes

NAME.gpx - MapSource/Garmin GPS Exchange file for uploading into your GPS.

NAME.gdp - MapSource/Garmin database file (v3) for 2610 and others.

OverviewMap.pdf - Printable/viewable Adobe Acrobat file of the overall route.

NAME-Directions.pdf - Edited printable/viewable Adobe Acrobat file of the one-page, brief, easy-read driving directions.

NAME.est - Microsoft Street&Trips 2006 file for anyone using S&T and who wants to "do their own".

There are some other .pdf files included with EOM-4 that show enlarged detail for areas like New River Gorge Bridge etc. I highly recommend anyone using printed maps, to include all those PDFs in their map pocket. EOM-4 is a very complex route.


Jeff Ashe

[SIZE=14pt]PS - Latest update to route files was 20:41 EDT 09/03/2007[/SIZE]
Jeff Heidi thanks

Just downloaded and got on my garmin.



You couldn't put them all in one zip file?
Thought about that, but nobody needs all the files. You either need PDFs for printing or GP? for uploading to GPS. So to save everyone download time (especially the dial-up folks), I decided NOT to zip them. The KISS principle (KeepItSimpleStupid) dictates that adding a ZIP file to each route, in addition to the individual files, would be asking for further confusion. Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!


Having problems with the files...

The garmin file when I try to open it says

" This file cannot be read because it uses a subsequent file version. This program can read MPS files as well as GDB files version 2 and below."

My Streets and trips version 2004 says

"a unamed file has a bad format"

Unless someone has a fix I will use my own plotting that I did earlier.

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Jeff, Heidi,

I thought I read on some thread that all the routes are about 300 miles. If this is so, will we have enough time to ride the routes on Saturday and be back for the banquet at 6:00? I know that depends on how slow the roads are. My experience has been that you can only average about 30 miles an hour on many technical mountain roads, once you include gas stops and lunch. Just a question for understanding, not to rain on the parade because I greatly appreciate your effort.

Jeff - your work in putting this together for all of us ranks right up there with the invention of bra's that release in the front :D !!!!! Brilliant!!!! Thank you very much for your hard work on this.

You couldn't put them all in one zip file?
Thought about that, but nobody needs all the files. You either need PDFs for printing or GP? for uploading to GPS. So to save everyone download time (especially the dial-up folks), I decided NOT to zip them. The KISS principle (KeepItSimpleStupid) dictates that adding a ZIP file to each route, in addition to the individual files, would be asking for further confusion. Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

Jeff I was just kidding. Everyone else was adding requests so I thought I would too. ;) Thanks again for what you guys are doing to add to our enjoyment.

Jeff, Heidi,I thought I read on some thread that all the routes are about 300 miles. If this is so, will we have enough time to ride the routes on Saturday and be back for the banquet at 6:00? I know that depends on how slow the roads are. My experience has been that you can only average about 30 miles an hour on many technical mountain roads, once you include gas stops and lunch. Just a question for understanding, not to rain on the parade because I greatly appreciate your effort.
I worked with Jim Meadows to reduce the mileage on a couple routes, down to the low-200 range. There should be viable routes for all tastes and time frames. If you want a shorter route, just choose a cutoff point to reduce your ride time. You might also want to ask Jim Meadows at the event.

Having problems with the files...
The garmin file when I try to open it says

" This file cannot be read because it uses a subsequent file version. This program can read MPS files as well as GDB files version 2 and below."

My Streets and trips version 2004 says

"a unamed file has a bad format"

Unless someone has a fix I will use my own plotting that I did earlier.
I can't help you with the S&T version, 2006 is the oldest I have. I can however, post a (v2) GDB format. Will have that included in a few minutes. Check back around 10:30 EDT today.

Jeff, Heidi,I thought I read on some thread that all the routes are about 300 miles. If this is so, will we have enough time to ride the routes on Saturday and be back for the banquet at 6:00? I know that depends on how slow the roads are. My experience has been that you can only average about 30 miles an hour on many technical mountain roads, once you include gas stops and lunch. Just a question for understanding, not to rain on the parade because I greatly appreciate your effort.
Mike, a true statement you make sir. This is my concern, also.

I am thinking that everyday, I want to be on the road by 8:00 at the latest. I asked Travis to change the time of the rider's meeting on Friday & Saturday morning to 7:30. That is if we even need a rider's meeting. I'm thinking that we don't.

For the reason you speak of, I am considering riding Route #6 on Saturday which is run and repeat twisties. I don't want to be rushing my butt off to be ready for dinner & door prizes & I plan to be back to the hotel by or before 4:00PM. If anyone else is interested in the run and repeat twisties, please speak up. I'd like to have some company. I am familiar w/ the area & could probably come up w/ an alternate route back to the hotel to make the ride a little longer if my arm were twisted. Also, recon can be done on this route & some of these twisties can be run hard. I do believe that there is a waterfall on Rt 220, too. I'd be interested in checking that out.

Whatever people decide to ride, you may consider a shorter ride on Saturday... or leave early enough to compensate for it.


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Radar detector laws for Virginia and DC for those that asked:

Virginia RADAR-Detector Law

Original source: Code of Virginia - 2002

Title 46.2 - Motor Vehicles

Chapter 10 - Motor Vehicle and Equipment Safety

§ 46.2-1079. RADAR-Detectors; Demerit Points Not To Be Awarded. --

A. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle on the Highways of the Commonwealth when such vehicle is equipped with any device or mechanism, passive or active, to detect or purposefully interfere with or diminish the measurement capabilities of any RADAR, LASER, or other device or mechanism employed by law-enforcement personnel to measure the speed of motor vehicles on the Highways of the Commonwealth for law-enforcement purposes. It shall be unlawful to use any such device or mechanism on any such motor vehicle on the Highways. It shall be unlawful to sell any such device or mechanism in the Commonwealth. However, provisions of this Section shall not apply to any receiver of radio waves utilized for lawful purposes to receive any signal from a frequency lawfully licensed by any State or Federal agency.

This Section shall not be construed to authorize the forfeiture to the Commonwealth of any such device or mechanism. Any such device or mechanism may be taken by the arresting officer if needed as evidence, and, when no longer needed, shall be returned to the person charged with a violation of this Section, or at that person's request, and his expense, mailed to an address specified by him. Any unclaimed devices may be destroyed on court order after six months have elapsed from the final date for filing an appeal.

Except as provided in Subsection B of this Section, the presence of any such prohibited device or mechanism in or on a motor vehicle on the Highways of the Commonwealth shall constitute prima facie evidence of the violation of this Section. The Commonwealth need not prove that the device or mechanism in question was in an operative condition or being operated.

B. A person shall not be guilty of a violation of this Section when the device or mechanism in question, at the time of the alleged offense, had no power source and was not readily accessible for use by the driver or any passenger in the vehicle.

C. This Section shall not apply to motor vehicles owned by the Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof and used by law- enforcement officers in their official duties, nor to the sale of any such device or mechanism to law-enforcement agencies for use in their official duties.

D. No demerit points shall be awarded by the Commissioner for violations of this Section. Any demerit points awarded by the Commissioner prior to July 1, 1992, for any violation of this Section shall be rescinded and the driving record of any person awarded demerit points for a violation of this Section shall be amended to reflect such rescission.




D.C. CODE § 1-319 (1995)

D.C. Pol. Reg: Article 25, Paragraph 16 provides:

No person shall, in the District of Columbia, sell or offer for sale, or use, or have in his possession in a Motor Vehicle, any device designed to detect or counteract Police RADAR. This section shall NOT apply to any vehicle or equipment used by the Armed Forces of the United States.

This regulation is a modification of a substantially similar regulation adopted by the District of Columbia Commissioners in 1961. The Commissioners adopted the regulation under their authority, vested in them by Congress, to "make" and enforce all such reasonable and usual Police regulations . . . as they may deem necessary for the protection of lives, limbs, health, comfort and quiet of all persons and the protection of property." See D.C. Code 1973, § 1-226.




D.C. CODE s. 1-319 (1995)

§ 1-319. Regulations for Protection of Life, Health, and Property

The Council of the District of Columbia is hereby authorized and empowered to make, and the Mayor of the District of Columbia is hereby authorized and empowered to enforce, all such reasonable and usual Police regulations in addition to those already made under §§ 1-315 and 1-318, as the Council may deem necessary for the protection of lives, limbs, health, comfort, and quiet of all persons and the protection of all property within the District of Columbia.

I think the only way I stand a chance of getting the data onto my Magellan Crossover is if I can get them in .csv format. It then hopefully might be able to import and convert to .mgln.

The amount of work and time you guys are putting into all this is certainly appreciated though!

Having problems with the files...
The garmin file when I try to open it says

" This file cannot be read because it uses a subsequent file version. This program can read MPS files as well as GDB files version 2 and below."

Unless someone has a fix I will use my own plotting that I did earlier.
If you get this message you need to go to Garmin's website and download the latest version of MapSource.


They have tweaked it a little bit for the better. I especially like the new overview map.

Having problems with the files...
The garmin file when I try to open it says

" This file cannot be read because it uses a subsequent file version. This program can read MPS files as well as GDB files version 2 and below."

My Streets and trips version 2004 says

"a unamed file has a bad format"

Unless someone has a fix I will use my own plotting that I did earlier.
Try using the gpx files. I also could not use the normal files because my software is a couple of years old.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the MapSource download (at the link I provided) is free. Garmin does not charge for this.
