EOM Route Files Ready

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Great job on the routes!! I won't be able to ride most of them over the weekend but I will be back! :rolleyes:

Again great job on the maps / routes. Unfortunately I cannot spell GPS let alone use it, but I can open the pdf and I can make out some of it.

We'll take #2 and #3. Sally says we probably ride that way anyway...

Where do we sign up? I LOVE WV roads!

Too bad Microsoft S&T won't let you save a common format that crosses older versions. My 2005 version can't read your 2006 version.
Since I'm not the only one, can someone save the MS S&T into 2005 format?

That would save me hours of poking.

For the reason you speak of, I am considering riding Route #6 on Saturday which is run and repeat twisties. I don't want to be rushing my butt off to be ready for dinner & door prizes & I plan to be back to the hotel by or before 4:00PM. If anyone else is interested in the run and repeat twisties, please speak up. I'd like to have some company. Heidi

Sounds like fun. Put me on your list.
Put me on your list for a shorter ride on Saturday, too.


Again great job on the maps / routes. Unfortunately I cannot spell GPS let alone use it, but I can open the pdf and I can make out some of it.
We'll take #2 and #3. Sally says we probably ride that way anyway...

Where do we sign up? I LOVE WV roads!
No need to sign up. Just show up in the parking lot at the appointed hour. I think Heidi said we would gather at 8:00, but I'm not sure. Let people know which route you are interested in riding and you should have no problem getting a group together.

I plan on taking pucker route #2 on Friday and the pillion ride on Saturday. No idea about Sunday yet.

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For the reason you speak of, I am considering riding Route #6 on Saturday which is run and repeat twisties. I don't want to be rushing my butt off to be ready for dinner & door prizes & I plan to be back to the hotel by or before 4:00PM. If anyone else is interested in the run and repeat twisties, please speak up. I'd like to have some company. Heidi

Sounds like fun. Put me on your list.
Put me on your list for a shorter ride on Saturday, too.


For the reason you speak of, I am considering riding Route #6 on Saturday which is run and repeat twisties. I don't want to be rushing my butt off to be ready for dinner & door prizes & I plan to be back to the hotel by or before 4:00PM. If anyone else is interested in the run and repeat twisties, please speak up. I'd like to have some company. Heidi

Sounds like fun. Put me on your list.
Put me on your list for a shorter ride on Saturday, too.

Now Heidi, remember we did 300 miles and still got back for supper... Mark? :rolleyes:

Good, good... so, 4 bikes for a shorter ride on Saturday. Kewel!

And Marty... during the Ramble that you speak of, dinner wasn't on a schedule. There is one that applies this year for EOM.

Also, with the ramble, it didn't make a fat whether I was around for anything. This year it matters that I'm around.

I am serious... riding 300 miles of nothing but twisty roads is going to take awhile... especially if you stop once in awhile for more than just gas.

Please plan accordingly.


Public Service Announcement

We'd like to take the time to remind all EOM attendees that crashing this year is strictly prohibited.

With the exception of your tires, you are not permitted to drop, low-side, high-side or otherwise allow any other part of your machine to contact any WV road or scenery.

Failure to comply will certainly result in pain and unnecessary expense.

Note: Knee dragging is not necessary, and peg dragging is optional, though highly recommended.

Please wear all your gear, and don't be stupid, cause stupid hurts.

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I am serious... riding 300 miles of nothing but twisty roads is going to take awhile... especially if you stop once in awhile for more than just gas.
Ssssssuuuuuuuurrrre it does.

Yeah, well maybe not for you. ;) I am thinking that there is probably a lot of folks... a lot, lot of folks that don't ride as fast as you & stop more than you. You forget, I've ridden w/ you & although you mostly behaved yourself... I got a glimpse of your riding habits.

I am serious... riding 300 miles of nothing but twisty roads is going to take awhile... especially if you stop once in awhile for more than just gas.
Ssssssuuuuuuuurrrre it does.

Yeah, well maybe not for you. ;) I am thinking that there is probably a lot of folks... a lot, lot of folks that don't ride as fast as you & stop more than you. You forget, I've ridden w/ you & although you mostly behaved yourself... I got a glimpse of your riding habits.
Heidi, all you have to do is keep him in sight and 300 miles will go by pretty soon, at least it does for me!


Hey, my plan...

Follow Ole Yeller, Big Bird, Giant Yellow Canary. Tag along behind Snow White and try not to be Dopey.

