EOM Salvage And Overhaul

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Jun 28, 2005
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hi, i'm dana, and i learned my fjr was totalled by the ins co (over 10k in parts, not counting any frame damage)...

sadly, i have over $2500 in farkles, and only $1000 in farkle coverage... :-(

i need my fla tag off (special bolt/wrench needed), and i have the ins co's permission to remove salvagable farkles if replaced with factory parts...

sooo...is anybody in the knoxville area able to help with salvaging farkles? i can send you the wrench for the plate, and the factory originals to leave with the bike...

please send me a pm or email to see if we can work something out....



w p b f j r at yahoo dot com

Sounds like you may want to consider buying the entire bike for salvage. Someone on this forum was looking for an engine yesterday. That alone would probably cover your cost.

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I'm not in Knoxville, but, wanted to offer a suggestion. How bad is the bike? How much would it take to repair it? How much would the insurance company charge you to buy it back from them?

If they give you enough for the bike, and if its not too messed up, might want to consider buying it back and putting it back together. I've known many people that have done this.

It's up to you and depends on if you have the time/desire/skill to put it back together.

Oh... that bike ain't getting repaired, that's for sure.

I'm up in Johnson City, an hour and a half north. I wouldn't mind a day trip down there next weekend in the car, but would have limited time to do my thing. What kinda stuff are we talking about, and how much time to pull it all off?

Hey hey ..

I'm in knoxville... I may be able to help..I'm pretty super busy w/ planning a wedding, but should have a few odds and ends hours on the weekends =)

Let me know what needs to be done, and if its jsut a few hours of wrenching , I'll be glad to help ya


Oh... that bike ain't getting repaired, that's for sure.
Hope you don't mind me postin up a couple pics Dana. We're all just glad you were as lucky as you were ... better your bike then you man.



and personally I liked seeing the Porche parked in the tree off the corner in the background... :haha: Glad they were ok too..though

i LOVE that first pic... when i first looked at the bike and saw that, my instant thought was the progressive ins ad, the one that begins: "when you told your ins agent you had bent forks..." lol...

it's official, i have one tiny broken bone in my left hand... oh, and i'm alive after a head-on with a truck... god takes care of fools and idiots, and i'm both... lol...

the lady in pink in the second pic was the pass in the truck...

the hottie in blue and white is with killboy.com...

i'm the fat boy in gray that the end of the truck is partially obstructing...

slapnpop and onecoolgeek:

the specific parts are: the crowley custom rack w/LED light, wild bill foot pegs/brackets, Moko-sliders (no pesky fairings in the way!!), helmet lock/plate holder, my florida liscence plate, and both stem stands.

i have the original factory parts/bolts/rack to send to be put back on the bike to make the ins people happy... i'm guessing it to be an hour job, as the replacement stuff don't have to tourqued to factory specs... i also have the specific wrench for the helmet lock/plate holder to send...


i LOVE that first pic... when i first looked at the bike and saw that, my instant thought was the progressive ins ad, the one that begins: "when you told your ins agent you had bent forks..." lol...
it's official, i have one tiny broken bone in my left hand... the truck...

the hottie in blue and white is with killboy.com...
lol...I have progressive also and that wrang in my head to while looking threw my pics from the weekend.

I wondered if you handn't actually broken/fractured something in your hand the way it swelled up like that.

Oh and the girls name is Kristen Allison and she is Dragon Slayer Photos and as Smthng stated earlier in the weekend she realy is sweet as can be and undoubtedly HOT :dribble: I might have to go back to the Dragon just so i can take some photos of her...lol ;)

thug: the old saying is true, 'look there, go there'... i hit the exact spot i target fixated on... doh...

lgizmo: thanks for the clarifaction on kristen allison... pant...pant...pant... 'tho, to be fair, i'm told she is married with 2 kids, and i respect that more than the awsome power of fjr...

'tho, to be fair, i'm told she is married with 2 kids'
man burst a guys bubble why don't yah... ah the cute ones are always taken. I can still look though :D

To add fuel to the fire...

I hear from several people that she'll school most anyone on her 600 RR. :p

She really is a great girl... she kept coming back up and giving me water bottles and hung out with me a fair bit while I was helping direct traffic around the accident area. Must remember that we're both very married. ;)

Dana, glad you guys made it home okay... do get your ass to a doc if your bumps and bruises don't start doing down quick. In spite of your mishap, what a great group we had! Take care.

you know smthng, to me the most amazing part of the weekend was that everybody fell into their own sub-groups... each group building and sharing of the members stregnths and weaknesses... i'm sure it helps, too, that we're most all of a certian age range... lol...

in all, i left with the impression that everbody worked and got along as a great community with several neighborhoods...



I've had some family emergencies come up the past couple days, and don't know when I'll ever have any free time again. If onecoolTNgeek is available to help, I'd take him up on his offer.

slapnpop: NO, you posted your commitment on the internet, so it must be true, forever!!!! lol... ;) :p :p

absoultly my brother, family first!!!

need any help from fla?



Hey man .. Where is your bike at now?? If its not to far from me I'd be happy to run over there and get that taken care of for you some evening next week.

Shoot me a PM w/ the specifics and I'll give ya my address to ship the stock stuff and the special wrench too...

As I was looking at the pics, I was thinking .. wow , those MOKO's sure worked great =) hehehe

I've not messed w/ some of that stuff before.. let me know what tools I'll need to bring w/ me..



Just got online, and it looks like you have got the recovery operation under way, but if you have need of a pair of hands from Knoxville, I'm willing also.


Cranky Yankee
