EOM Sunday dinner, your input needed!

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Rest in Peace our Forum Founder
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver, WA
We've got three basic levels of dinner options for the Sunday dinner.

Basic buffet:

Price- $9.95 per person + gratuity

Choice of Spaghetti and Meatballs or Hamburgers/Hotdogs (as a group, it's one or other)

Plated Dinners

Price- $9.95 plus gratuity

Choice of two entrees for the group, count has to be made by Sept 1st.

Choices are:

Herb Baked Chicken

A large boneless, skinless, chicken breast seasoned & grilled until golden brown

Roast Beef

A hearty portion of sliced roast beef smothered in our own mushroom gravy


Two large catfish filets prepared your way-grilled, blackened, fried, or baked, a Southern favorite. Please note that the catfish will be prepared only one way for the entire group.

Honey Glazed Ham

A large portion of boneless, center cut, cured ham glazed with our own fruit sauce

Chicken Parmesan

A plump chicken breast seasoned, breaded, and fried to perfection. Topped with 100% mozzarella cheese & marinara sauce & served with imported capellini pasta


Homemade pasta noodle stuffed with three cheeses, smothered in marinara sauce and topped with mozzarella cheese

Spinach Cannelloni

Homemade pasta noodle stuffed with spinach and three cheeses, topped with our homemade marinara sauce and fresh mozzarella cheese

Geno’s Spaghetti Dinner

A pound of imported capellini pasta topped with homemade meatballs and drenched in Geno’s own marinara sauce

Baked Lasagna

A handmade three cheese, all meat, five layer lasagna covered in Geno’s own marinara sauce & topped with 100% mozzarella cheese

Baked Ziti Ragati

Ziti baked with a special blend of parmesan, ricotta, and mozzarella cheeses and Geno’s own marinara sauce

Upscale Buffet

Price- $18.95 per person + gratuity

Choice of two entrees from the above list, but in buffet form.

What do you guys want to do? I'm leaning towards the upscale buffet myself.

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First choice: Upscale buffet

Second choice: hamburger/hotdog buffet

I don't eat carbohydrates and a buffet style meal allows me to eat what suits me while allowing others folks to have what they like.

I'm betting that I am speaking for more people than just myself when I say... spaghetti & meatballs/hot dogs and hamburgers blow! I can't believe those items are even offered as a buffet.

This is definitely not fare that I'd pick for after a long day's ride... & especially if it's hot.

I would definitely pick either the plated dinners or the upscale buffet. Personally, I'd be ok w/ just a plate of food & not a buffet but will go w/ the majority fo' sho'... & hopin' it isn't a hot dog/spaghetti buffet.

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to me, this event is all about the people interaction, not a fancy-schmancy dining experience, so I'll be OK with the majority vote -- but honestly I'm not a big fan of buffets since they usually translate to food that is cooked too long and gets cold quickly. not to mention that I eat more than I really want to when a buffet is available.

so, my preference would be a plated dinner -- less likely to overeat and better chances for warm grub.

(altho I'm trying to figure out how something called Herb BAKED Chicken can be grilled until golden brown??)

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plated dinner.

Catfish and lasagna are my picks.

Chicken, roast beef, or ham might be easier for a large group to agree on.

We've got three basic levels of dinner options for the Sunday dinner.
Basic buffet:

Price- $9.95 per person + gratuity

Choice of Spaghetti and Meatballs or Hamburgers/Hotdogs (as a group, it's one or other)

Plated Dinners

Price- $9.95 plus gratuity

Choice of two entrees for the group, count has to be made by Sept 1st.

Choices are:

Herb Baked Chicken

A large boneless, skinless, chicken breast seasoned & grilled until golden brown

Roast Beef

A hearty portion of sliced roast beef smothered in our own mushroom gravy


Two large catfish filets prepared your way-grilled, blackened, fried, or baked, a Southern favorite. Please note that the catfish will be prepared only one way for the entire group.

Honey Glazed Ham

A large portion of boneless, center cut, cured ham glazed with our own fruit sauce

Chicken Parmesan

A plump chicken breast seasoned, breaded, and fried to perfection. Topped with 100% mozzarella cheese & marinara sauce & served with imported capellini pasta


Homemade pasta noodle stuffed with three cheeses, smothered in marinara sauce and topped with mozzarella cheese

Spinach Cannelloni

Homemade pasta noodle stuffed with spinach and three cheeses, topped with our homemade marinara sauce and fresh mozzarella cheese

Geno’s Spaghetti Dinner

A pound of imported capellini pasta topped with homemade meatballs and drenched in Geno’s own marinara sauce

Baked Lasagna

A handmade three cheese, all meat, five layer lasagna covered in Geno’s own marinara sauce & topped with 100% mozzarella cheese

Baked Ziti Ragati

Ziti baked with a special blend of parmesan, ricotta, and mozzarella cheeses and Geno’s own marinara sauce

Upscale Buffet

Price- $18.95 per person + gratuity

Choice of two entrees from the above list, but in buffet form.

What do you guys want to do? I'm leaning towards the upscale buffet myself.
I'm in for the Upscale Buffet. I would prefer to have choices.

Greetings all,

This here is Slapnpop's faithful pillon, or however it's spelled. (Hi Luvtoride! When are you coming to visit again?)

I had considered making my signature line something to the effect of

"I know we just went 100+mph. It was fast. I don't need to know exactly how fast!"

I think it says something when it takes a post about dinner to finally get me onboard. I ramble when I finally do have something to say, so bear with... Slapnpop has already heard my general bitching on the situation.

Hot dogs/hamburger or spaghetti buffet is laughable, imho.

Plated dinner would be okay with me, as would the upscale buffet. With a plate, you know what you're getting and roughly how much. For a little bit more money, you can have two different types of food and more of it if you so choose, but if you're like me, you'd most likely only end up eating one choice anyway.

My biggest issue with either the plate or upscale buffet is that there will only be two choices for the entire group, hence I have finally joined the forum.

I require protein (do eat complex carbs, preferablly whole grain) but do not eat beef, ham, or fried food if I can help it. So I would like baked or grilled catfish or the herb chicken. The manicotti dish is the only of the non-beef pastas that come anywhere close to having enough protein.

I'm thinking with the person who said that chicken, roast beef, or ham might be easier to agree on that there is a good point. If I had to choose only one of my preferred meals, it would be the chicken, even though I bet the catfish would be tastier! Just cause probably more people would want chicken than catfish?

So, that's my intro and those are my thoughts on dinner. Looking forward to meeting folks in September.



nah... it only looks that way from a distance,

or, how about... I just play one on TV.

actually, this really is fine by me.

besides what good would sucking up do?

oh yeh, I almost forgot -- there will be beer at this place, right?

Catfish and beer -- whats not to like?

after a full day riding and having fun, we'll be settling down for a dinner with friends, with no plans to ride afterward... so, there will be beer, right? Boone isn't in one of those southern dry county places is it?

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+1 on plated dinner. Any entrees are fine except Spinach Cannelloni? Do we have BMW riders coming too? :huh:
