*** ESG130 Stator - SALVATION!!!!! ***

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WC - Wasn't there an issue with the Electro Sport Stator scraping metal on initial startup?
Well, I'm not WC ;) :lol: but I hope you will let me try to answer anyway. Click this link and go to Page #3; Post #99, you will find pictures and an explanation for the scraping metal sound.

Well, to be brutally honest about it... and I admit the following is speculation, but....
It's my unconfirmed speculation that y'all that experienced this "squealing" upon initial startup must have - some how, some way - ****** up the install process.

Mind you, this is not a slam against anyone, because it *is* easy to dick away the install, even if you're pretty careful about it. If the wire-harness retaining bracket is not seated perfectly flat where it is supposed to reside, then there is every chance it will score the magnetic rotor and squeal like a banshee until the offending rotor material is etched away. :eek:

Nasty business, that.... particularly when you think about where all those shavings go off to... :blink:

To answer your question, Bruce, no, I don't think there is a problem with the component itself.

And DON'T be dremeling on the new stator, please!!! :blink: :blink:
Thank you, and how do they install w/o draining oil? Just tilt the bike?

The stator cover is above the oil line when the bike is on the center stand.

The problem is positively the stator wire retaining bracket, not the stator itself.

Pay close attention to the stator wire retaining bracket and don't let it bend when you screw down the Phillips head screw. The ElectroSport stator has insufficient length (IMO) between the stator and the black feet-thru rubber gasket (rubber plug?). One intrepid person spent a few minutes working the rubber gasket further up the wires and had no problem getting the bracket to screw down without bending. It took me several tries, bending the bracket back into shape for each new try. I finally got it done with no interference problem. In my case I already had a groove cut in my rotor from Yamaha's original factory install.

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