Exhaust GB - epilogue

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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
There was about a dozen of you who took advantage of the Exhaust Group Buy before it went south. All of you should have your invoices from the vendor by now.

There was a database problem with the addition of the PC-IIIusb offer. The checkbox on the form did not translate properly to the database. Some of you who wanted the good deal PC-III didn't have it recorded properly, some of you who did not want/need the PC-III had it added to the database anyway.

If your invoice does not reflect what you expected to see, just send an email back to the vendor and it'll get straightened out.

Final tally: 2 sets of LeoVince Evo II slip-ons, and the rest were the full Muzzy 4-2-1 systems of various flavors, the majority being the titanium canister.

Final tally: 2 sets of LeoVince Evo II slip-ons, and the rest were the full Muzzy 4-2-1 systems of various flavors, the majority being the titanium canister.
WC, thanks for your efforts. I kinda regret not pulling the trigger before the deal was canned.

Were you able to find out about sound levels with the full Muzzy system? If the system would pass an IBR check I might do something on my own.

Thanks again,


WC, thanks for your efforts. I kinda regret not pulling the trigger before the deal was canned.
Were you able to find out about sound levels with the full Muzzy system? If the system would pass an IBR check I might do something on my own.

Thanks again,

Stuff a couple wads of steel wool up the muff outlet. Saved me from scads of fix-it tickets over the years. Eventually blows out (nothing funnier than the comets I fired one night out the back of my 442 years back) so it's not permanent.

Paid my invoice last night. Never heard of that vendor before, but WOW!, what a whack-o-stuff they carry. :blink: Things ya learns.

Thanks again for the carry-through for the early signers. :good:

So will the vendor ever be revealed? If they're good guys and supportive of the community, I'd patronize 'em.

Thank you Dale.. Although I was not able to join in on this group buy, and I"m very sorry that you got caught up in the B.S. I still

appreciate your efforts to do this for us. I truly believe that this forum is as good as it is due to your , and others efforts, that are over and above the majority's ability to comprehend. I have been(as you) on the (other side ) of the service counter for many years now and what most people do not understand is that it takes a unique individual to take on a task like this, there is NO personal gain, other than to try to help other's that do not have the means to do somthing of this magnitude.

To that end, I for one along with most other's hope that you continue to think of us as a group that truly appreciates your , and other's efforts to support and further this board's continued growth.. Bluejag

No response expected, and do not want this to become a free for all rant just a need to express my thank's to MANY on this board.

Because we are all here to, at the very basic level help eachother and enjoy our common interests.

Thank you all.

I ordered the Muzzy full system and happen to own a couple of Sound Pressure Level meters, I'll so a test as soon as the system is up and running and let you know the results.

So will the vendor ever be revealed? If they're good guys and supportive of the community, I'd patronize 'em.

From the sounds of the way the Group Buy ended, I would wager we will never know.

After reviewing the issue, the vendor, his partners and I have decided it's just not worth putting up with the asshats who want to shit on it.

I personally would be more than happy to share the name of the 'vendor' I got my D&D's from but alas, I don't think Radman has anymore lying around.

Were you able to find out about sound levels with the full Muzzy system? If the system would pass an IBR check I might do something on my own.
Actually, yes, I was able to check out the full Muzzy system with regard to the IBR Exhaust Noise Test.

The answer is, YES, it will pass, but only if you ensure you have the "quiet core" installed on the system. According to Muzzy Technical, the "quiet core" systems delivers approx 102 dBA under the Austin sound check methodology (which is basically the SAE J1287 test procedure.) So you should be good to go as long as your canister has the "quiet core" installed. The maximum allowable Exhaust Noise for IBR Tech purposes is 105dBA, which is quite loud, actually.

I ordered the Muzzy full system and happen to own a couple of Sound Pressure Level meters, I'll so a test as soon as the system is up and running and let you know the results.
jdeez1, to mimic the SAE J1287 test, measure the exhaust volume of a parked FJR running at 4250 RPM while in neutral, at a distance of 20 inches to the rear of the exhaust outlet, standing 45-degrees oblique to the canister.

I still appreciate your efforts to do this for us. I truly believe that this forum is as good as it is due to your , and others efforts, that are over and above the majority's ability to comprehend.
Appreciate your kind words, bluejag. That goes for the several dozen of you who filled up my PM box with similar messages since this recent debacle ended. If nothing else, I've learned I need to empty my PM inbox more often! :D

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Partmonster wouldn't do the "quiet " core on my GB purchase... looks like I'll have the "not so quiet " core !! :D

Partmonster wouldn't do the "quiet " core on my GB purchase... looks like I'll have the "not so quiet " core !! :D
Yep, after much agonizing over that info from him, I decided to forego the Muzzy. Louie said that the quiet core was a special order from Muzzy. My XX already makes some noise with the Micron 4-2-1 CF, and since the FJR is my 2-up and longer distance stealth bike, after sleeping on it, I decided that even at a great price like that, I needed to have the quiet core. :(

Many thanks to WC and Louie at Partmonster for putting this opportunity in front of us, though. I'd have been all over that pipe and PCIII if I could have gotten the quiet core, but now I know where I'm going to get the money for the Starcom from Jeff, and maybe even a Garmin GPS from Costco. :eek:

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Partmonster wouldn't do the "quiet " core on my GB purchase... looks like I'll have the "not so quiet " core !! :D
Yep, after much agonizing over that info from him, I decided to forego the Muzzy. Louie said that the quiet core was a special order from Muzzy. My XX already makes some noise with the Micron 4-2-1 CF, and since the FJR is my 2-up and longer distance stealth bike, after sleeping on it, I decided that even at a great price like that, I needed to have the quiet core. :(

Many thanks to WC and Louie at Partmonster for putting this opportunity in front of us, though. I'd have been all over that pipe and PCIII if I could have gotten the quiet core, but now I know where I'm going to get the money for the Starcom from Jeff, and maybe even a Garmin GPS from Costco. :eek:
If you really wanted it, you could buy the quite core directly from Muzzy and have it installed.

It's fairly simple to do.

Partmonster wouldn't do the "quiet " core on my GB purchase... looks like I'll have the "not so quiet " core !! :D
Yep, after much agonizing over that info from him, I decided to forego the Muzzy. Louie said that the quiet core was a special order from Muzzy. My XX already makes some noise with the Micron 4-2-1 CF, and since the FJR is my 2-up and longer distance stealth bike, after sleeping on it, I decided that even at a great price like that, I needed to have the quiet core. :(

Many thanks to WC and Louie at Partmonster for putting this opportunity in front of us, though. I'd have been all over that pipe and PCIII if I could have gotten the quiet core, but now I know where I'm going to get the money for the Starcom from Jeff, and maybe even a Garmin GPS from Costco. :eek:
If you really wanted it, you could buy the quite core directly from Muzzy and have it installed.

It's fairly simple to do.
Can you order the core and do this at home or has does the can have to be shipped to Muzzy ?

Thx for the info SB !

Actually, yes, I was able to check out the full Muzzy system with regard to the IBR Exhaust Noise Test.The answer is, YES, it will pass, but only if you ensure you have the "quiet core" installed on the system.
Thank ya, thank ya verra much. Will have some serious pondering to do. Knowing the limit I was certain it would be close. I also know its easier to take weight off the bike than it is to take weight off me. :huh:

Whatcha think about running the 4-1 without adding a PC? Will the FI compensate enough or will it run too lean?


Dude. Dale. Thanks. I've been lurking the FJR forums since before we all came over from the other one, and it still amazes me how bad you get SHIT on at nearly every GB you organize. I swear if I got my salad tossed as many times as you have for trying to do everyone a favor, I'd have changed my dirty manlove splash from Old Spice to Balsamic Vinegar long ago. I pray to god you never see the error of your ways and give up.

I pulled the trigger pretty early on both the Muzzy 4-2-1 Ti and the PCIII. Now all I need to do is find the map for that combo. Anyone got any leads?

I've participated in group buys for years; long before the FJR ever hit the US shores (or was even a product). I have never seen the level of complaining as I have in the FJR community. It's no wonder Dale quit posting about ANY gb's over on the UK forum. I hope he doesn't consider stopping them completely for this forum too. It's a hassle to set up a GB in the first place. It's demoralizing to be working on it and have people piss and moan when they have no real intention of participating anyway.

If you don't want to participate, don't.

If you want something different, get off your ass and start a GB that's to your liking and see if anyone else is interested.

There's never a need to rain a shit storm down on a GB. NEVER!

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