F*c%ing Weather!

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well that sucks. But you will be glad to know I took the hit for the team and got a ride in for ya in the angeles mountains with 70 degree weather and sunshine.

Your welcome.

What is that white stuff ?? I dont understand ! I would go crazy if i couldnt ride all year round . Sure we get cool to cold here (down to -5 Celcius) but that dont stop ya riding .

I guess its just that in reality Australia does have the best riding weather in the world. Might get hot , and it might get cold, and even sometimes we do get rain. But the real adventurous ones go to motorcycle rallies in winter up in the mountains (the only place we get snow) and dont mind getting cold . The fire is always warm and the beer is cold.

Maybe some of you should come down under for a holiday . There are heaps of FJRs down here and some of us do like doing long distances. Just for something to do LOL

Ride safe . And i do really hope it fines up and you can get out there and enjoy.


Waiting for spring here in Minnesota. Possibly by May? Then wait for all the sand on the roads to clear off.

Gawd, I hate waiting and not riding half the year.

Still waiting!


Got up to 64 in Rhode island yesterday! :yahoo: :yahoo: I got Bernice out for a little spin but had to stick to the main roads because of snow melt/salt/crap. I'll take it tho...

Sitting at my desk watching it farging snow again today. 11 degrees.
Ya, that's supposed to arrive here in MN later today/tonight/tomorrow.

The whole world's experiencing global warming -- just not here in the frozen vortex, AKA: Minnesnooooota.


I was able to ride on Saturday and Sunday.

Today, this is the unpleasant view out my office window.


Yes that is my driveway under a few inches of wet and heavy snow. :angry:

Only the pups have been out so far today...

So I'm in the garage getting everything ready to go for a nice afternoon ride, pre-flighting the Feejer, et al...........
the wifey comes out and says " Ya better look at this!". :blink:

WTF, over! :angry2:

Looks just like what I woke up to this morning. 17F and flurries!

Okay fellow snow-bound Midwesterners, here's whatcha do. Load up the FJR into the pick-up, pack yer cab full of helmets, jackets, gloves, Gerbings, etc. and drive 12 hours south. Unload said items, ride 1,000 miles of the beautiful Ozarks in 4 days, reload said items, drive 12 hours north and unload said items. Cured my itch for awhile. 40 Mon. & Tues., 60 Wed, 70 Thurs. & 87 Fri. (degrees that is), jevers

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