F-ing Harley Davidson Mentality

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Now you're getting the hang of it...And by the way HD says you're not buying a Bike you're buying a lifestyle...I thought you were just re-enforcing that view by HD...Had to laugh the other night I was watching OCC doing their thing and Paulie says "It's a HD motor really reliable, really strong" I near pissed myself! :rolleyes:


And I think that I was being NICE..........considering. I think this thing has pretty much run it's course. I've vented and made my point and some have even inadvertently confirmed it in trying to attack it. Bottom line is that some folks got what I was trying to say and some didn't. Some agreed and some didn't. This was pretty much what I had expected. I for one, don't really give a shit. I don't think anyone's mind was changed. Like anything else, it's all a matter of perspective. Regardless of this thread, things are going to remain as they are. Some folks are responsible and respectful and some folks are, and will always be assholes, regardless of their rides. That's life.

And who do the Tasmanians pick on? We're running out of countries out there, bro...
The French followed by the Italians! :lol:

Hey Thug,

Aussies may talk a lot of trash about Tasmanians but you coulldn't get a decent beer down under without 'em.

If it weren't for them you'd all be sitting down there swilling the likes of Foster's and -Gulp- Victoria Bitter. Thank goodness for Boags, Cascade and Redback when I have the privilege of travelling down under.



Lookit, if you guys are gonna go around quoting and slamming each other, at least learn how to use the fucking quote feature on this board so the rest of us can figger out who the **** is saying what, wouldja please?

Thanks much! :bye:

you were the one who said Harley sells a life style , I am pointing out the FJR life style , not so different from the Triumph RAT, people who own FJR's come together to trade knowledge, experience the same type of ride, talk shit about BMW and other makes, you think this is so different from Harley riders ?? you are exhibiting the same type of behavior,

as for your personal comment regarding taking the stand ,, at least I have the nads to admit when I am wrong ,, this is not one of them

BTW you were going so slow that a 60 hp Harley passed you ??? :yahoo: ;)


Galxy5, you are just too precious. I'm sorry, this is my fault. I made a mistake. I had know idea that you were going to be reading one of my posts. I will try to be more sensitive to your reading requirements in the future. Please let me know when you sign on and I will post using only baby talk and stick figures.

Too bad the person you had reading the posts to you couldn't hang around long enough to read them all to you. Have you considered night school?

look fuckwad I was not going to get personal

but you have crossed the line,you seem to have been lurking around the forum for some time,with only a few posts,

if you want to call me out,ok,you've done it

I just dont know if your as stupid as you seem or if your just an asswipe with a computer ,,

please take advantage of my invitation to come to Virginia and ride some real roads with me, such as 311 from Roanoke VA to Hot Springs WV,I dont feel that you could keep up,seeing that you have low HP Harleys passing you on the outside of a turn,

you are obviously one of those guys that won't ride unless the sun is out and it's above 65,

your starting to sound like a winey little girl, your soooo brave online,what kind of nads do you have in person ???

this is how I see you !!


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