Female riders

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Jul 9, 2006
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This is a great forum and from the reading I have done to date which is not all that much, I am wondering if there are any women fjr riders out there? I am coming off of an ST1300 and am looking forward to slightly less weight and the fun of the fjr. Never did find any women on the ST-Forum........if there are any women reading this, let me know how you like your bike and any words of wisdom that you might have for me?! I am hoping to get a bike soon, but already have made the mental shift to the fjr. Thanks! Maggie

Welcome maggie. There was a very extensive thread about three months ago. use search function for this with the words "female FJR riders". That might work. Alot of nonsense on that thread - as there will be on this one. However, there are a few women riders. The ones I've ridden with have been pretty good FJR riders.

Watch out, I think zzkenoman is about to post...

This is a great forum and from the reading I have done to date which is not all that much, I am wondering if there are any women fjr riders out there? I am coming off of an ST1300 and am looking forward to slightly less weight and the fun of the fjr. Never did find any women on the ST-Forum........if there are any women reading this, let me know how you like your bike and any words of wisdom that you might have for me?! I am hoping to get a bike soon, but already have made the mental shift to the fjr. Thanks! Maggie
Welcome Maggie not two many skirts around here god knows we need a few more to keep the peace here but i run in to a few from now and then on the stn.net board when its working link below hope to here more from you here and if your in the cfo states "couldn’t tell your local no info in your bio"come on and join us its a ball. :yahoo:

This is a great forum and from the reading I have done to date which is not all that much, I am wondering if there are any women fjr riders out there? I am coming off of an ST1300 and am looking forward to slightly less weight and the fun of the fjr. Never did find any women on the ST-Forum........if there are any women reading this, let me know how you like your bike and any words of wisdom that you might have for me?! I am hoping to get a bike soon, but already have made the mental shift to the fjr. Thanks! Maggie
Welcome Maggie not two many skirts around here god knows we need a few more to keep the peace here but i run in to a few from now and then on the stn.net board when its working link below hope to here more from you here and if your in the cfo states "couldn’t tell your local no info in your bio"come on and join us its a ball. :yahoo:
Oh, and show some skin, too, eh? Just kidding. At least make your avatar "interesting". Ok....kidding again.....well, not really, but, really.... :eek:

don't take it seriously....I came from harley land....and you know what that entails.

This is a great forum and from the reading I have done to date which is not all that much, I am wondering if there are any women fjr riders out there? I am coming off of an ST1300 and am looking forward to slightly less weight and the fun of the fjr. Never did find any women on the ST-Forum........if there are any women reading this, let me know how you like your bike and any words of wisdom that you might have for me?! I am hoping to get a bike soon, but already have made the mental shift to the fjr. Thanks! Maggie
Welcome Maggie. Yes there are quite a few female FJR riders who frequent the forum, who upon reading this will hopefully chime in on their presence.

Please ignore the welcome from Odot, if you can call it that? Just remember the :****: smiley is always your friend. :D

Where's fjrchik when we need her? Let me guess....she's out getting her heels waxed.....right when I need her to bail me out of this one.

Shoulda fingered I would get a variety of responses on this one! I am a serious rider and not so serious a person. I am hooked on bikes and cannot wait to get my own fjr. My husband and I do almost all our own work on our bikes and have added quite a few nice little things to our STs. IMHO you can add all you want to the St and it still rides like a car and sounds like a sewing machine. (Don't tell my husband) He did add Staintunes to his and that helps the whine somewhat. I really like the sound of the fjr and the power is incredible. We took a cornering class in Lancaster, CA (near LA) this June. Great class and worth the price. Good instructors and the training track/course is alot of fun. Streetmasters is the group and I recommend them highly. We live in Seattle and rode out bikes down in 2 days, took the all day class, and then rode back, partially up the coast, in three days. Fun trip and ALOT of miles in 5 days!!! I will keep searching for a female soulmate, so keep your eyes open for me, and I will work on my avatar in the meantime........... :p

Female riders, any out there?
Why yes, I ride females all the time.

Ok, so maybe not as often as I would like.....................

Ooops, sorrie Maggie, I couldn't help myself. Yep, we have a few here on the forum, but not enough. FJRchic, luvtoride come to mind. There are a few more. Hopefully a few will pipe up here, as I am sure you are getting your fill of us men.

Anyways, welcome to the madhouse Maggie! Now go git yerself an FJR pronto! And then come on out to Reno in a couple of weeks.

by the way, i am from Harley land too, but then I learned how to ride..........

It's the second window, groo. Ever since 9/11 they don't use the first window....too much of a target.

Welcome! I see Odot beat me to the punch. We'll need your...err...measurements...to see if we can fit you nicely on an fjr.

P.S. You aren't a whiner are you? There were a few of us on the forum until everyone went on a whine bashing spree.

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Welcome aboard! :clapping:


My husband and I do almost all our own work on our bikes and have added quite a few nice little things to our STs.
Additions to your bike are known as "farkles" here... Things are someting else! :p

Welcome! I see Odot beat me to the punch. We'll need your...err...measurements...to see if we can fit you nicely on an fjr.
P.S. You aren't a whiner are you? There were a few of us on the forum until everyone went on a whine bashing spree.
Never, nevermind temp....he's recently single and hooking. I'd just buy the scoot and ride it. As for us "poser/posters".....don't mind us.....we're just drunk and cruising for a piece of....tail.
