Female riders

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Hello Maggie - female rider here from Southern Alberta. Seattle was just a hop away from Abbotsford before I moved away last year.

How do I like my '03? - the best bike I ever owned. Advice - get one as fast as you can, eh. :clapping:

Behind what? Ok...I'll stop. Just give me an "oil" thread to hit up....k?

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Hello Maggie - female rider here from Southern Alberta. Seattle was just a hop away from Abbotsford before I moved away last year.
How do I like my '03? - the best bike I ever owned. Advice - get one as fast as you can, eh. :clapping:
Hi Kasey,

What a relief after wading thru all the boys comments to hear from you!!! Bumber you moved out of the Northwest. Will stay in touch and cannot wait to actually get this hard to find bike. Huge decision to make the leap, but think it will be well worth it. Nice to hear you like yours!! Did you change to a custom seat?

Yes, I know those "things" are farkles........

hey maggie ~ chik here. first - welcome!! second - there's way too much testosterone on this board, so be prepared. what you have seen on your thread so far is relatively mild. but they are a great group of boys, very funny! will keep you laughin, which is why i'm here all the time. i've had 2 FJRs and have farkled both of them. anything you wanna know, just PM me or ask. and if you want all the forum gossip, PM me for that too! ;) :D

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Ok, I give up....."hi, maggie...nice of you to join us....hope you have fun on this forum and make sure you check out the faq's....it will give you all the info you need for maintenance on your new scoot". Otherwise, have fun in here and watch your six....mkay?

hey maggie ~ chik here. first - welcome!! second - there's way too much testosterone on this board, so be prepared. what you have seen on your thread so far is relatively mild. but they are a great group of boys, very funny! will keep you laughin, which is why i'm here all the time. i've had 2 FJRs and have farkled both of them. anything you wanna know, just PM me or ask. and if you want all the forum gossip, PM me for that too! ;) :D
Careful Maggie her (fjrchik) view is slightly skewed.... ;)

Nice to have you on ......... What did you say your cup size was again ?

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Um...kasey...we...um...require pics....yeah....it's required.
+1 a "Women of the FJR" calendar is called for. And, you don't need to stop with your behind like Groo suggested. He's a specialist and tends not to look at the whole picture.

Bathing suit photos are a good start, but remember, "Less is More, Ladies".

Send them to me for compilation.

Ya notice that all these louts are asking for pixs yet none actually have a profile picture of themselves except for Odot. Odot is a fat 54 year old accountant that tends toward silk suits with bow ties, Gucci loafers & Marine style hair cuts so he had to pay someone to pose for his profile picture which is why the motorcycle isn't a FJR. ;)

All of this on this thread and TwoWheelNut and Radman haven't piped up yet...Maggie, when you see TWN and Rad show up, be afraid, be very afraid. :tease:

Posted before,this one. Notice she used the "husband" gambit in her second post. No fool, this Maggie. :tease:

Welcome Maggie... another woman here. My name is Heidi & I reside in Norfolk, VA, ride an '04 that I've had for just under 2 years.

Notice she used the "husband" gambit in her second post. No fool, this Maggie.

Smart lady.

Now guys .... I'd like to suggest to some that maybe it's better to have people 'think' you're a degenerate, instead of hitting send and removing all shadow of a doubt. :headbonk:

Welcome Maggie.

I will keep searching for a female soulmate, so keep your eyes open for me, and I will work on my avatar in the meantime........... :p
Be vewy, vewy cafull. The internet is a very crazy place w/ some disguising themselves as females only to find out ... they're ... :eek: :D

Seriously, welcome from the east coast. Good luck on your search.

gitterdan :beach:

Hey Maggie, female rider checking in from Minneapolis MN. Just bought my first FJR this year, got an 06. Couldnt be happier with the bike!

Welcome! :clapping:
