The header says it all I think, but, I bought this bike in November 2014 and have put about 2000 miles on it since. I knew it had several aftermarket items but didn't mess with them at first. Now, I've removed the handlebar lifters, disconnected the oxygen sensor that is laying under the seat next to the Fi2000R Fuel Injection Module, and have experimented with the settings of the module. I'm stumped. I found the package documentation for the Module online, have followed the limited instructions faithfully and now believe I should only let a motorcycle professional mess with my motorcycle; (runs fine, does weird things at times, uses a lot more gasoline than the first 1000 miles). Regardless, does anybody have experience with the Fi2000R Fuel Injection Module? The bike also has aftermarket full exhaust that has no place for an O2 sensor. If anybody can help me understand what I'm dealing with I'd truly appreciate the guidance.