Final drive oil change question

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Apr 13, 2014
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Returned from a track day event in NH this week. (FZ8) Then got a call that someone i met over there who potentially wants me to ride from here in eastern NY to SD with him starting July 24. While i haven't fully committed to this YET.. I decided to get the FJR(2004) ready to roll in the event I DO decide to do it.

While the final drive oil had been changed within the last 2000-3000 miles I wanted to do it again. Good thing i checked it. Found some slippage around the top plug. When I dumped the oil, the drain plug magnet appeared to have trapped more than the usual amount of particle material. I cleaned the plug and i changed the oil, then went on a 50 mile round trip to get motor oil. When i returned,, i dropped the final oil again. And found only a few additional particles. So.. refilled the final drive with fresh oil and then moved to change engine oil and filter. Used Yamaha Drive Shaft Oil.

Question: for a bike with 17K. is it unusual to see particles on the drain plug? And, assuming the negative conditions that "may" have existed have been corrected. Would it be safe to now assume (aside from from some premature wear and tear), that the bike would be fine for a 5000 mile trip to SD and back? At least in regard to final drive?

Does it feel smooth turning it by hand? Is there any play AT ALL in the wheel in any direction? Do you hear any noises while turning it? Or while riding it. Do you feel any "that was an odd bump" kind of things when riding it? If not, I'd say go for it. If anything is coming undone, you'd feel it when turning it by hand, or there would be play in the assembly.


What do you mean by "particles" on the magnetic plug. Small slivers of metal? (I hope not)

After 140,000 miles, I find the drain plug magnet covered with a very thin layer of very fine black magnetic material after each change that wipes off with a rag. I usually do the rear drive every 2nd or 3rd engine oil change.

After a few initial changes to clear out machining/manufacturing swarf, I would not expect to find anything resembling a piece of metal.

I'm pretty sure you will be OK. I haven't heard of a blown-up FJR rear drive yet.

What do you mean by "particles" on the magnetic plug. Small slivers of metal? (I hope not)
After 140,000 miles, I find the drain plug magnet covered with a very thin layer of very fine black magnetic material after each change that wipes off with a rag. I usually do the rear drive every 2nd or 3rd engine oil change.

After a few initial changes to clear out machining/manufacturing swarf, I would not expect to find anything resembling a piece of metal.

I'm pretty sure you will be OK. I haven't heard of a blown-up FJR rear drive yet.

If you do have a FD failure, be sure to take pictures... you'll be a celebrity and probably get asked to appear on the "Today Show" and "The View". Better go ATGATT on 'The View".

I had/have absolutely no indications of roughness in the rear end. The wheel spins freely without noise, vibration, or clucking of any kind. The metallic particles were black. in color. The last time i changed the oil, i was sure i had the level up to the point it was running out the fill hole. My initial concern was when removed the box on that side-- that tends to mask the axle from normal view. I saw the accumulated dust/oil around the fill hole. This time, i used torque wrench to set the bolt. I don't think i did that last time. I will pickup a new flat washer tomorrow and install that... So... if there is no noise and the negative condition has been corrected, it sounds like it will be fine? I will however, again change it again relatively soon to get any residual particles out of there.

It is completely normal to have black metal particles on the final drive drain plug magnet. That's why it is there.

Your bike only has 17k miles. That final drive is still breaking in. I made a similar cross continent trip last year on my '05, leaving home with ~90k miles on it. It performed superbly. That is what FJRs are famous for.

There have been extremely few final drive issues on the FJR over the years (none that I am aware of that weren't caused by operator error) and they all have the exact same final drive. I wouldn't worry in the least.

I bought a low mileage (about 4500mi) 2004 FJR a year ago. The first time I changed mine it didn't look much like gear oil. I don't know if they put in some type of break in fluid. Anyway, after I changed it a couple of times, I got out what looked more like gear oil rather than some spoogy looking fluid. I have 22K mi on it now. Bike runs like like a top, purrs like a kitten. Change the fluid before your trip if it makes you feel comfortable and ride worry free about the final drive.
