Then there are all those people who believe that if they are not paying a premium price then they are not getting a premium product, and will buy the more expensive simply because it is.
The classic for this is in the cosmetic industry; offer the same stuff at a low or a high price, they sell much more of the higher price. This works for much that we consumers buy.
If Yamaha charged 20% less for their final drive oil than the Willy Group (or whatever they're called

) charge for Willy GL-5, many would presume that Yamaha Molten Lard was inferior. Even if they charged the same, there would be an assumption that it should have a higher price because it is branded, therefor
can't be as good.
I also hear plenty of rumours that a certain American motorcycle company charges a significant premium on much of its wares which are of no better quality than any other, and they keep selling the stuff.
Not saying anything about the morality, whether it's right or wrong, just a little bit about human nature.
I suppose we're all biased in our own way. Perhaps we have tubes inside? ("Valves" this side of the pond. I grew up using them, know a fair bit about them being biased
