F'ing Thieves F'ing SUCK!!

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I am glad to loan out my Attack Chihuahua if needed in the future, just pay the UPS shipping. lol,

I have some extra tools nothing big, like screwdrivers, pliers, oil filter wrenches alot of SAE open end stuff, Happy to send what I can if requested. I have been on the road many times and have needed a tool or item to fix a bike and have walked into machine shops, plumber shops and even glass business who have helped me with the fix. Tools are tools whatever the fix. Hope this helps. DR
Thanks for the offer, DR... that is awesome of you. I'll pass it on to Robert. If nothing else, I know he'll be grateful that you even made the offer. :)

It's hard to read this stuff and then sit and listen to why career criminals ought to get ANY dispensation when they've clearly outlived their usefulness to society. We can truly do without clowns like this. So stick to your guns the next time someone comes around telling you why 3-strikes is such a bad idea. It is a cold-hard fact that about 90% of hard crime is perpetrated by 10% of the hard criminals (numbers not exact but ROM [rough order of magnitude] correct). Get them off the street and these sorts of life-changing events become much more rare.

Check out the tag line below...Burke called it like it was and its as good today as it was 250 years ago.



Sad news, Tyler. Sorry to hear of such a decent sounding person getting ripped off. I do agree with WW, and with his tag line quote.
Yeah, it's hard... we all **** up in our lives and deserve a second chance (well, most anyway)... and Robert, like I, want to believe in the best in people. Unfortunately, there are those that will take advantage of that kindness from time to time... but judging by the response to this event, there are way more good people out there than not. And I've experienced that personally in the past year or so... :)
