First FJR Ive seen in the wild, other than my own.

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Mar 27, 2014
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FJRs seem to be few and far between around here. This is the first one Ive seen on the street in the 2 years since I got my mine and it was parked next to me at work.

Maybe I inspired someone.

I have had a lookout for another one myself. I know there are a few around, I just have not seen one. I am thinking the FJR is a relatively unknown treasure. At least in Indy anyway.

Y'all just need to look in the right places...




So do you work at a data center? Can't miss those cooling towers behind your bike.

As far as FJR's, I rarely ever see one. Unless I attend a get together or a ride where those "in the know" congregate.

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="steveoreno" data-cid="1264672" data-time="1444792467"><p>

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="DiggerDr." data-cid="1264655" data-time="1444786749"><p>I have had a lookout for another one myself. I know there are a few around, I just have not seen one. I am thinking the FJR is a relatively unknown treasure. At least in Indy anyway.</p></blockquote>

We are the "enlightened ones" choosing to live the "Non - Pirate" lifestyle.</p></blockquote>

Tell me about it. In Chicago (being so close to the HD birthplace of Milwaukee), I am the only "enlightened" ONE for miles.

The ratio is amazing.

Can't stand those bikes (personally) but I sure wish I owned some stock.

Two years ago I did about 10K miles all around the states, and except for half a dozen Forum folks who I met up with or who offered accommodations, I can think of only three (or maybe four) FJRs I met up with on the road or at stops. We're special.

Am astonished when I see one outside of a Forum get-together.

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I have chased down 2 Connies and a Beemer looking for another. I see a set of hard cases ahead and I go check it out. Some day I will be rewarded.

Extremely popular here in Minnesota. I usually see a couple every time I go out for a day ride into Wisconsin or just around the twin cities I see them often. Great bike for the weather here.

Sometime around '07 I was out putting around the local Deerfield area when pillion says, way, way back there is another motorcycle behind us. I say, it looks like a FJR!!! So I slow down a bit so it can overtake us. Gradually it shows up behind us and sure as shit it was a Bass Bote Blue FJR. I waved for it to pass us. The Blue Beauty goes on by and I fall into formation behind him. I get home and go to the Forum (what else would one do?) and low and behold, someone is asking, "Was the FJR I passed on the Forum?" Well whatta know, it was Fred W -- pleased to meet ya!!
I've probably put on nearly 80k miles riding with that Bass Bote Blue FJR ever since. A couple of weeks ago I was following a RED FJR and it was our good friend Fred...

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He he, yeah... that seems like eons ago, Alan. Thanks for not mentioning that I was wearing just a tee shirt and jeans at the time.

Yeah, I had a good (bright yellow) helmet on, and gloves, and boots, but my (poor) excuse was that it was summer , and being a native northern New Englander, I'm not able to withstand high temps very well. I started out that day with a leather jacket on , but it was stuffed into a side bag when we crossed paths. Kind'a the same way a pirate straps his DOT helmet on the back seat when he crosses into (no helmet required) New Hampshire. Mea Culpa.

More to the point, this was before I saw the true light, and converted to the wise ways of ATGATT. With the right gear (now), I am far more comfortable even in the summer heat with my gear on than with it off, and wouldn't dream of riding out of my driveway without good protective gear.

And it is interesting to wonder, in a butterfly effect sort of way, what would have happened had we never crossed paths that day. After our exchange, I learned of a "group ride" of FJR enthusiasts that would ride through a series of covered bridges hat fall. Though I had never participated in anything like a group ride before, we (my good wife and trusty pillion, Josie, and I) attended that day, had a great time, and the rest is history.

Thanks for being such great FJR friends through all these years. We can all get old and cranky sometimes, I am certainly not immune to that disease. But a good look in the rear-view mirror is often what it takes to appreciate our own good fortunes.

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I see them all over the place down here, usually when I'm in the cage running errands. Have yet to encounter one while I'm on mine, though. One of these days...
