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So Sherpagirl, seeing how you don't want the BJ in the first place maybe you'd be willing to give that away for free :rolleyes:
And I want the hat so maybe we could work out a deal on what personal services :p would be required.

Man I hope everybody has a good sense of humor.
:p :p :p :p :D :D :D

Got my hat about a week ago along with a thank you letter about their 50th anniversary and so on. Picked my FJR up about two months ago so in my case I did'nt have to wait long. Nice hat Yamaha, Thanks ;)


Got my little box from Mama Yammie last Saturday. Same letter, same hat. Nice! 2nd PDP, ordered January '05', picked up in May '05'. Better than a sharp stick in the eye!

Got my hat about a week ago.

Picked up 2005 FJR-ABS early May 2005.

I like both of them very much! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Might have something to do with people who ordered their FJRs. I bought my '05 off of the showroom almost a year ago and I haven't gotten one. Too bad, they look nice...

Or maybe it's like the lottery...oh well, I'll keep hoping. :unsure:

Got a hat in mail from Yomamaha about a week ago. Nice hat, mailed from San Juan Capistrano, Ca. Bought 05' FJR off of dealer floor two months ago in Ft. Worth.

Got calendars for two years from Yammi with my RoadStar Warrior.

Ordered in April 05, received Memorial weekend, got my hat first week in August.

They are still selling on ebay for about 20 bucks. Not bad for a pretty good hat. Usually the free hats are no shape gomer types. I wonder where the guy is getting them? Is he selling YOURS? :unsure: :beee: :dribble:

I got my FJR last August as one of the bikes that my dealer originally purchased for himself but then sold to me so the PPD was not under my name. But we transferred ownership or some shit like that when I picked it up and I got a warrany expiration in the mail the other day.

Should I walk in, lay down the law and demand my hat?

I'd be all like, "Hey mother ^*%*$@'s where's my gaaawwwd damn hat you worthless beeeyatches. Don't stare at me yammi tech, get to bleedin them brakes and earn your $6 an hour! Drop and give me 50!"

Would that work?


There is another thread regarding the hat. Boogahboogah posted his letter he received from Yamaha AND the address. I did not get a hat as the bike I bought from dealer was originally ordered in the name of an employee. I wrote a letter to the address posted and a week later I received a lovely hat and a "stock" letter and a nice note handwritten at the bottom. I am sure is you write them, you too will get a hat. They seem to be trying to get them to all the owners. :)

I got a hat even though I moved after ordering my FJR. I was pleasantly surprised Yamaha had my new address.

The bike I bought from dealer was originally ordered in the name of an employee.  I wrote a letter to the address posted and a week later I received a lovely hat and a "stock" letter and a nice note handwritten at the bottom. 

I, too, purchased a bike from a dealer that had ordered in the name of one of his

employees. I, too, am waiting for a hat.

Would you (or anyone, for that matter) happen to have the address to wherever I

need to send a letter or an email?

Thanks a bunch...(purchased cash in Aug '04)

Former screen name was 05FJRAUG (Glad I FINALLY found this board.)


If you're around on this topic, did you transfer your issues with "the tick" to this

site as well?

Thanks to both for any help...:super1:


Mark J. Dipko

Motorcycle Marketing Manager

Yamaha Motor Corp, USA

6555 Katella Avenue

Cypress, CA 90630-5101
