FJR extremely unstable !!!

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Wow is that a surprise...never woulda thunk it would do that. Thanks for the heads up. Had lots of punctures, but I guess I've never had an overnight flat.

I've often used a tether (actually an adjustable tie-down with typical hooks) that runs from a hook in my garage wall to the FJR handlebar. Takes two seconds to apply after getting off and parking. I used it as a safety precaution for this and other big road bikes since the time when my kid and his buddies were little and tended to climb up on anything/everything, especially really cool stuff like a motorcycle. I didn't want a crunched bike or crunched vehicle where the bike fell into it or a crunched kid where the bike dropped on top of them. It has never fallen over or been knocked over.

Using the center stand is more a matter of confidence that you can do it. I suggest you get a buddy on the other side so you do not fear that it will go over the other way. Make sure your not on a surface that is slanting forward. As suggested get a good size board 3/4 to 1" thick that the rear wheel sets on. Make sure the front wheel is straight. As you set the bike up on the center stand and get ready to lift try to do this in one continous motion rather than two motions step down hard and lift with handle intended for this and you should not have too big of a problem. I'm less than 150 lbs in my 60's and recovering from a broken right arm a little over a year ago and by doing it this way do not have much of a problem oh yes by the way wear shoes with thick soles/riding boots not tennis shoes. Hope this helps.
