FJR Glove Box

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Trading miles for memories
FJR Supporter
Jul 25, 2009
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
My '05 glove box would not shut. I did not want to force it, so I duct taped it. Been that way since

November... Until today... I went to the dealer to schedule 25,000 mile maint. and was showing the

mech the problem. I ended up breaking the "Lid Catch" off.

Now I'm thinking (After seeing the replacement costs) maybe I could "alter" the box a bit and make

it into a cup holder (Or Something)...

Anyone else done anything "different to theirs?

Thanks, Tony

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My '05 glove box would not shut. I did not want to force it, so I duct taped it. Been that way sinceNovember... Until today... I went to the dealer to schedule 25,000 mile maint. and was showing the

mech the problem. I ended up breaking the "Lid Catch" off. :angry2:

Now I'm thinking (After seeing the replacement costs) maybe I could "alter" the box a bit and make

it into a cup holder (Or Something)...

Anyone else done anything "different to theirs?

Thanks, Tony
I used velcro to " almost " keep my lid closed.


101st, I think I have a glove box for Gen I collecting dust around here somewhere. It has never been installed. If you're interested, I can hunt it down. PM me if so.

One of the first things I did was to disable the "lock". I don't keep anything of great value in there and it's not likely protected by the plastic lock, anyway. :rolleyes:

I removed the latch, solenoid and everything, and added a cabinet latch, secured with rivets:

Now, that is a really original idea. Never seen anyone do this & I find it quite logical. Good job mon!

Now I'm thinking (After seeing the replacement costs) maybe I could "alter" the box a bit and makeit into a cup holder (Or Something)...
My catch failed a few years back while on the road. Used a small bungee cord wrapped from the inside the fairing over the lid to the vent in the outside of the fairing. Worked so well I adopted the idea for mine. Used a nut+bolt and large washer to act as a mushroom shaped catch for some light duty elastic cord (Think its called shock cord). EZ to snap on and off.

Plus once this was working, I realized I did not need the solenoid at all. Cut the side off the box and rebuilt it with plexiglass and "goop" glue to remove the area taken up by the solenoid. Increased the storage space by about 30-50%.

The compartment itself has been adopted as the "main" junction point for accesories now. I have a 6-pos fuse panel in there for all the aux circuts and a MixIt2 which acts as the main mixer for all the audio.

- colin

My '05 glove box would not shut. I did not want to force it, so I duct taped it. Been that way sinceNovember... Until today... I went to the dealer to schedule 25,000 mile maint. and was showing the

mech the problem. I ended up breaking the "Lid Catch" off. :angry2:

Now I'm thinking (After seeing the replacement costs) maybe I could "alter" the box a bit and make

it into a cup holder (Or Something)...

Anyone else done anything "different to theirs?

Thanks, Tony
Early in my 2005's life the solenoid wouldn't open and I needed it to. Replaced it with a new one but removed the solenoid. It's been about 3 years and it seems to be working fine. I never missed the solenoid and when I buy a new one the solenoid goes.


You could also use the same idea of the cabinet latch, but use a magnetic touch latch. that is the kind that when you press it, it releases a small distance. That way you could open it with gloves on, and not have to try to pry it open.

Can anyone tell me how to disconnect the lock on the glove box on a Gen 2? The lock on the glove box on my old bike never worked, and now that I have a bike where it does work, I find it REALLY annoying.

You could also use the same idea of the cabinet latch, but use a magnetic touch latch. that is the kind that when you press it, it releases a small distance. That way you could open it with gloves on, and not have to try to pry it open.
That is exactly the route I ended up doing. It has worked great so far. I had originally thought that I would have to increase

the magnet size, but so far so good. I am very happy with the results, now I am looking into making use of the box- since

now it is access-ready on the go.

You could also use the same idea of the cabinet latch, but use a magnetic touch latch. that is the kind that when you press it, it releases a small distance. That way you could open it with gloves on, and not have to try to pry it open.

Can anyone tell me how to disconnect the lock on the glove box on a Gen 2? The lock on the glove box on my old bike never worked, and now that I have a bike where it does work, I find it REALLY annoying.
Bought my 05 last October, Love it. Last week my Glove Box broke, $300 for the dealership to fix it, I don't think so. I came up with a Magnet idea and seems to be working. But i like this idea better. Thanks

Well diggin up an old thread - my 05 glove box finally bought the farm.

Wondering if anyone has one laying around they would like to sell... !??!

Not bad life out of mine for an 05....

"You could add a few pebbles and some potting soil for small plants or vegetables..."

Might as well, can't fit gloves or a baby gun in there,

I might just have to try that - I have some super duty magnets around here somewhere....

Thanks for the suggestion.....


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