Darksider #16 - and Proud of it !
" I found and tapped on the relay that the switch heavy lead plugs into. The lights came on, meters swept, and it could start. It worked for several attempts and the died. I tapped on the relay again and it all worked again. I am now thinking the relay is intermittent."
It sounds like you have an aftermarket relay harness installed on your bike. Are you the original owner? Yamaha does not use these automotive style relays in their OEM wiring harnesses. My Ignition Relay Harness uses a 70 amp relay with a matching socket which is shaped a bit differently than the one that would fit the typical 40 amp relay (RY-255) that you referred to above. If possible, could you post a picture of that relay installed in your bike?
As for the ignition switch that you purchased before the recall, it was the old style. The heavy white connector on it's pigtail only has a red and tan wire leading to it. The new style recall ignition switch has an extra white wire attached to the same terminal as the red wire. Click here to see it. Internally the circuit board where the contacts are has been changed too. This recall ignition switch also has a yellow band on the pigtail near the connectors. If you bought your latest switch from the dealer it should have these features. Beware if you got it from an E-Bay, or a non Yamaha source.

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