FJR Riders!...Twisties or Sweepers?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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What type of riding do you favor?

  • Twisties!

    Votes: 12 10.7%
  • Sweepers!

    Votes: 20 17.9%
  • 50/50 A Combination of both Twisties & Sweeper!

    Votes: 58 51.8%
  • Straight-Aways!

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • As long as I'm in the saddle, it doesn't matter to me!

    Votes: 16 14.3%
  • Dirt / Off Road!

    Votes: 5 4.5%

  • Total voters


Exit Stage Left
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Terra Firma
My continued polling research of this forum continues....MuuuuWhaaaHaaaaHaaaa!... :unsure:

Lets start on a common ground understanding since one persons interpretation of twisties might be somewhat different than the next guy. So for the sake of argument this is how I generally classify them.

TWISTIES: Lot's of switchbacks with posted speeds in the corners of 35mph or less with tight corner angles. Plenty of 25mph, 15mph & 10mph posted corners as well along the route.

SWEEPERS: Numerous 45mph posted speed or higher curves with wider curve angles. Many of them you can comfortably take at 60mph or much higher.

STRAIGHT-AWAYS: I think we're all clear on this one.

If any of you have ridden The Dragon, The Cherohala, Hellbender 28 or even better yet have ridden this excellent 120 mile loop that does all of them this is a terrific idea of what I'm talking about because this loop has it all.

The Dragon Hwy129: Twisties

The Cherohala Hwy143: Sweepers

Hellbender Hwy28: 50/50 Combination of both

Scenic Hwy360: Sweepers (Very underrated road IMO)

I've always enjoyed Sweepers more than the tighter radius/slower speed/neck craning twisties. Especially on bigger bikes, bigger cruisers, bigger sport touring bikes. To me the higher speed sweeper roads are ideal for maximizing the ability of the FJR.

To me riding twisties is for the sub-400lb sportbike crowd.

On the map below I really love the Cherohala Skyway Hwy143 for it's high speed sweepers and scenic views, then I like the often forgotten sweeper valley road of Scenic Hwy360, then I like Hellbender Hwy28 and finally bringing up the rear would be the famed Tail of the Dragon hwy129...but that's just me.

How about you?


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Twisties, sweepers or straights?

Yes. Intermixed in a long continuous precession without traffic, perfect pavement and no side entering roads. And no speed enforcement crews.

Gotta have a mix of twisties and sweepers.

Sure a sportbike will handle the tighter radius turns better(being lighter and more nimble), but I think the FJR does well in the -25MPH corners.

Here is a short little local run we do all the time. It has a great mix.

Elk Creek Rd/Grey Rock Run

Great map.


How about dirt? Don't you think there should be a vote for that?


My gps found a shortcut on your map looks like it's called Citico Rd - Gravel. That was pretty exciting spinning up the rear wheel in gravel going up the mountain!


And another vote for water? You know Yamaha makes great boats too!




I voted 50/50...I like both twisties and sweepers. I like the twisties because they force me to slow down and hone my skills to be smooth and fast. I like sweepers because I can scream out of them in 3rd gear and high revs.

Either way, this bike's a blast.

Twisties, sweepers, or straights?? yes please. what do i like to ride most?? My FJR, of course!! :yahoo:

How about dirt? Don't you think there should be a vote for that?

LOL! Nice!!!....ask and you shall receive. Dirt roads added for the hardcore.

I like the twisties because they force me to slow down and hone my skills to be smooth and fast.
I do agree with that. That's a very valid point. I don't mind the twisties either (I just always favor the sweepers) because you hit these slow hairpins on roads and like you I try to work on my cornering, my lines and try to ride as clean as I can in them to better my riding skills.

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I enjoy a combination of twisties, sweepers and straight line.

Twisties because as previously mentioned they do hone one's skills, mental and physical coordination.

Sweepers because I can still enjoy curves at a higher rate of speed and still take in scenery.

Straight line because If I need to get from point A to point B directly I can do so and exercise the acceleration factor of the FJR.

The FJR does them all sooooooo well! :yahoo:

I tend to be more aggressive on sweepers...but I like to rock 35mph twisties as well, though I only go about 2x posted. Anything less than 35mph and I tend to dawdle. Both my crashes were in the twisties in low speed marked I still have issues determining when my front wheel is losing traction. I'm not as skilled a rider as others in the twisties, but I still have fun in them. I slow down in the straights...unless I can see for MILES in cut down corn country on a lonely county road.

I also like to wander in unexplored teriritory, so I love goat trails. Just me I guess. :)

Great thread.

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I like a combination, too. Here in N. Cali we have our own versions of the "Dragon", Hwy 49 near Coulterville and Hwy 36 between Red Bluff & the coast. Those babies will keep you on your toes. :)

Skaggs Springs Stewarts Point Road. 275 turns in 39 miles with twisties and goat-trail in the west half (A- B) and high speed sweepers east (B-C). Have fun! :yahoo:

The perfect 50/50 road and it gets more fun with a run up the PCH. So many possibilities in this area.


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The thing I dislike about sweepers is (Cherohola for example) you need to be doing about 90 if you want to get really leaned over. Not good if yer trying to avoid a performance award...

The tight twisties, as others have said, really challenge your skills. It can be pretty unnerving if you're powering out of a right hand turn and can see you're coming up on a left hand switchback... a lot of people will decel in the turn they're in... not a good idea.

The fjr and the st1300 can handle The Gap very very well, albeit dragging pegs for sure. 3rd gear the whole way through...


Guess I'm getting old.... I voted for "Sweepers". Tossing a 600+lb bike back and forth through a series of "35 mph" S turns just isn't as it would be with a small light bike. (why did I sell my RD 400?)

Out where were building our house is infested with miles of such stuff. I actually am considering picking up a 250 Ninja just to ride around the neighborhood. Not that the Feejer isn't capable in the's just more fun on a smaller bike.

I don' unnerstanz the kwestshun..... :dntknw:
A twistie is the turn at the end of your driveway. A sweeper is what you experience when going up an indoor parking lot ramp. High altitude is what you get when you run up over a curb. :lol:
