FJR soft bag liners and tool kit for 07

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Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
Houston (Woodlands), Texas 12 years
This is for anyone who knows, but especially for BETNDEUCES, who just took delivery of his new FJR1300A this week. Do the 07 models come witrh bag liners and a tool kit? I have heard conflicting views on this and need clarification. Why you ask? Cause I have money on a new 07 A model and since BETNDEUCES lives only about 70-80 miles from me here in Texas, (I am near Conroe), I hope that I can expect delivery of my new bike any day. Jabber

This is for anyone who knows, but especially for BETNDEUCES, who just took delivery of his new FJR1300A this week. Do the 07 models come witrh bag liners and a tool kit? I have heard conflicting views on this and need clarification. Why you ask? Cause I have money on a new 07 A model and since BETNDEUCES lives only about 70-80 miles from me here in Texas, (I am near Conroe), I hope that I can expect delivery of my new bike any day. Jabber
Don't know for sure, but I got my 06 about a week ago and it had them. The bag liners are really nice too.

Yes they the U.S. They have had since the 2003 model.

However, sometimes the liners don't always come with the bikes and may come in separately. Don't let a dealer convince you or your friend that they're extra. I haven't heard of a toolkit being delayed though.

This, by the way, is all in the New Owners Read This thread that a member created because these question get asked so often. See #16 and #17.

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This is for anyone who knows, but especially for BETNDEUCES, who just took delivery of his new FJR1300A this week. Do the 07 models come witrh bag liners and a tool kit? I have heard conflicting views on this and need clarification. Why you ask? Cause I have money on a new 07 A model and since BETNDEUCES lives only about 70-80 miles from me here in Texas, (I am near Conroe), I hope that I can expect delivery of my new bike any day. Jabber

Yes, mine came with both the toolkit and the bag liners.

There is also a link on the "New owners read this" page to rhulcher's Bin O Facts on 06s that has (among other good stuff) a checklist of several things you should ask the mechanic putting your bike together. The guy working on mine chuckled at some of them saying that he was surprised anyone would make some of those mistakes but he was happy to discuss them with me. He also recommended against using the loctite on the saddlebag lock screws but now I can't remember exactly why. He said he would do it for me anyway but didn't think it was a good idea. I decided I could always do it later myself after looking into it some more so I let that one slip.

Yes, mine came with both the toolkit and the bag liners.
He also recommended against using the loctite on the saddlebag lock screws but now I can't remember exactly why. He said he would do it for me anyway but didn't think it was a good idea. I decided I could always do it later myself after looking into it some more so I let that one slip.
Be sure and not use your bag liners....they'll look real cute as "soft bags" when your lock screws back out and your panniers are long gone.

IIRC, at one time Yamaha advised the dealers to use a thread locking agent. There have been a number of posts by owners who came up missing a sidecase only to find that the screws holding the lock in place had backed out know.


In Australia it's an extra, and they cost about $200AUD. Interesting how they change from country to country.
Because here in the U.S. we have to be bribed to buy an FJR. :lol:

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Yes, mine came with both the toolkit and the bag liners.
He also recommended against using the loctite on the saddlebag lock screws but now I can't remember exactly why. He said he would do it for me anyway but didn't think it was a good idea. I decided I could always do it later myself after looking into it some more so I let that one slip.
Be sure and not use your bag liners....they'll look real cute as "soft bags" when your lock screws back out and your panniers are long gone.

IIRC, at one time Yamaha advised the dealers to use a thread locking agent. There have been a number of posts by owners who came up missing a sidecase only to find that the screws holding the lock in place had backed out know.


In Australia it's an extra, and they cost about $200AUD. Interesting how they change from country to country.

Because here in the U.S. we have to be bribed to buy an FJR. :lol:

Very funny, Mike :fan_1: My problem is I bought mine used with only 700 miles on the odometer. However, no big liners. Also, no license plate. Wonder if I could ask the BMW dealer I bought it at to ask the original owner if he had the liners? Then, if he didn't throw them away, like he did the license plate I could get them??? Of course, the original Yamaha dealer might still have them..Or sold them by now.. Ow, my head hurts... :crazy: I think I'll just buy some. :( :crazy:


Yes, mine came with both the toolkit and the bag liners.
He also recommended against using the loctite on the saddlebag lock screws but now I can't remember exactly why. He said he would do it for me anyway but didn't think it was a good idea. I decided I could always do it later myself after looking into it some more so I let that one slip.
Be sure and not use your bag liners....they'll look real cute as "soft bags" when your lock screws back out and your panniers are long gone.

IIRC, at one time Yamaha advised the dealers to use a thread locking agent. There have been a number of posts by owners who came up missing a sidecase only to find that the screws holding the lock in place had backed out know.


In Australia it's an extra, and they cost about $200AUD. Interesting how they change from country to country.
Because here in the U.S. we have to be bribed to buy an FJR. :lol:

Yep, I just read the special instruction to use loctite in the mounting manual that came with the sidecases. Looks like I've finally found that reason to go buy a Torx-10 screwdriver.


Just be careful. There's no need to slather the loctite as any residue will eat the plastic. A drop on the threads is all you'll need.

Loren, whenyou call university Motors to make your first parts purchase, check on the price of the bag liners. Around $100, I think.

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Hmm interesting, I'm still awaiting the arrival of the bags for my '06 and i had no idea that the bag liners came with the bags. Is this only in the USA or do the Canadian bikes also come with the bag liners? Any Canuck FJR owners on the board answer that question for me? Cheers

Just be careful. There's no need to slather the loctite as any residue will eat the plastic. A drop on the threads is all you'll need.
Loren, whenyou call university Motors to make your first parts purchase, check on the price of the bag liners. Around $100, I think.

I'm not allowed access to the credit card for a month or two..... :dribble:

But, I'm making a list....Service manual, clip nuts, bag liners.........air filter... rubber, baby, bumper you know.

LC :blink:

Hmm interesting, I'm still awaiting the arrival of the bags for my '06 and i had no idea that the bag liners came with the bags. Is this only in the USA or do the Canadian bikes also come with the bag liners? Any Canuck FJR owners on the board answer that question for me? Cheers
I bought an 04ABS in the fall of 03 from a dealer in New Brunswick, and traded it in on an 06AE in August of 2006 at a dealer in Nova Scotia, "NO" bag liners with either purchase. However, in neither instance did I put a $500.00 dollar down payment on the bikes months in advance of delivery; each was delivered immediately from the Atlantic Canadian warehouse as soon as I had the paperwork finalized.

But, I'm making a list....Service manual, clip nuts, bag liners.........air filter... rubber, baby, bumper you know.
If you want to keep that list short stay in the jokes section, this place can cost you a bundle :yahoo:

Hey canucks

Don't pay to much for the bag liners. I've been using one as an every day ditty bag and the threads are unravelling.

If they are to be included with the US deliveries then why would they be offered as an accessory, as listed on the Yamaha site for the FJR?

There's only been one or two deliveries so far that I have heard of, any of those know and can comment?

They are considered an accessory. For the last 4 years, Yamaha USA mentioned them in the "Thank You" letter acknowledging our deposit and participation in the PDP, then has sent them to buyers via their dealer . They are not listed as an included part of the bike, hence European, Australian and Canadian buyers must purchase them.

Whether or not Yamaha USA will continue to send them to new FJR purchasers, now that the PDP is officially over, is the question. IIRC, someone said they received them, but my aged, addled brain could be mistaken.

Hmm interesting, I'm still awaiting the arrival of the bags for my '06 and i had no idea that the bag liners came with the bags. Is this only in the USA or do the Canadian bikes also come with the bag liners? Any Canuck FJR owners on the board answer that question for me? Cheers
No bag liners here but we get the computer chip in the key, forget what it's called, so I guess it's a trade off.

Yep, I just read the special instruction to use loctite in the mounting manual that came with the sidecases. Looks like I've finally found that reason to go buy a Torx-10 screwdriver.
And remember that'll be a security torx for the locks. ;)

Bag liners came with the 06 here in sunny CA. No problemo...don't know about the 07's. Happy motoring. PM. <>< :D
