fjrchik's new fjr!!

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I'm sorry everyone but after a 4 month break from riding, I am really not up for a 220 mile ride. It was extremely windy here today and I would've had been beyond exhausted. I only had 4 hours of sleep last night because as I've previously mentioned a ton, it's nascar weekend here in town and I have friends that arrived yesterday for it. they were fresh and ready to party. So I had the day off for that. It was just coincidental that I could get the bike today too. I just didn't feel it was necessary to push myself when I know I'm not up for it. I know MOST of you are just teasin but I did wanna explain why I trailered mine. I already get how harley that is!
A perfectly acceptable explanation. I feel better now. :)

I'd be picking mine up today if I had insurance :eh: ... think my broker was partying the night before too. It's cold here anyway, I can wait until Monday.

Congratulations fjrchik and many happy safe miles.


As a non-FJR owner and a former ST owner, I must say that this 06 is a FINE looking bike. The paint is second to none. The metal flake in it is a little more than the standard. It's nice to see a change like that for once on a bike.

While I didn't ride the bike, I must agree that the sound is very nice. Deep and mellow. There was also an absence of a mysterious tick that I recall having heard in the past on some particular FJR's. :rolleyes:

And for those you trailer queen haters, don't you think the bike made my trailer look good? :D



John and Michelle are both lucky they did trailer yesterday. Riding in the wind and the dust storm would have been just short of miserable.

I'm looking forward to seeing and riding with more of these bikes on the road.

John, I'll probably be in Austin sometime in May for the AF1 Racing open house. Maybe I should swing by and see how the FJR is doing. ;)

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Congratulations FJRchik !!! Enjoy your new FJR in the best of health and may it help add some adventurous fun to your life. I checked out your "my space". Very cool. As I wait for mine to arrive, I can only imagine that yours is mine. :D

Nice weather ahead for the Long Island tomorrow through Tuesday. Oh where oh where can my FJR be, oh where oh where can she be. Oh how I miss her so! Us single types get a bit lonely without a companion. :erm:

Congrats everyone!

I can't wait to get down there to get mine.....have a few months to go yet.

CONGRATS FJRchik! It's beautiful.

While I know how hard it was for you to not ride it home, in your circumstance you were intelligent to do the right thing & not push yourself beyond your limits. Many safe miles may you both travel. :D

Stll Waiting...................

Congrats to all of you!! pics lok great we love our 05 but seeing your new rides get me turning 05 blue with envy!! like to see 05& 06 together Remember !! Take your time, Get familiar, and scuff those new tires in!! ENJOY

Hey Fjrchik, Will be in Ft. Worth this summer {on my 06} for a week or so and will be looking to meeting you and bounce and the D/FW gang. Vinni Daniels AKA-LSUBOY

This bike makes my 03 feel like a dinosaur! I can't wait for tomorrow!!
Congrats all on your 06s, but please, please the 03 is not a dinosaur... :eek:

Other than ABS, mine is perfect. Well maybe I could use the glovebox.

Congrats on the new scoot - if I had my Warrior sold I would have been up there with you. May have to take a bigger hit than planned to get rid of of it - I'm jealous - everything I keep reading and hearing tells me I NEED this bike! Anybody know of someone looking for a good deal on a custom tricked out Warrior? :D


Never feel like you have to explain or apologize to anyone on this site. Only the village idiot would make a comment to challenge your fun and excitement of getting your new bike. Have a great time and many exciting and safe rides.

Hey thanks y'all for the well wishes! Totally appreciate it ;)

Did 2 short rides today. On the second one, the bike and I bonded. Had a fun moment taking it up to 115. It went up to that from 75 so freakin fast, I was shocked. And this is my second FJR!! Wrists and fingers are sore cause I haven't rode for 4 months so I gotta get back in shape. Wasn't in the saddle long enough to figure out if it's improved or not though. Will get to that soon! Really like the new guages, they are pretty sweet. It's eatin the gas pretty bad though. Used a half tank today and only had 81 miles on it. Hope that improves soon. I can't comment on the windshield too much cause I never had a stock one. My 03 had a huge amber thing on it that i took off and put a short sport screen on to help with the heat bubble. This one doesn't seem much different than that. Got another thumbs up from a bmw driver and rode with their group for just a bit. It is a nice feeling when other riders recognize the bike!

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Had a fun moment taking it up to 115. It went up to that from 75 so freakin fast, I was shocked. And this is my second FJR!! Wrists and fingers are sore cause I haven't rode for 4 months so I gotta get back in shape.
Hmm, 115 and wondering about your gas mileage- go figure!

My on board computer tells me that I am getting an average of 40.6 mpg although each time I check the mpg at this moment setting it tells me 17 mpg- go figure?

Fjrchic, I use a throttle rocker and it really helps with your wrist fatigue- I know on an earlier post you mentioned that the throttle spring seemed really tight and made holding the throttle hard. These throttle rockers are great and makes handling the FJRs power nice and smooth- I used one of these on my 03 for years and now won't do without.


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