FJRForum Official 2017 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis Thread

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I presume it would be safe to say looking at spotwalla at 8:20PM if anyone hasn't arrived at the hotel they would be losing some points. There may be one or two straglers form what I can tell.


I presume it would be safe to say looking at spotwalla at 8:20PM if anyone hasn't arrived at the hotel they would be losing some points. There may be one or two straglers form what I can tell.
Remember CP1 is in they are just into the penalty window a couple of minutes ago.


Looks as tho ONE tracker is still showing to be in Lufkin...3 hrs out.....

It is next to a hospital. hoping for the best. Zoom in. Hasn't move in while.


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I see that spot in Lufkin near a rehab facility (not a hospital), so hopefully no one is hurt. Maybe some sort of problem with their GPS tracker?

Here is what is happening at the check point now. The riders that got into the checkpoint with plenty of time to spare could relax, get their stuff together for scoring then stop the clock anytime they want before the penalty window. Once they stop the clock they have 1 hour to present themselves for scoring. If no scorers are available when they present themselves they get put on a wait list and they are called when it is there turn. There is usually a wait but the IBA is well staffed so it won't be long.

The few riders that came in after the penalty window started have to stop the clock immediately because they are loosing points so they they don't get that extra time to decompress and organize. If they have been filling out the bonus claim form as they go they don't have much to do so it won't be an issue but if they need to transpose from the rally packet onto the claim form they are getting stressed and hoping they don't transpose something wrong! Back in the day of fuel logs you'd have to organize a mass of fuel receipts especially if it was a longer leg so ditching that in favor of SPOT tracking was welcome, at least for me.

The checkpoint also has food for the riders that they are likely digging into as they organize themselves prior to getting scored. Once scored they will go get some ZZZs.

They have to be in a riders meeting at 4am tomorrow morning where they will announce the top 10 to all present, and post the full standings in the hallway. The next legs points will be distributed and any final announcements made prior to letting the riders go. The riders are free to depart immediately so this is where planning gets really stressful and you hope you're not the last bike in the parking lot when you finally leave. Sometimes you see something worth points that are time barred and you need to leave for very early before you can formulate a whole plan. Probably the most famous story of this was Jim Owen in 2009 seeing something in Colorado and leaving immediately bypassing several boni on the way to make sure he got there. Once there he knew he had won the rally because he waited until the time restriction expired and no one else came... This was a little before my time and I'm sure someone here can recall the details better than I or post a link to the actual story.

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A few totally spurious facts about this year's field... <snip>
Great stuff, thanks for sharing. Yamaha riders, on whole, ...the riders have newer bikes, Honda riders, on whole the older bikes and the majority to BMW which bike age falls in the middle (of the dominant Manufs.)

I guess my interpretation is that Honda's last a long time and stick with the proven bike.

Yamaha riders like slow, being that the bike (FJR) has gained weight and got slower every years since 2003 ...I'm surprised riders are not opting for the proven IBR success of the Gen I & Gen II FJRs.

Flame away, numbers are numbers.

Thanks MNFJR05

while the bike has to perform, the IBR is much more about the rider than the bike. People with older bikes have more than likely maintained the crap out of them. And have them as comfortable for them as their couch at home. NOT trying to start anything and if your particular brand and model wins you feel great BUTT to me the top 10 finishers in each rally could have done about the same on any bike as long as it held up mechanically. Those peeps are heads ans shoulders above what most peeps can do.. both physically and mentally.. In other words THEY HAVE THE RIGHT STUFF

Great info and interesting story....thanks, DaJuice!

Hey guys, sorry this video is coming so late after the start. I've been enjoying a nice road trip out to South Dakota, just got an opportunity to get it loaded to you tube.

A few totally spurious facts about this year's field... <snip>
Great stuff, thanks for sharing. Yamaha riders, on whole, ...the riders have newer bikes, Honda riders, on whole the older bikes and the majority to BMW which bike age falls in the middle (of the dominant Manufs.)

I guess my interpretation is that Honda's last a long time and stick with the proven bike.

Yamaha riders like slow, being that the bike (FJR) has gained weight and got slower every years since 2003 ...I'm surprised riders are not opting for the proven IBR success of the Gen I & Gen II FJRs.

Flame away, numbers are numbers.

Thanks MNFJR05

while the bike has to perform, the IBR is much more about the rider than the bike. People with older bikes have more than likely maintained the crap out of them. And have them as comfortable for them as their couch at home. NOT trying to start anything and if your particular brand and model wins you feel great BUTT to me the top 10 finishers in each rally could have done about the same on any bike as long as it held up mechanically. Those peeps are heads ans shoulders above what most peeps can do.. both physically and mentally.. In other words THEY HAVE THE RIGHT STUFF
OK, since 2003 there have been qty18 riders riding GenI/Gen2 that have finished in the top 10. That includes qty 5 in 2013 and qty3 in 2015

So, winning riders choose gen1 gen2 bikes. Others don't. We agree, its the riders and the numbers show what winning riders choose to ride.

So far there has been qty1 Gen3 in the top 10. Granted it hasn't been out a long time, but percentage wise winning riders have opted for Gen2

Point being Yamaha makes the bike fatter and slower every year, it's too bad. For a long time the 04's were in high demand. Hence, why many of us bought a 2nd one when we could cuz we knew we wouldn't be able to get them forever. And those Gen2 have performed very well, course it's the riders, not the bike, and the winning riders chose gen2's.

A few totally spurious facts about this year's field... <snip>
Great stuff, thanks for sharing. Yamaha riders, on whole, ...the riders have newer bikes, Honda riders, on whole the older bikes and the majority to BMW which bike age falls in the middle (of the dominant Manufs.)

I guess my interpretation is that Honda's last a long time and stick with the proven bike.

Yamaha riders like slow, being that the bike (FJR) has gained weight and got slower every years since 2003 ...I'm surprised riders are not opting for the proven IBR success of the Gen I & Gen II FJRs.

Flame away, numbers are numbers.

Thanks MNFJR05

while the bike has to perform, the IBR is much more about the rider than the bike. People with older bikes have more than likely maintained the crap out of them. And have them as comfortable for them as their couch at home. NOT trying to start anything and if your particular brand and model wins you feel great BUTT to me the top 10 finishers in each rally could have done about the same on any bike as long as it held up mechanically. Those peeps are heads ans shoulders above what most peeps can do.. both physically and mentally.. In other words THEY HAVE THE RIGHT STUFF
OK, since 2003 there have been qty18 riders riding GenI/Gen2 that have finished in the top 10. That includes qty 5 in 2013 and qty3 in 2015

So, winning riders choose gen1 gen2 bikes. Others don't. We agree, its the riders and the numbers show what winning riders choose to ride.

So far there has been qty1 Gen3 in the top 10. Granted it hasn't been out a long time, but percentage wise winning riders have opted for Gen2

Point being Yamaha makes the bike fatter and slower every year, it's too bad. For a long time the 04's were in high demand. Hence, why many of us bought a 2nd one when we could cuz we knew we wouldn't be able to get them forever. And those Gen2 have performed very well, course it's the riders, not the bike, and the winning riders chose gen2's.
don't know about fatter or slower, but as an actual OWNER of all 3 gens, I can tell you that they get BETTER each gen. Maybe you want a Busa so you can drag race ???

Probably the most famous story of this was Jim Owen in 2009 seeing something in Colorado and leaving immediately bypassing several boni on the way to make sure he got there. Once there he knew he had won the rally because he waited until the time restriction expired and no one else came... This was a little before my time and I'm sure someone here can recall the details better than I or post a link to the actual story.
That is a very salient reminder...if not prescient. If this rally is one they already know all the bonus locations, but not point values....could somebody have spent the time thinking about the patterns of bonus threads and have an advantage after 4 a.m. in quickly analyzing some opportunity? Not quite the same reason, but something myself and Eric Jewell (and I think several other) did in Leg 2 of 2013.

I KNOW Jeff personally rewards out-of-box thinking in his puzzles...I'm workin' on the railroad......if you're willing to risk a bit, commit, and not smack sheep.

Watching to see what happens tomorrow morning.....

cas42 posted: I see that spot in Lufkin near a rehab facility (not a hospital), so hopefully no one is hurt. Maybe some sort of problem with their GPS tracker?
A rehab facility? Maybe he's seeing a shrink.

Off to bed. Will look for the leaderboard tomorrow; IBR site if not here. GO FJRs!

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