FJRForum Official 2017 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis Thread

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That personal rider code of bonus waypoints being discussed will include as much data as possible to be easily recognizable as to access, restrictions, and value.
The "Strings" component adds a purely morphological complexity. In a way somewhat reminiscent to the zip-code theme that Steve McCaa created for the 2016 BMR rally.The first step is getting your mind around it, understanding it, then figuring out how to execute. Not easy, IMO this rally (as we currently understand it today) will be quick to separate the thinkers from all others.

I believe the bonus list is not revealed until after the rally. It is possible though based on the theme and leg one Spotwalla tracking to figure out where some bonus locations could be.

I just checked - the IBR bonus book I have was downloaded on Jul 3, 2015. That's around the time of Day 3/CP1...

It's no big deal but I'd love to know when riders are around ...

Timmer beat me to the punch - was cranking out a spreadsheet to sort by points/mile as well. Except I had to go teach myself how to get a pdf table into Excel first...

Left mine sorted by actual current placing. Also added a column assuming that a rider averaged 60 mph for the miles they covered - how many hours were they on the bike during this 60 hour leg. Obviously the 60mph number is arbitrary...

Someone just hit this place

Dinosaur Park

Wharton TX


I just checked - the IBR bonus book I have was downloaded on Jul 3, 2015. That's around the time of Day 3/CP1...
It's no big deal but I'd love to know when riders are around ...
I have no idea if they will release that info towards the end of the event.

This year.... the entire list of rally bonuses - all 325+ of them - are open and available to riders on every Leg of the rally.

Which is another dastardly plot twist by Mr Earls.

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Another tidbit from the 2009 ride Jim Owen made to get the Rand CO bonus.

On the way to the bonus in Rand he came upon another rally rider that had just had minor spill. Even though Jim was extremely pressed for time he stopped and helped the rider get their bike upright, then refused to leave until the rider vehemently insisted he get going. Truly a class act.


I am working up a full list of spurious stats for all of you that I shall get posted a little later today. However, I have noticed one little stat that surprised me...

Those riders(5) with 7 characters in their name outscored the rest of the field by an average of 4,000 points in Leg 1. The next 2 were riders with very long names, 21 or 23 characters.

The Seven Character Riders as they are now known, also out mile'd the rest of the field by about 300 miles, but rider 23 took the overall crown by 467 miles over the 7's.

I have a pile of spurious stats to share soon...

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Erp! One of the riders has a problem. Breakdown, or otherwise. Lisa claims a tow truck is inbound, so, that's good.

Appears to be Rider 173 on Spotwalla.

edit: no, the numbers were just re-randomized, so, don't know who the rider is at all

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Does anyone know what the riders are seeing that shows them 1.) what category the bonus location fits under (yes, I know it may seem self-apparent, but there has to be some way to define the category to the rider so there is no question of what category it belongs to) and 2. what they see that shows them how many points? If using similar sorting strategy from other rallies, I see 45 possible categories of bonus locations ( 5 theme categories - low,medium, high point value - daylight only, restricted times, available 24/7 ). To me that is the real headache of the rally, running out of icons to show where each bonus falls (if one uses a system where they can look at an Icon on the map and know what the requirements are by color and shape). Feedback from DaJuice or Iggy on how they would set up a planning map.
Hi John,

Are you asking how the riders know what category a bonus is in? I think, but could be wrong, that it's part of the bonus code. That first group bonus was APL, so the A means air? And then a Mythical one would start with M? Just a guess, but I think a good one :)

If you meant running out of shapes/colors, I don't think that would happen. You would use all the various permutations - I could see for this colors being the L,M,H and then shapes being the category? I haven't done a rally seriously in a long time, so I'm quite out of practice and really don't know what the kids are using these days, is everyone in Basecamp? EZBake? Other? I used (and loved) Mapsource. So my thought may be as outdated as me :)

It sounds like there wasn't any major drama on Leg 1 with regard to bike problems or crashes, etc, so that's the best news of all. I am sorry to hear about the UK folks on the Tenere at the start of this leg, I'm sure someone reached out to Eric V - I am sure he and Cletha are at the check point. But I think that was John Harrison's email, and he would for sure have access to Eric, so I'll just assume they've spoken on the matter.

Warchild said: This year.... the entire list of rally bonuses - all 325+ of them - are open and available to riders on every Leg of the rally.
Outta curiosity, are the point values for each of the bonuses the same throughout the rally, or do the point values change for each leg?

MNFJR pontificated: I am working up a full list of spurious stats for all of you that I shall get posted a little later today. However, I have noticed one little stat that surprised me...
Those riders(5) with 7 characters in their name outscored the rest of the field by an average of 4,000 points in Leg 1. The next 2 were riders with very long names, 21 or 23 characters.

The Seven Character Riders as they are now known, also out mile'd the rest of the field by about 300 miles, but rider 23 took the overall crown by 467 miles over the 7's.

I have a pile of spurious stats to share soon...
Jeebus. And I thought baseball was over-statisticed...

Outta curiosity, are the point values for each of the bonuses the same throughout the rally, or do the point values change for each leg?
Historically... they go up with every Leg. So it's fairly important that riders arrive at Checkpoint II in decent shape, so they have a prayer of calculating their final, winning route.

In the past, riders who arrive at the final checkpoint completely smoked have missed picking up subtle bonii on the final Leg, killing their chances at a podium finish.

Perhaps there will be a variation this year, given the String Threads. I really don't know.

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I wish I had a bit more data...would probably require some help from Jason at Spot...I would like to see points and mileage before and after their rest stops, time of day efficiency, etc.

And yes BikerGeek, some of the noted Spurious Stats have no basis in causality of fact...most of them... :grin:

JohnF posted: Does anyone know what the riders are seeing that shows them 1.) what category the bonus location fits under .... <snip>
JohnF, look at the Day 2 summary here. There's an small excerpt from the bonus packet .

The bonus code is "APC", for "Air - Prairie Chicken", most likely. I'll assume other animals have other codes: Air, Land, Water, and Mythical, perhaps.

The excerpt goes on to show that bonus "APC" is located near I-94, exit 38 south, Rothsay, MN, at GPS coordinates 46.4814 / -96.2816. There's also the time window when this bonus can be claimed: 1400 hours, June 26, 2017. Show up 5 minutes late and you'll miss the photo and 1,203 points -- just like the Boge family did.

You can enter those GPS coordinates into Google Maps, hit Street View, and see the World's Largest Prairie Chicken yourself, though not as well as in the Day 2 summary.

My technique is to use shapes/colors to represent point value -- gold stars having the highest values, of course -- but that only works since the Big Money Rally has fixed point values for each category. You plan your route to hit the time-limited spots when they're open (don't leave that to chance) and the daylight ones in the daylight.

Once you start riding, there's not much you can do except ride your plan. Adding bonuses into a well-planned route is a rare occurrence.

<edit 5 mins later> I see Hello Kitty has the same lines of thought. I'm a very amateur rallyer, flattered to be considered a kid, and use Google Maps to plan. The final route can be converted to GPX and stuffed into a Garmin, but I just bring it up on my iPhone (Google Maps App) and follow the blue line across the southeastern US. Since I have to stop at each bonus for a photo, it does just fine for my point-to-point navigation.

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I'm still grinding on the subtle yet dramatic trend of doubling and tripling last bonuses of category they trend across multiple legs.

Combine the common past experience of IBR points increasing from leg to leg, that Leg 1 has a double for a string of 3 from the same category, that Leg 2 has a triple for the last of a string of 4 from different categories, one might leap to the notion that Leg 3 is a quadrupling for the 5th in a string either from the same category and/or different categories (it sounds like there are 5 categories).

Add in the final variable that Leg 1 is a relatively short 34 hours. Leg 2 is out and back from the same location and a bit longer, but still relatively short 40 hours. But, Leg 3 is HUGE at 124 hours! That's the leg we're going to see riders fly all over the continent!

These variables compound in very interesting and dramatic ways. And I think it's absolutely going to be another one of those smarter-not harder rallies. I tip my hat to Mr. Earls.

I believe the bonus list is not revealed until after the rally. It is possible though based on the theme and leg one Spotwalla tracking to figure out where some bonus locations could be.
In the past didn't they only give out the bonus list for the leg they were running, so when leg 2 started they gave the public leg 1 bonus list to look at and play with. This year they gave all the bonus's to a the riders up front so they wouldn't be able to give it to the public. This is only my 2 cents, i could be wrong.

Warren A Meinzer

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