Florida Speeding Ticket Rant

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As Robert Blake, aka "Baretta" used to say: "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."

He also hired a good lawyer (oxymoron?) to get him off on a murder charge. :glare:


"30 over", in most jurisdictions, is wreckless driving. if it truly was for simple speeding consider yourself lucky. some places would have arrested you (unles you lived a lot closer), tossed you in jail, impounded your vehicle, and made you wait for a court appearance the next day (or on Monday if popped in a late friday or over the weekend).

It could have been worse.

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Check out www.ticketkiller.com They sell a speeding ticket defense based on Federal regulations that must be met by all municipalities to enforce speed limits. The cost is $34 and comes with a money back guarantee if you loose your case. They boast over an 80% win rate. Good luck!

Don't feel too bad. A buddy of mine, who is a police officer, got tagged by an Alabama State Trooper for 100+ mph on I-65 in So. AL. He got the ticket and paid it. When I asked him about it he said, " I knew what I was doing and hey, I deserved it". The Trooper knew he was an officer. We're all big boys and a 30 mile an hour differential to pass is not an easy defense. I give motorcyclists breaks quite often and I would have prolly written you in that situation.

Don't feel too bad. A buddy of mine, who is a police officer, got tagged by an Alabama State Trooper for 100+ mph on I-65 in So. AL. He got the ticket and paid it. When I asked him about it he said, " I knew what I was doing and hey, I deserved it". The Trooper knew he was an officer. We're all big boys and a 30 mile an hour differential to pass is not an easy defense. I give motorcyclists breaks quite often and I would have prolly written you in that situation.

I got tagged by a Kansas City cop for 73 in a 55--- he knew what I did for a living at the time. I paid the ticket because I was driving with my head up my ass on a 6 lane Interstate in traffic. At least we no longer lose leave days for getting a ticket.

I will give the motorcycle guy credit for stopping and taking his licks. Most bikes I've met at 100 had some rabbit in them. So attaboy for him.


Check out www.ticketkiller.com They sell a speeding ticket defense based on Federal regulations that must be met by all municipalities to enforce speed limits. The cost is $34 and comes with a money back guarantee if you loose your case. They boast over an 80% win rate. Good luck!
You must have a stake in this website. 3 posts and two recommend this site.

Some of you guys need to get out and play in traffic more. It is not too uncommon to be running 80 or 85 in rush hour traffic at times around Detroit. I pretty much just go with the flow and often see 85 or better without even realizing it. Blipping up to 100 on an FJR is a simple flick of the wrist for 2 seconds. Hard for me to too upset about someone running 15 miles an hour faster than traffic to get out of a situation if that was the case. It's one thing to be weaving thru slow traffic going like a bat out of hell but totally reasonable in other situations to do be getting out of a block or passing a truck to get over a lane or something that requires a burst of speed.....to bad most cops cannot understand "reasonable" situations. They just look at what their laser says. The guy that stopped me the last time tagged me while he watched me acclerate to blend into the line of traffic which I was still running in when he pulled me over. He told me to "slow down next time if you have trouble merging....." Duh. That helps when the rest of the traffic is going 85.

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Well I drove down to NAples,FL courthouse on the 9 th to show for the court hearing the next morning. I did not get a lawyer. I did a few screenings with some and they couldn't really help me. It would just cost me more money. There was no wheeling and dealing between lawyers and the judge for those cases where an attorney was present. I realized the attorney was hired for the convenience of the defendant not having to appear. I pleaded NO contest. The fine was $305.50 and I was assessed points, either four or five. Next time I have to renew my insurance I think it is going to be added expense . The officer was present, just to let you know. In fact, there were at least 35 officers sitting in the courtroom. They definitely schedule a day to be in court. I realize now how these local governments have budgets in the billions of dollars because after realizing the revenue flow just from traffic court it is a tremendous amount of money.

I still hang by my speed was justified in that situation. 100 mph on an FJR for a duration of 2 seconds? Reckless driving? C'mon. The west end of the Florida Everglades the drivers going 85 mph. The cagers and truckers highly unpredictable. Staying boxed in is leading to a worst case senario .

I like running fast as much as the next guy, buy from 70 to 100 is more than just a blip. on the other hand, every time I get a ticket, I think about all the times I've gone much faster and didnt get caught. IMHO

Just got a 70+ in a 60 last week. Was probably doing 80+ when I passed his unmarked car. $91.00

Sent a check for $350 into the local attorney who will get it dismissed. Worth the money in the long run when you consider

higher insurance premiums. 1st ticket in 7years and 1st one on a bike in 12 or 13.

Had a feeling it was about time to donate........... :rolleyes:

Well I drove down to NAples,FL courthouse on the 9 th to show for the court hearing the next morning. I did not get a lawyer. I did a few screenings with some and they couldn't really help me. It would just cost me more money. There was no wheeling and dealing between lawyers and the judge for those cases where an attorney was present. I realized the attorney was hired for the convenience of the defendant not having to appear. I pleaded NO contest. The fine was $305.50 and I was assessed points, either four or five. Next time I have to renew my insurance I think it is going to be added expense . The officer was present, just to let you know. In fact, there were at least 35 officers sitting in the courtroom. They definitely schedule a day to be in court. I realize now how these local governments have budgets in the billions of dollars because after realizing the revenue flow just from traffic court it is a tremendous amount of money.
Sounds like the judge gave you the max he could give. Should have made the officer prove his case. You'd be amazed at the number of times they screw up when testifying.

Well I drove down to NAples,FL courthouse on the 9 th to show for the court hearing the next morning. I did not get a lawyer. I did a few screenings with some and they couldn't really help me. It would just cost me more money. There was no wheeling and dealing between lawyers and the judge for those cases where an attorney was present. I realized the attorney was hired for the convenience of the defendant not having to appear. I pleaded NO contest. The fine was $305.50 and I was assessed points, either four or five. Next time I have to renew my insurance I think it is going to be added expense . The officer was present, just to let you know. In fact, there were at least 35 officers sitting in the courtroom. They definitely schedule a day to be in court. I realize now how these local governments have budgets in the billions of dollars because after realizing the revenue flow just from traffic court it is a tremendous amount of money.
Sounds like the judge gave you the max he could give. Should have made the officer prove his case. You'd be amazed at the number of times they screw up when testifying.
There was no way for me to know how the judge would respond had I pled 'not guilty'. I was disuaded after some guy gave some excuse and the judge actually upped his stated fine to a higher amount.

I had once heard that Fl speeding tickets were $5 per MPH over the limit + a base charge. Any truth to that Floridians?

There was no way for me to know how the judge would respond had I pled 'not guilty'. I was disuaded after some guy gave some excuse and the judge actually upped his stated fine to a higher amount.
My point was that if the judge is going to hit you with the max whether you plead guilty or not might as well make the LEO prove his case.

The $5 per mph over is only for the first ten over, plus 25 court costs and 25 for school to avoid points( and an insurance hike).After that it gets nasty, as nightshift is finding out.

The $5 per mph over is only for the first ten over, plus 25 court costs and 25 for school to avoid points( and an insurance hike).After that it gets nasty, as nightshift is finding out.

There is no $x/MPH over. There are brackets of fines in a few groups according to a range of MPH over. And it doesn't get any different until 26+ over which is simply manditory court.

I hate the fing police The way i see it if YOU own a motorcyle and you OWN liability insurance you should be able to do what you want i think its highly unlikely that a 600lb object will have a Life altering effect on the contents of a 4000-6000+ lb object EVEN if it is catching up to it at earthshattering speeds of 15-30mph. Sure its dangerous for you but thats totally your decision and if the law were really out to protect you it wouldnt let us ride mototrcycles in the first place because its been known for too long that motorcycle riders are ~8X more likely to be involved in accidents and of those accidents your ~20X more likely to be killed, I hate the police, I hate tickets They are all about money so stay off the roads between the 26th and the 31st of every month because thats when they give them. Recent studies have even shown that higher speed limits can actually reduce the amount of accidents on certain roads, which is why many states have adopted 70mph speed limits amd the autobahn is the safest road in the world per car traveled. RARRA im angry and i hate the police, thats my rant feel fre to disect it, except not the spelling cause im too lazy to correct my typoes or grammer


** WARNING ** Speed Trap City.... If you are on 95 in the West Palm Beach area... South bound just as you get into West Palm... 4 to 5 lanes in each direction.... Speed limit is 55... From PGA Blvd on down... Cops sit HEAVY just over the little hills 2 cars 2 bikes... PGA to about 45th Street.. I live here and see them EVERYDAY I go down there... No ticket for me... I get just north of PGA and shut it down... EVEN IF faster traffic...
