Fork maintenance failure

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I wonrer if a used right fork could be an option?It sure sounds like yours has crash damage.
I was thinking along those same lines although I know Pop will not put a used fork on that bike. If he has to replace it, he will use brand new components.

What I think Fred W was trying to get across to me was that a bad fork tube would probably still seal at the top. The real issue would be stiction in the bushings. I have no idea why the seal won't hold.

Let me get your pantyhose in a knot. Well, maybe not a knot but they can be used as a diagnostic tool. The seal may fail because the tube isn't round or there may be a small burr or divot that cuts the seal. Once the tube is free drag the pantyhose along the tube, if there are any burrs the hose will catch and you can feel it. Mrs Red will confirm that the very least thing will snag and cause runs -- assuming that this kind of upscale clothing is allowed to be worn (under her burqa) :)

Let me get your pantyhose in a knot. Well, maybe not a knot but they can be used as a diagnostic tool. The seal may fail because the tube isn't round or there may be a small burr or divot that cuts the seal. Once the tube is free drag the pantyhose along the tube, if there are any burrs the hose will catch and you can feel it. Mrs Red will confirm that the very least thing will snag and cause runs -- assuming that this kind of upscale clothing is allowed to be worn (under her burqa)
I checked for this a few times over the last couple years although I did not use Mrs. Redfish's panty hose. There is not enough room between the fairing and the fender to get hosiery that large into.
It is highly possible that there is a burr that I have not detected.

And I do remember that looooong ago when Mrs. Redfish and I still liked one another, that panty hose were both easily snagged and easily ripped through. I will leave it to your capable imagination as to which was accidental and which was by design.

Yabbut... if there was a burr and it was ripping up your seals, it wouldn't miraculously get better for 3-4 months after cleaning it out with a seal mate. ;)

And I don't get why the same seal will leak over and over again unless there is damage to the fork tube in some way, be it out of round or a seal nicker.

BTW Fred, wanna take a look at my right fork and see why it is a repeat leaker/seal eater?

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I was thinking along those same lines although I know Pop will not put a used fork on that bike. If he has to replace it, he will use brand new components.
What I think Fred W was trying to get across to me was that a bad fork tube would probably still seal at the top. The real issue would be stiction in the bushings. I have no idea why the seal won't hold.
If your pop ran a wrecked fork, why wouldn't he run a used one?

You know, aside from the fact that they are VERY hard to find. Well, I found lowers, but no uppers.

Here's a right lower...

Wait on the slow boat from Japan for an upper from the dealership, use the internals they should already have out plus the parts they were going to replace and you should be good.

Well, mine has repeated that weeping act too. Come to think of it both times it was the right side fork leg, but the leaky performances were pretty far apart, maybe 15k miles or so? I just figured, shit spooge happens. I'm good about cleaning, but not as meticulous about cleaning the fork tubes after every damp ride, as was reported by someone earlier. Now, having seen your commuter steed in various states of grunginess, maybe that has something to do with it?

But I know Andrew must keep his Dad's bike completely spic and span (whether he wants to or not), so that probably wouldn't explain his encore leakages...


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Go ahead, laugh if you want to. I don't mind. I have extensive experience washing/polishing/waxing Dad's FJR. In fact I used to do the same thing to his GoldWing way back when. He can and does clean the bike himself. Since I always do the routine maintenance before our trips, I naturally clean the FJR while I have it here.

Note the lazy rascal drinking coffee while I detail his bike for him.

Actually, I usually do a pretty good job of keeping it clean. I got lazy though, then it was broke down and wouldn't move, and then I hate hate hate cleaning vehicles in the cold. Very soon it will be washed down and super pretty...probably not till after the trip to Georgia though...things are crazy with me changing jobs, helping my wife with a five year old's birthday party, and planning for the trip. I need this vacation.

Fixed it for you

Go ahead, laugh if you want to. I don't mind. I have extensive experience washing/polishing/waxing Dad's FJR. In fact I used to do the same thing to his GoldWing way back when. He can and does clean the bike himself. Since I always do the routine maintenance before our trips, I naturally clean the FJR while I have it here.

Note the lazy smart rascal drinking coffee while watching me detail his bike for him.

I've gotta figure out how to get my kid to wash and work on my bikes (ideally while I sit and sip "coffee"* from a mug.)

What's the secret? What does he have on you? (besides the obvious stuff, you know... catching you with the Playboy mags, etc.)

*coffee is the vernacular for bourbon consumed before noon.

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Ah Fred, it would take too long to explain and even then... Well I don't know if I can explain. Somehow I think you know already.

I know that he better get it fixed soon because I have already forfeited 3 very beautiful riding days because I felt guilty about riding without him. Also, without his bike to distract him he is getting involved in all sorts of projects around his house. He informed me yesterday that the front end loader bucket on my Monster Fergusson tractor makes a wonderful place to mix concrete.
Either he gets that FJR back soon or I am going to steal my tractor back.

I had let myself get upset about the forks and so did Pop. We have both realized that there might have been some underlying issue all along and that this may be a blessing in disguise. Kind of an expensive blessing I'll bet. After riding that damned '14 ES I am seriously thinking about suspension upgrades. Up to now I assumed that neither of us was good enough to outride our stock suspension. Now, I am reconsidering.

IF your bikes forks are FUBAR because of the wreck, your insurance may cover the repair if you filed a claim in the first place. AND your deductible is already fulfilled so it may be 100%. I'd definitely check into that. Especially if your dealer will confirm the bad seal and stuck bushing are due to unseen damage.

Pop just called with good news. The dealership was able to get the forks apart and they said there was no detectable damage to any of the major components. They are unable to find any reason for the continued issues with that particular fork seal. Since it is currently sleeting and the temp is about 31F, Pop refused to go pick it up today. FWIW, I did offer to go get it for him. He called me ugly names.

I will report on the costs and anything else I learn.

Pop just called with good news. The dealership was able to get the forks apart and they said there was no detectable damage to any of the major components. They are unable to find any reason for the continued issues with that particular fork seal. Since it is currently sleeting and the temp is about 31F, Pop refused to go pick it up today. FWIW, I did offer to go get it for him. He called me ugly names.
I will report on the costs and anything else I learn.
so the dealer finally figured out that adding a little heat to the outside of the fork tube will make it easier to pull apart...

good to hear that they got it fixed.

Did they change all three bushings along with the seals? Even if they weren't bad, the act of dismantling the fork will ruin the bushings. Hopefully they will get it back together properly for him. On the downside, you don't have any good reason to go back and negotiate a great price on the '14 based upon them messing up a perfectly good '07.

Yes, they had the complete bushing set ready to go before they discovered the forks would not come apart.

Pop made it pretty clear that he likes his '07 and wants to keep it. He has been encouraging me to get the '14 ES since I seemed so infatuated with it. That is not in the works right now for me, I'd rather have the money for my bike trips this year.

Okay, Dad got his bike back, but I am somewhat irritated. Okay, a lot irritated.

The bill was $1000 even. This included:

1) Labor to install two tires.

2) Labor to rebuild forks

3) Labor to R&R forks

4) Front brake job (pads saturated with fork oil)

5) All new bushings and seals in forks

6) A wash job

They said that the 1 man 3 hour job turned into a 3 to 4 man 7+ hour job. They knew Pop was unhappy so there was no labor charge for the brake job.

The thing that I am most pissed about is that the moronic tire installer turned the brand new Ariete Valve Stems that I supplied pointing to the left side. Seriously, who does that? Am I missing something?

What do my forum experts say? Did Pop get a serious screwing? Or was it a fairly moderate screwing? Or perhaps it was fair and I am just grouchy.

On a happy note, Pop took the long way home and said the suspension was working much better than before. He thinks there must have been some slow degradation in performance because it was significantly better. When I spoke to him last, he was happily readjusting the forks.
