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After seeing my friend slide face first, on his stomach and seeing the scratches on his visor, I think I'll be buying full face helmets for the rest of my riding career. Definitely will be looking for well-vented ones however.


Full...for the same reason I buy home/auto/bike/etc insurance since, IIRC, abt 35% of all cranial impacts in a get-off occcur on the left/right lower jaw. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

I'm in the market for a new helmet, I currently own KBC's ffr modular. Which style do you prefer a full face or 3/4 open face w/shield? Your comments appreciated.

Toecutter said it well. The choice depends on how much of your face you want to keep. Read the Hurt report and see the distribution of impact for motorcycle accident head injuries.

I do own a 3/4 helmet but couldn't tell you where it is right now. Know that it has a thick layer of dust. I shall be putting on my FF helmet in a few moments, to ride to work.

I have the Arai SZ Ram 3, and love it. It's 3/4 with visor, and lots of venting. I'm a guy that tends to get claustrophobic, and too hot with helmets. Never used to even wear one, but the forum convinced me to take my time, try all the helmets on, and find one that's comfy. Maybe full face next time, baby steps at this point.

I way prefer a 3/4 helmet. I started riding with one in the 60s because it was the only game in town. In the late 70s I started wearing a full helmet because I should, not because I liked it.

I did a very low speed face-plant wearing a top quality, full coverage Shoei. My lower jaw would be a relocated rib had I not been wearing that helmet. Even though the get-off was probably under 10 mph I destroyed the whole chin bar, side of the helmet, face shield, and ripped all the vents off around the face shield and on the top of the helmet. It left me with a big time concussion and cuts in my mouth where my lower teeth tried to remove my lower lip. I kept that helmet to horrify my family and friends show open face helmet riders. It did get my brother to convert to a full helmet which he road tested within a couple of weeks of getting it. He did a big dive on a highway at >70 mph. The helmet saved his head but he really regretted not being an ATGATT guy when it happened. He now is ATGATT too. Pain is a wonderful teacher.

Everything you need to know.


Where are the largest % of impacts?

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Only you know whether or not you are going to crash.

Only you know how abrasive the pavement is where you might crash.

Only you can make the decision to mitigate every possible injury scenario.

As for me....

I've never been "pretty".

Eating might be highly overrated (liquid nourishment would probably keep one alive) though chewing and tasting are an interesting part of the dining experience.

Being able to kiss my loved ones is rather important.

The shock and horror from people I meet might begin to wear on me.


Some pictures from a survival story: Helmets 101

We're adults, we make our decisions and live with the results.

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Shoei Multitec!! It's Perfect for me. Outstanding Protection and you can Flip Up anytime you want / need. I had a good friend years ago, (fairly good looking guy),

who had a bad slide face first and the poor bastard looks like Frankenstein Now. Been wearing Full Face ever since. (I'm too pretty for that)!! Just Sayin'


The webbikeworld review site has a review of a Snell flip up helmet, However I never heard of the brand before. I wear modulars, a good compromise with metal hinges. I had the HJC Sy MAX V1 in the past, and I did not like the button right in the center of your chin. It was big and looked like a hard impact could get it to release if it hit that area. They did change the design later on with later models.

I'm in the market for a new helmet, I currently own KBC's ffr modular. Which style do you prefer a full face or 3/4 open face w/shield? Your comments appreciated.

I wear a Shoei because it's the one that fits my fat head,,,

I wear a full face ,, to protect my pretty face......

Full face here too. I've owned a suomy, OGK and now a Shoei X-11. I got a killer deal on it but compared to the other supposebly well ventilated helmets, they don't come within a mile of the venting on the shoei. It's the only helmet that I am able to actually always feel the air over the top of my head when riding plus I like that you can lock the visor down or crack it open for additonal venting on really hot days. Because it vents as well as it does it is on the louder side but I wear earplugs so it wasn't an issue for me.
