Fuseblock install party?

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Ok, my interest is peaked. I have a Zumo, Radar Detector, and HIDs running to the battery so I think I may be a candidate for one of these. Couple of questions...

1. Where are you installing these? Up in the fairing or runing them under the seat?

2. Seems like there are 3 popular choices. I know I am opening up a can of worms here, but what is the difference? Looks like the Fuze Block has more fuses in it (hmm, maybe thats how it got its name?) but I am not electically inclined enough to know if that is good or bad.

I can host it again. I have lots of supplies, a big enough garage to get many bikes inside. March 14th would work best for me. I have both the cantec and blue sea installed on my bike with relays and starcomm.
Let me know. Most know who to get to my house since they were here for the last one. (Still have some of the beverages left from the last time too)

Okay since I got this started I should try to help organize this.

1. Since AuburnFJR is willing to host and has a "killer" set of tools. :clapping: Let's have him host

2. Date: March 14th sounds like it should work (I sure hope I can get over the pass).

Questions for you all

1. What start time would allow us time to work and drive back to our homes? I'm not sure how long this will take, but know it's a couple hours if you're taking off the fairing pieces. I was thinking 1:00pm. This would give us sometime to ride over and would get home not too late.

2. If it takes longer would Auburnfjr be willing to host over night?


I would say about noon. Yes I have a place for a 3 or four to stay overnight. I'll reserve a spot on the list Duster.


I'll be interested in hanging out helping out and learning. I have picked up some goodies to install; FZ1 Fuse Block, Hella FF50's, and my Garmin 2730. I might pick up a rear mount power plug not sure what type I want yet. I also want to pick up that three way switch for the Hella's. I don't really care if I do any thing to my bike, but hangin out with my friend's, learnig and helping is always a great day!

PS Let us have Pizza brought in so your not spending $

Not sure if it'll be any help, but here's how I installed my fuse block.


I just ran some huge-ass cable to the battery and used a nut and bolt through the side of the airbox to mount one side of the block. The other is held in place by the positive cable, which hasn't been an issue. Right now I've got wired into it: heated jackets for SWMBO and me, grip heaters, Magnum Blaster horns, HID headlamps, PHID "Eyes of Dog" high beams, GPS and Autocom intercom. IMHO there's no harm in going overboard on the number of connections you have to use--better to have open slots you don't need than to run out!

Have fun y'all!


BryanI'll be interested in hanging out helping out and learning. I have picked up some goodies to install; FZ1 Fuse Block, Hella FF50's, and my Garmin 2730. I might pick up a rear mount power plug not sure what type I want yet. I also want to pick up that three way switch for the Hella's. I don't really care if I do any thing to my bike, but hangin out with my friend's, learnig and helping is always a great day!

PS Let us have Pizza brought in so your not spending $
Like Panman, I too would love to join you guys to learn and get my grubby hands in to help at all possible, that is, if you will have me. I wish I had some gadgets to install. Although Marissa is a damn good cook I am with Panman about the Pizza. I don't think that anybody wants Bryan and Marissa to put themselves out. We can all pitch in and get it delivered? As a surprise to those that know me, I will try to have my windshield on when I come up. lol Speaking of which, anyone get a deal on windshield hardware from Yamaha?


Just talked with Duster. Were on :yahoo: for March 14th here at my house in Auburn. Same place the last tech day was held.

I'll start a new thread and get more details out tomorrow or Friday. Mark your calendars.

Count me in as well. I've got some left over electrical goodies I can bring...Heck we'll be able to wire an aircraft carrier before we're done.


Well...since we have this up to a full on shindig, I will force myself to hold off on my installs until the 14th. Gonna be hard since Jeff just sent me my Starcom with all the cables and I already have everything else. I guess I will get to ride this weekend and do the wrenching on the 14th.

Should we pool up on some good wire, or each bring our own? Let's kick this around over the next week. I am happy to put an order in on some quality stuff if we can figure out lengths. Also need the looms and shrink tubing if we are going to make it fancy.

- David

Well...since we have this up to a full on shindig, I will force myself to hold off on my installs until the 14th. Gonna be hard since Jeff just sent me my Starcom with all the cables and I already have everything else. I guess I will get to ride this weekend and do the wrenching on the 14th.
Should we pool up on some good wire, or each bring our own? Let's kick this around over the next week. I am happy to put an order in on some quality stuff if we can figure out lengths. Also need the looms and shrink tubing if we are going to make it fancy.

- David


I'm game to go in with you on good wire. Keep a receipt and I can bring over what I owe you.


I am on the West side and will be tackling this as soon as I get a Starcom in hand. I will be installing a Fuzeblock, Garmin, Radar, and the Starcom - maybe a power outlet. I am thinking sometime in the next month or so and more than happy to have company. I have LOTS of garage space and any tool that I can think of for normal tape apart and put together. A crowd would be welcome, so if you would like to go this route - please feel free.
Very cool Reamer. Sounds like we can put together another Tech Day on the west side. I have a Blue Sea installed already and would be happy to assist in any way I can.

I am across the valley in Mill Creek area. Rode 2 hours yesterday. We should meet sometime.

Count me in for March 14th, I would like to add electronics for my Las Vegas trip the first week of April.

Hey Duster, saw your note and your PM. I will start looking around for supplies and see if there is anything that just stands out as better and I will stay in touch with you. I will try and pick Hudson's brain on looms and heat shrink size/amount as well. Look forward to meeting you soon and it will be good to see the gang again at AuburnFJRs.

Might even try to scrounge up a powerlet and install one of those as well.


@ Night Falcon, there are several of us on the east side. Make the trip to AuburnFJR's and you'll have a great time. Last tech-day, Niehart, Jay-H and I rode down and took some side roads to make it interesting. Great group we've got up here.


@ Night Falcon, there are several of us on the east side. Make the trip to AuburnFJR's and you'll have a great time. Last tech-day, Niehart, Jay-H and I rode down and took some side roads to make it interesting. Great group we've got up here.

George is absolutely right. And when you get there, don't be too afraid of the driveway. lol ;)

Some have asked me to post more details about parts and install locations or tips. Here goes.

First, I am NOT an expert, rather a medium NOOBIE. I've soldered and crimped before, but that's about it. This is easily a DIY job with the right parts, people, and patience.

If you are installing a new Starcomm, you should get all the audio wires you need from Jeff, as well as the PPT switch if you want one.

If you are installing the Garmin 2730, make sure you have the motorcycle install/wiring kit; you can buy on ebay. It does NOT come with the 2730, you have to order it. It includes the necessary wiring as well as the actual mount.

If you are installing power to an IPOD, cell phone, or FRS, you have some options. You can get a cheap car charger and just cut the wires and solder/positap them to the wires running from the fuseblock. Or, you can install a powerlet adaptor. I went with the former option.

Whether you install a centech, blue sea, or a Fuzeblock, You will need at least one wiring loom with two wires to bring power to the block from the battery. You can try to have the group get the right loom/ gauge in bulk, I ordered a loom and install kit from Eastern Beaver which custom makes them for the AP2 and includes a relay. You will want Eastern Beaver to add another 14-18 inches on the relay wire (beyond the extra length they add as an option) to be able to tap into the rear running lights. If you are mounting the fuseblock in the tray under the rider seat, you will need about 60-68 inches from the battery to the fuseblock; consider adding another 8 inches if you want to play with more options on running the wire. If you are mounting under the rear passenger seat, I would get at least 80 inches to be safe.

The second loom you will need depends on where you want to bring power to your gadgets. I ran a three pair wire loom from the fuseblock up to the fairing to power the gadgets on my n/line shelf. I think it was 60" or so, it doesn't hurt to get 80" to be safe so you have extra length to run to a ram mount, or even longer if you want to run wires into a tank bag to house your gadgets.

For those installing the Fuzeblock brand, you just need a 2wire loom, in the same lengths as above. The Fuzeblock has the relay build in, so you only need about 6-14" of hookup wire to tap into the running lights. (TW for noobs, the tap is necessary to trigger the switched relay so that it only powers your switched outlets when the bike is turned on).

Auburn FJR can comment on the guage: I think it was 12 gauge at least. The wire in the looms from the fuseblock to my n/line shelf were 14ga.

I copied Auburn and installed the Starcomm vertically, see pix below, and mounted the Starcomm front headset jack next to the glove box. All the wires from the fuseblock to the accessories on my n/line shelf, as well as the audio wires from the starcomm to my accessories, I wrapped in silicon tape (for heat protection) and ran along the left side of the frame. You can't see any visible wires, and I used a ton of zip ties as well as nylon braiding sleeves to make the job look stock. I also used shrinkwrap to finish off the ends of the wires.

All the braiding and heat shrink tubing was bought from Vetco Electronics in Bellevue in bulk; they also sell wire looms. Silicone tape was bought at Shucks. One positap is needed to tap into the running light wire, and I used six positaps to connect the power/ground wires running from my radar and GPS and IPOD to the wire loom running to the fuseblock.

Centech AP2 mounted in tray under rider's seat:


Detail. Note the wire loom on the left running up to my accessories on the n/line shelf


Starcomm Advanced, mounted vertically using wide velcro strips to hold:


Detail. I like this location for the Starcomm, makes it easy to run all the audio wires and access the volume pots:


I mounted the Backup XP brake light module under the rear seat, note the ground wire on the right to the frame.


Here is the loom with three sets of wires running to my n/line shelf. The loom is covered in a nylon braid, cause I felt like it. There is space between the speedo/tach and the front fairing to route the wires without having to cut into the fairing.


Here is where I mounted the Starcomm helmet outlet. I didn't want to see wires hanging out of my seat. Also a good location for a powerlet adaptor. Used a dremel to cut the plastic, and a grinder bit to shape the hole. Very easy.


I had an extra holder left over from the Starcomm which I used to hold the lead from the fuseblock to my heated vest outlet. It looks cleaner than having the wire hanging out of my seat.


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Nice Work. I spent the last couple of days scratching my head on where to put everything, and oddly enough, ended up with the same exact location for the Starcom. That is a perfect sized cavity for that and it does allow access to the adjustments. My bike looks different under the rider's seat so didn't have the same option there for the fuse block. For running power to the fuse block, I went to West Marine and got 6' of 10 ga. dual strand "safety wire". I just haven't figured out how I am going to get it into the battery compartment and I would like to figure it out without pulling any more tupperware. I have the panel above the battery off and have been poking around with a flash light.


What did you do with the curly wire that goes from the Starcom to the GRMS radio? Did you deal with that? I ran it to the front of the bike, but it was short so I routed over the engine area. up above the injectors and the rest of the wiring. It is the only piece I am not happy with so far.

Also curious how you brought the power cable to the battery, that is my last cable that I need to run and was going to tackle that tonight.


I am doing some experimenting on wires etc., but the time I'm done I won't need anymore. I will pass on what I can so you and any others can make a purchase as needed. Hudson seems way ahead of the game on this so a con call with him might be most efficient.

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