FYI-This is Squid, a close friend of GalaxyBlue (Adam)

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Squid Again, sorry for not using another sign in nic, it can be confusing me posting under his name.

I just got back from the hospital, and I was able to go in his room again. This time with his mom, June. It seems to always get better information while a family member is present. Like the cross post stated, Adam is stable and the things he is hooked up to are only for assistance not support. He is far from out of the woods, and his recovery will take some time. Things looked good after his Cat Scan and EEG. Being sedated is only so that his body can rest, anyone that has ever driven a Big Rig OTR knows, this is much needed rest.

His mom was overwhelmed by the support from the local biking community, as in this forum, Adam has many, many friends. That positive energy, and the added prayers from not only his net friends, but also those from among many prayer chains, not to mention the medical staff. Adam can not have a better support group.

The stent placed last night was in what is called the "widow maker" His LCA was blocked 100 %, the other two arteries also have blockage, but will have to wait until his body is strong enough to handle the surgery. At this time, they are not sure if this will require "open heart by-pass" or more stents, but at this time, they are leaning towards by-pass.

I felt his shoulder this morning and his skin was cold to the touch. Tonight he was warm, much warmer and his color was almost normal. I got a much better feeling about his recovery this evening, seeing him looking better, and being able to hear the nurse talking to his mom.

His father also made it in from OR. and with all of the other folks in and out, I plan to go back home, 100 miles away, until he is no longer sedated. So please check up on him on the SWMO site, and continue your thoughts and prayers.


Squid, thanks for the good news. I'm hoping for more stents and no surgery. Please let us know when you hear more.

Thanx, Squid for the update.

I wish I could find the words that would make things better...but, all I can come up with is pls tell GB (Adam) that he's in my thoughts and prayers and am wishing him a speedy recovery.

I thought of you so much todayI went to God in prayer,

To ask Him to watch over you

And show you that I care.

My prayer for you was not for rewards

That you could touch or feel,

But true rewards for happiness

That are so very real.

Like love and understanding

In all the things you do,

And guidance when you need it most

To see your troubles through.

I asked Him for good health for you

So your future could be bright,

And faith to accept life's challenges

And the courage to do what's right.

I gave thanks to Him

For granting my prayer

To bring you peace and love.

May you feel the warmth in your life

With God's blessings from above
Author Unknown

We beauty queens gotta hang together, get well fast Adam, hell ain't got lane splittin yet........ :)

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Holy moly, only 33 years old.... this is no good at all. Glad to hear of some of the encouraging news, though.

Hang tough, GB, lot's of folks pulling for you here!


Man this is horrible news but I'm relieved to hear the updates sounding positive. We have a lot more riding to do together, so hang in there Adam!! Get better quickly!

GB is in the last row, far left at SFO in October.

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I'm so stunned I don't know what to type. Adam was just through Indy and stopped by my work and we went to dinner not but a few weeks ago. I am praying for ya man!! You gotta get better and show me those MO roads we talked about. Ride on bro! We need you around for a good long while.


Get well soon Adam, best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Get well soon Adam, glad to hear things are looking better.

Thanks Squid for keeping us informed.


Get well buddy. Listen to the docs and get better fast. Summer is coming, there are rides to be ridden!

You're in my prayers.


Damn this is bad news.

Take care of yourself Adam. Rest and get well and you'll be up and riding again before you know it.

Bummer, met Adam @ the first SFO in Russelville, AR and he is a great guy, fun loving, gregarious, friendly, and a bit of a computer whiz.

Hey Adam get soon real quick and remember we're all pulling and praying for you. Your presence is expected and foretold at the Spring or Fall SFO meet in Russelville!!!

Adam, I pray for aggressive treatment to clean your plumbing out and a speedy recovery. I hope that you can soon return to this board and read about all the positive energy being sent your way. You truly are a gentleman and were one of the nicest persons that I met last year at WFO. Many thanks again and again for the help at WFO5 from my wife and myself.

Listen to what the physicians, nurses, and physical therapists tell you during your procedural recovery and cardiac rehabilitation. You've got too much living to do.

God bless.


Get well soon Adam! Praying for a quick recovery.

Squid, thanks for keeping us posted.


This is Roxy (Jennifer), Im one of Adam's roommates. I've been at the hospital everyday since the day he has been brought in. He is doing 100% better than he was. I was one of very few allowed to see him before he had his surgery, the night he was brought to the hospital and he wasnt looking so good and it scared me to death. I myself am a trained EMT. Adam is one of my closest friends and took me under his wing. He opened his eyes for me at the hospital this evening but closed them soon afterwards. He has had 10 tons of support from everyone and its a blessing i promise! Please everyone keep up the support and prayers, he's gonna have a heck of a time but if we help him it might make it easier. thank you all so much!

GB, while hoping for your "quick" recovery and praying for that very thing, it strikes me that YOU and your life are more valuable to this community and to your family and friends than whatever time it takes you to be fully restored. Do it right so we can all welcome you back.
