Garmin 590 screen lock up issues..

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2005
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SW Florida, USA
I have a 590 that is occasionally "not firing up for me" automatically.

The positive lead is wired to my directional running light (and grounded to a fuse block) so that the unit gets 12 volts when the bikes ignition it turned on. When I turn the ignition off, the unit shuts down.

I've had this set up 1 week short of a year (warranty ALMOST out), no issues

Per Garmin, I was told the screen will sometimes lock up and a soft re-set usually takes care of it.

*Soft re-set is holding the power button for 15 seconds either with the GPS mounted or
plugged into the computer (different power source).*

It locked up again today, (after 4-5 "starts"). An initial re-set didn't work. Did it again at a red light, fired up.

The GPS battery is 7/8 charged (fully charging now).

I was told by Garmin tonight, to physically turn it on and off manually before shutting down the bike, that it may be in sleep mode (which I believe it goes into). I ride
everyday so the battery is NOT being run down (and was at 7/8 charged)

**Can anyone add re manually turning it off being mandatory or do I have an issue?**

As a side note, the original unit I bought, the MP3 player stopped working in January and this is a refurbed unit. Two months old and the warranty expires in 6 days. Works fine other than this occasional no start...

Thanks ahead of time

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I can't speak on the 590 specifically, but I wouldn't want something battery-operated to be sitting on the bike unless it was powered off, not just in sleep mode. Its internal battery consumption is higher when it's asleep versus when it's actually powered off, and cycling the battery repeatedly by removing power to the charger rather than shutting the unit off is asking for shorter battery life, in my opinion. It may show 7/8 charged, but there may not actually be any life between 6/8 and zero.....

I would make sure garmin had a record of the issues today and note that it is not working as it should. I would also ask them if after trying the suggestions to correct it and it does not resolve the problem in a weeks time is it still considered a warranty issue? If not I would demand an RMA # and make them look at it.

In my first year of Zumo 550 ownership, had similar issues where the GPS would be confused..... solved it by having the cradle always powered on........ at the end of day, remove it from the cradle.

I had almost the same problem with my 660. Eventually it wouldn't turn on at all. Garmin did every diagnostic test they could and eventually gave up and just sent me a new one.

This one works perfectly, never a blip. Ask if they will do that for you, it won't get better.

Well, when it did it the last time, it had cycled on and off at least 5 times W/O issue (running errands).

She wanted (and I did-overnight) me to charge it fully.

I did have her document it.

I'll try powering it off manually (kinda a PIA vs being automatic) and see what happens.

I'll also call back and see about if it continues after warranty but I'm sure they'll tell me to take a walk..

Thanks for the input guys..

If it is documented and you ask to return it they will honor an extended warranty for a few weeks. I had a similar issue with my 550 and after sending it back and forth 3 times they gave me an option to purchase a newer one at a discount. I accepted that and have been very happy with my zūmo® 390LM I got TPMS now so it was worth the aggravation. The key is to make them tell you that this issue will be covered should it occur in the near future and document it. Personally I would ask for an RMA number and send it in even if it is working for the most part and you can get it to work, it is not working as it should and be fixed under warranty and maybe even replaced this gives you another 90 days of warranty. You also may want to inquire about an upgrade option.

Good luck.


I just called, the warranty is still good until June(when I bought the original unit-NOT next week when the 90 days on the refurbed unit ends).

Anyway, the tech I spoke to was very knowledgeable and I told him that the bike doesn't sit for more than two days (no power to the GPS and its in sleep mode). He said if your storing the bike for months, then I should manually turn it off. Sleep mode shouldn't cause these issues.

I also asked, even if the INTERNAL GPS battery was dead, once I powered it up (start the bike), should the 12 volts fire it up?? His answer, Yes.

Long story short, I have an RMA #, their picking up postage both ways. So this one's going out today for another unit once I receive a return label (in about an hour)

Short of this occasional issue, I've been very happy with it!!

I hope this thread helps anyone with similar issues or concerns...

Thanks again guys...

You did well grasshopper! You have increased your likely hood of getting one made on Wednesday

Two things in the past have locked up Garmin units for me. They're both kind of related.

1. Bad MP3 files. They may play well on other devices but for some reason the Garmin MP3 player doesn't like them. It's super hard to narrow down which ones it might be if you have a ton of music.

2. Using a program other than Garmin mapping programs (Basecamp) to make route files. Streets & Trips is one of the culprits. for some unknown reason occasionally the Garmin units just wont fire up when when there's a .GPX file from another software program.

The last thing I would try is changing the memory card, if you have one installed.

If it's not one of these and your power source is correct, it's a Garmin issue.

Just my 2 cents.

Two things in the past have locked up Garmin units for me. They're both kind of related.
1. Bad MP3 files. They may play well on other devices but for some reason the Garmin MP3 player doesn't like them. It's super hard to narrow down which ones it might be if you have a ton of music.

2. Using a program other than Garmin mapping programs (Basecamp) to make route files. Streets & Trips is one of the culprits. for some unknown reason occasionally the Garmin units just wont fire up when when there's a .GPX file from another software program.

The last thing I would try is changing the memory card, if you have one installed.

If it's not one of these and your power source is correct, it's a Garmin issue.

Just my 2 cents.
Thanks for the info.

I don't use any other maps than whats's in the unit.

The MP3 player worked fine with what I loaded from the lap top-(music wise)

I did have SD card in the unit, just to put extra music (pulled it for the exchange).

*Question/ your opinion, When I loaded the SD card last time, Garmin had me make some file

(while plugged into the laptop) so the SD work work / be recognized.

Now, I can get approx 12 full albums in the machine W/O the SD card. On my FZ6 (that the units used on)

I don't do long distance trips and can get by without the SD card.

With the above circumstances, think its best to leave the SD card out of the replacement unit?

One less thing to cause issues?

*Question/ your opinion, When I loaded the SD card last time, Garmin had me make some file(while plugged into the laptop) so the SD work work / be recognized.

Now, I can get approx 12 full albums in the machine W/O the SD card. On my FZ6 (that the units used on)

I don't do long distance trips and can get by without the SD card.

With the above circumstances, think its best to leave the SD card out of the replacement unit?

One less thing to cause issues?
They're "supposed" to work with the SD cards. I'd just be wary of any off-name memory cards.

The file structure they probably had you make was:



"D" being whatever the drive letter you assign it when in the computer.

MP3's should go in the MP3 file

and routes go in the GPX file.

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*Question/ your opinion, When I loaded the SD card last time, Garmin had me make some file(while plugged into the laptop) so the SD work work / be recognized.

Now, I can get approx 12 full albums in the machine W/O the SD card. On my FZ6 (that the units used on)

I don't do long distance trips and can get by without the SD card.

With the above circumstances, think its best to leave the SD card out of the replacement unit?

One less thing to cause issues?
They're "supposed" to work with the SD cards. I'd just be wary of any off-name memory cards.

The file structure they probably had you make was:



"D" being whatever the drive letter you assign it when in the computer.

MP3's should go in the MP3 file

and routes go in the GPX file.
I don't make any routes being local only.

As I re-call, I was able to simply move the MP3 files into the 590 (and it worked fine).

When I re-load the music, should I be doing something specific (wasn't an issue before)?

I guess I'll chime in here. No answers to anything above just blabber about my 590.

Overall I love it! I have never reset the trip meter and last I checked I was at 800 hours so even though the price is high I can justify $1/hr.

Power functions confuse me. I have the cradel wired to switched power. When I turn the bike off..some days it goes to sleep..other days it turns off completely. It has never frozen on me unless I am trying to update MP3 (see below).

Most of the time imported routes are fine. I use Tyre. My friends and I run into versions sharing routes and then having different routes pop up on a 590 Vs 550 vs 600. Probably just the internal maps in the units.

I have about 10K songs and several routes stored on the SD card. My songs are on random which is OK most of the time but sometimes its awkward when AC/DC is followed by Frank Sinatra or some classical music. I tried to create a playlist on the computer but Garmin wont recognize it. I keep meaning to spend an hour or so on the unit but I never get to it.

Searching music is just about useless on the unit. Granted I have a lot of songs. Try to browse by artist or song and the unit will freeze for 5 min or so while it populates the list. I still get GPS audio and music but the screen is frozen on media menu. Occasionally the unit will freak out and not display the song title. It will have a title of A song but hit fast forward a couple of times and a new song is playing but the same name is on the screen. Hitting browse will repopulate the list and sometimes fix it. Sometimes a hard reset pulling the battery works. Last week on the road I found out changing the media input to something over than MP3 and then back worked as well.

Overall I'm happy with it.

Has anyone had luck making a playlist on the computer and saving that to the sd card?

I don't have input about a playlist, but as I re-call, once we got the unit to recognize the SD card, and additional data, simply spilled over to the card.

The card seems to work fine.

Re your unit turning off or going to sleep, mines wired the same way and I NEVER powered it off with the button. It always (apparently) went into sleep mode (short of not firing up at all recently) when I turned the bike off(no power to the unit).

The best thing I like about the unit, is once angled right, you CAN ACTUALLY SEE the screen in BRIGHT sunlight. No covers needed...

Well, got the "new" unit today.

I found my Micro SD card adapter and put ALL my music on there, nothing on the unit.

Changed my settings and all seems well.

I think the music (MP3 player) is a tad louder on this unit. Might be me, but definitely not any lower..

Hope this one's a keeper....
