Gas Prices, Two Wheel Withdrawl, Other Ramblings -

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"charge it at your house" and where does the electricty come from? fossil fuel powered plants for the most part. The greenies aren't going to think too highly of developing nuclear power to generate electricity. In some areas wind farms are viable alternatives as supplemental sources for electricty. I wouldn't mind an electric car for around town commuting but the public seems cool on the idea. Witness the demise of GM's electric vehilcle. Then we have the enviornmental problem of battery disposal when all the cars head to the junkyard. Talk about enviornmental nightmare.

The fact is up till now there hasn't been anything that can compete with the internal combustion engine with respect to cost and power output. Emissions get lower and lower too. Saab has an engine where the exhaust is cleaner than the air coming into the engine.

I do wish we could free ourselves from the middle east as far as dependency on their oil. I nice big discovery somewhere else would be a treat.


Where does the electricity come from? You mean you haven't transformed your house to be completely off the grid yet :D

What are you waiting for?

Of course here on the east coast we don't have the incentives that the west coast does.

Cool bike in the link check it out :D

Well, Spike....

You were certainly correct when you commented about

your beloved Prius: "No one who has ridden in it,

has failed to be impressed with it."

There are indeed alot more than one.

Long term outlook for gasoline prices is that they will

go down again to very acceptable levels, although not

soon enough for anyone in their right mind.

Kind of odd though that I am reading about "those greedy

gasoline companies" and don't hear much about the towel-headed

oil cartels much anymore, and they are greed incarnate.

See that alot of major gasoline refining/supply company

profits are up 32%+ and that does not seem fair.

Then figure crude oil prices have gone from $8/barrel

to $90/barrel which is about .......ummmm.... 1,125%?

Where's all that money going? :dribble:
