As someone who works for public transit (in fact, the same public transit that services the county you're from, Top_Speed), I highly recommend that if you are concerned with fuel prices, to take advantage of whatever local public transit system there is. While there are certainly problems with public transit, and while it provides less freedom of movement as you have to work around the bus schedule, it does have a number of beneficial effects if you use it:
1. You keep people like me employed. And I'm not even a bus driver. I'm the guy who makes the technologies that make riding the bus easier (like real-time bus information).
2. You split the cost of gas with however other many people are on the bus with you.
3. You split the cost of gas with the state and federal government due to the grants that are provided to public transit agencies from our taxes.
4. You cause less emissions.
5. You cause less traffic due to overcongestion of vehicles.
Plus, the cost to ride the bus is (generally) pretty reasonable. Your mileage may vary, but all trips up here are $1. You can actually ride from (as an example) Victor to Batavia for $1. $3 if you want an all day pass.
Just a shameless plug for mass transit in the OP's area.
(Yes, I do realize that OTS really isn't very...widespread, and pretty much only services Medina and Albion unless you want to make a Dial-A-Ride reservation. But the more people who ride it, the more demand, and the better the service becomes!)