Givi V46 backpad issues

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I was looking to purchase the Givi V46 but thinking on my wife's comfort I purchased the Shad SH48, she said it is a really nice backrest pad, perfect for longer trips, I'm happy to hear I didn't go for the V46!


as for how it's mounted... I do believe its on the Givi SR357 mounting plate (couldn't ride to the office today due to weather).

It's not so much the forward to back distance thats the issue it's the fact that the pad isn't vertical.

OK, well I also have the Givi V46, but it is on the SR346 GIVI mounting rack system on my '05. THat is the one for the 1st gens, so that is probably what you have too. My wife is also on the small side at 4'12" and ~105 lbs. She's never made any complaint about the Givi Soft Gel backrest pad that we have, which is their model E95S. Is that the same model pad that you are using? Looks like this one:


It's not like sitting on the sofa, but it does give her a little extra cushion from the box. I think that maybe the pillions that are a bit larger are the ones that have more of a problem with this leaning them over?
The E95S back-pad is the 'Soft' version, hence the 'S'. This may be helping a bit.

Move the trunk back about 3 inches. Back in the day Toecutter had some steel plates made that had a set of holes that matched the mounting plate and 4 holes just 3 inches back. Not hard to make, mine fits neatly under the monokey mount and unless you look real close, you woundn't even know it's there.

This topic cropped up last year, I think and Bob posted up with a diagram of the plate he made. Should be able to search it out.

Momma and I have tried it with the adapter with pad and without the adapter and pad and she prefers the pad on the trunk.
Just a thought, unless you will only carry marshmallows, or feathers in that trunk you may want to think carefully about changing the COG (center of gravity) by moving high weight aft. Heavier loads could significantly effect handling, and require a wheely bar as well. How about 1 inch?

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I was looking to purchase the Givi V46 but thinking on my wife's comfort I purchased the Shad SH48, she said it is a really nice backrest pad, perfect for longer trips, I'm happy to hear I didn't go for the V46!

The Shad cases look really nice. Tell me more please. Likes and dislikes? Quality? Rack, fit, etc.?
