Go Buy a REAL Motorcycle!!!

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geez...with all of these creative responses, I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one that says '**** off' anymore.

geez...with all of these creative responses, I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one that says '**** off' anymore.
Here Randy, if you are feeling in a '**** off' mood and want to appear more creative try this one out.

Why don't you go outside and play hide and go **** your self.

That should convey the proper emotive context and still appear semi creative.

One of my personal favorites, anyway. :rolleyes:

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I personally use, Bite Me! Simple and to the point with no room for confusion - and, it's kinda kid safe!

TRUE STORY:The "gentleman" that lives at the end of my road is now married to what used to be his STEP DAUGHTER!

Most states have laws...
So is Woody Allen in NY...it isn't just in the south!! :)


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Most the guys at work have harleys, and most the shops around here her cruiser friendly ( same with the bike nights).

I always like to show up w/ my favorite Tshirt on...

Black w/ large white lettering...

I rode my bike to trailer week

The best response is....."where's yours?". Most people that ask me that question are driving cages. Mind you....I rarely get asked any questions when it's raining out. Fucking fair weather riders. Then again.....that's a whole other topic in itself.

HDs... I tried to like them. Went shopping, but there is no way to justify that kind of money for an overpriced antique reproduction. And the dealer here steals the original parts, puts on aftermarket chinese stuff, and jacks up the prices. The Hells Angels clones eat it up.

I will never understand it.

HDs... I tried to like them. Went shopping, but there is no way to justify that kind of money for an overpriced antique reproduction. And the dealer here steals the original parts, puts on aftermarket chinese stuff, and jacks up the prices. The Hells Angels clones eat it up.I will never understand it.
Now THIS I've never heard of before.......

Strippiing the Motor Company parts off the dealer models and replacing them?

Is this anecdotal info or are there really dealers doing this?

And while we're at it, let's not slam the Chinese...they're the only ones who can make a DVD player my pirated movies will play. :)

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HDs... I tried to like them. Went shopping, but there is no way to justify that kind of money for an overpriced antique reproduction. And the dealer here steals the original parts, puts on aftermarket chinese stuff, and jacks up the prices. The Hells Angels clones eat it up.I will never understand it.
Now THIS I've never heard of before.......

Strippiing the Motor Company parts off the dealer models and replacing them?

Is this anecdotal info or are there really dealers doing this?

And while we're at it, let's not slam the Chinese...they're the only ones who can make a DVD player my pirated movies will play. :)
that' because you movie ripoffs are all chinese! from Hong Kong....<LOL>

Actually what the Harley dealers do is add "stuff"

take off the factory seat and add a Harley touring seat...

take off the factory engine covers (ther round ones) and install "Live to ride" shit, or harley skulls or whatever he has a set of...

Take off the factory grips, pegs/floorboards, and install ...whatevas cost more...

also brake and clutch housings, lights, trim rings, shifter links, whatevas!

The RUB's gladly pay. Do you really think the dealer is going to GIVE the factory parts to the guy that just bought his "custom" bike? No way....

Kinda like the car dealers that install extra alarms, or engrave numbers on the windows as anti theft... if you want that vehicle you pay extra...

Here in Hawaii, the new ar dealers have an extra sticker.. includes shipping, dealer prep, and I've even seen some that just said "markup"

That's the price they quote you....now if you agree to pay that, then it's you own fault...

Ok, end of rant...<G>


Since I am a rather large guy I usually just respond by just looking at them with a little "crazy eye" mixed in for good measure. If they look crazier than me I just act like I have my ear plugs in and make up some make shift sign language. Folks usually don't mess with me when I use either technique. :wacko:

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I was dropping my daughter off at her mothers aun'ts house one day and my ex's cousins were there.

One of them who went to prison for shooting a guy and has never held down a job asked me "Why didn't you buy a Harley". I told him because I wanted a bike that had power, handling, wind protection, good brakes, and very low maintenance. Besides my bike makes twice as much HP and more TQ than your Harley.

They both looked at me and said "Really?" They couldn't believe a stock Harley only puts out in the 70's... So sad

Just to add the HP is even lower :D

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Yup...HP on stock Harley's suck...

but I am keeping mine, I like it anyway... it can go fast enuf to get me a ticket!

so far have avoided that...<BG>

Can't wait till I get the Feejer...!

I just hope the roads are clear enuf for me to ride it home...

Just watch...pbly be a big snowstorm the day i want to pick it up!

Oh well, the guy I'm buying it from has a trailer.... snow and salt on the roads are a good reason to trailer....

Hoping to take a ride down to Texas end of April, meet up with some friends and tour the big Bend country in Texas... should be a ride week... crossing my fingers that it'll happen!


I don't recall where I heard this, but:

I got twice the bike for half the price - and the only people I've seen who wear assless chaps are Village People, Hairdressers, and Harley riders.

Please have your concealed carry permit handy.


I concur that most of the "dumb comments" I get about "Harleys" come from people that don't even own or ride motorcycles.

I have been in "spirited" discussions with a few Harley owners at work. When the dust had settled all the other camp could come up with is that Harleys have "style". My final reply is that if one has to have style with no substance what are you trying to compensate for?

Never did quite understand the "Harley cache". I've riden a friend's Road King.

Why would I want to ride a bike that has 1/2 the horse power, 2/3 the torque, over 1 1/2 times as heavy, costs 1 1/2 times as much, vibrates so much you got to take a pee every 1/2 an hour. The rear suspension has barely over 2" of travel and when you hit some pot holes you are nearly bucked out of the saddle. The fasteners are notorious for coming off, have a history of leaking oil and is so loud your ears ring after being on it all day.

My bike straight out of the box can out accelerate it, out turn it, out lean it, out brake it. Costs less to purchase, costs less to insure it, cost less to maintain it.

I have to admit a certain degree of satisfaction on my ride through the Ozarks and San Juan Skyway in Colorado is coming out of the six of a loping Harley and watching it recede in my rear view mirror as he tries to catch up or keep up through the twisty turnies....and realizes he has no chance in XXXX, you can literally see the shoulders just slump down and they give up after a turn or two.

I have to admit a certain degree of satisfaction on my ride through the Ozarks and San Juan Skyway in Colorado is coming out of the six of a loping Harley and watching it recede in my rear view mirror as he tries to catch up or keep up through the twisty turnies....and realizes he has no chance in XXXX, you can literally see the shoulders just slump down and they give up after a turn or two.
Hehehe -- well, it's really cheating to take one on in the twisties, but it seems that NOW we have finally gotten to the "meat" of the discussion!! ;)

Who in here doesn't grin his/her ass off when he/she sees a REAL Motorcycle up ahead or merging? I'm sure that the opinion is widely held that one of the highest and best uses of those loud and slow road hogs is as slalom poles. Fess up, all of you. :D :rolleyes:

It's the thrill of blowing the chrome off of them. The Feejer does a most adequate job at chrome removal, but the Bird (among MANY other notable "ricers") was made to humiliate the limp dicked Hardley and its panty waisted "power". :haha:

Admission of recent immature display:


Sunday, before the storm hit and after I first saw this thread, I rode the '03 Bird up to Virginia City for a couple Truck Route runs before heading south and home. Big ugly hard core type on ape hangers with an equally ugly heiffer on the back kept running up directly behind me (not staggered) at the signals on Hwy 395 south of Michael's Cycle Works until his front tire almost touched my back tire. WTF is the matter with this fucking jerkoff?!? Finally, south of 50, I got an opening, and after we took off, I pulled over into the middle lane and dropped back until he was even with me. Looked over at him and he gives me a big blast of noise from the loud control in his right hand. I kept even easily and shook my head at him, then in second still, turned my attention to riding, chopped the throttle and then grabbed a handful. Front wheel came up pretty good for a bit, and that was the last I saw of him and his heiffer for the remaining 12 or 13 miles home. Catch this with that limp dick you're on, asshole! (Yeah, so what if he had a 200 lb. heiffer as ballast?) :p

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Okay, you got me. I gotta admit I do enjoy letting the fjr eat the occasional harley for breakfast. Only thing that puzzles me is why they keep jumping on you when the light goes green. Don't they talk to each other? How many do you have to put in the rear view before this ends?

I keep telling myself how juvenile all this is. I keep saying "just ignore the harley", "just ride as if no one was here", "act like the cops are watching".

Then, lights turns green, harley guy lets her scream, and DAMN!, I twisted her again.

Oh, well, see ya.

Okay, you got me. I gotta admit I do enjoy letting the fjr eat the occasional harley for breakfast. Only thing that puzzles me is why they keep jumping on you when the light goes green. Don't they talk to each other? How many do you have to put in the rear view before this ends?I keep telling myself how juvenile all this is. I keep saying "just ignore the harley", "just ride as if no one was here", "act like the cops are watching".

Then, lights turns green, harley guy lets her scream, and DAMN!, I twisted her again.

Oh, well, see ya.
You too? I thought it was just me that resorted to such childish gestures over and over again. What about the kids in the tricked out Nissan Sentras? They can't beat me until we're about 10mph over the posted limit. I'll catch them at the next light and we can play again.

I'm tempted to get some baby pink leathers to illustrate that they were beaten by either a girl, or an effeminate guy. <VBG>

