Go Buy a REAL Motorcycle!!!

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Real riders dont' care what you ride...

When I got back into riding after 20 years, i had a Yammy 1100V*..

200 miles on it, I went to a local bike blessing... Not knowing anyone or much of anything about the biking communitty, I asked a bunch of guys standing there if I could ride with them.

"Sure no problem... Oh, you got a new bike, not broken in yet? Hey guys, keep it under 70, the lady's bike aint' broke in yet..."

They were one of the local HOG clubs... some of them have sportbikes as well...

Where I live, your much more likely to get bashed by the local riders for not riding safely, not for what your riding... O'ahu...home of the world's biggest parking lot!


Real riders dont' care what you ride...When I got back into riding after 20 years, i had a Yammy 1100V*..

200 miles on it, I went to a local bike blessing... Not knowing anyone or much of anything about the biking communitty, I asked a bunch of guys standing there if I could ride with them.

"Sure no problem... Oh, you got a new bike, not broken in yet? Hey guys, keep it under 70, the lady's bike aint' broke in yet..."

They were one of the local HOG clubs... some of them have sportbikes as well...

Where I live, your much more likely to get bashed by the local riders for not riding safely, not for what your riding... O'ahu...home of the world's biggest parking lot!

Real riders dont' care what you ride...

Where I live, your much more likely to get bashed by the local riders for not riding safely, not for what your riding...


I have come across that many times. The last group ride I was on we had a BMW 1150 rt, BMW GS, R-1, Two Triumphs, a HD, and my Katana. It was 36 in the morn when we hooked up, a high of 55 and back down to the 40's by the time we got back that night. We did a covered bridges tour across Alibami, Y'all.

Was that Northern Al?

I spent some time at Ft Rucker... "down south" ...

dont' remember any wooden bridges... or many curves for that matter...<G>

L.A. (lower Al) is actually where I learned to ride... I still suck in curves....

the FJR should help..<BG>

First "big" bike was a Yammy 650 Special... found out years later why it didnt' handle curves very well..saw one recently... the rear tire is square! <G>

But it sure was a great little touring bike...

your group is kind like the ladies group I ride with... about half cruisers and half sportbikes... even a couple of the new big scooters...



Blount County mostly. Around Oneonta. Middle/upper part of the state. If I could figure out how to post a pic I would.

TWNHave seen some of your pals leaning against their faded red pickups here on some of Oregon's back roads. Would not want to stop to ask directions and have to discuss the merits of 'sickles. These characters are not restricted to AL.

Thanks for the laugh, you do have great library of photos to match the thread of the moment.
True in spades! The South has no monopoly on mulleted rednecks. I moved to this little burg just outside Salem only to find it's on the edge of civilization. Phew! My friend in California calls Oregon the West Virginia of the West.


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I had a similar experience last fall. Went to a little bar I usually stop at towards the end of the ride out in the country. The FJR is the only non-Harley in the lot. I'm the only one w/ non Harley gear. Guy starts a bit of B.S about buying American, Jap bikes yadda,yadda. I start a glarin at him and he stares a bit more and I let it be known I'm not leavin the bar till I'm ready. I guess he figures that he and his pussy buddies and me aren't gonna dance at that point so he buys the whole bar a drink except me-go figure....

Blount County mostly. Around Oneonta. Middle/upper part of the state. If I could figure out how to post a pic I would.
That's north!... very pretty up there...

what I remember most is that it seemed to take forever to drive all the way thru Al...

Don't think they had the N/s freeways completed then...



My I offer my sympathy on the loss of your photo friend on the web site.

He will be missed by all!



PS: When someone askes me why I don't ride or have a Harley, I tell them I though Harley Davidson was a CLOTHING COMPANY! :haha:

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TWNHave seen some of your pals leaning against their faded red pickups here on some of Oregon's back roads. Would not want to stop to ask directions and have to discuss the merits of 'sickles. These characters are not restricted to AL.

Thanks for the laugh, you do have great library of photos to match the thread of the moment.
True in spades! The South has no monopoly on mulleted rednecks. I moved to this little burg just outside Salem only to find it's on the edge of civilization. Phew! My friend in California calls Oregon the West Virginia of the West.

Was in northern Cali this past summer, a few of us got together, rode a bit thru the redwoods...

there was some sort of regge folk music festival...

I didn't know the hippies form the 60's were all still alive and living there!

and still wearing the clothes they wore in the 60's!

But in much larger sizes! :eek:


I was in a local bar eating dinner with my ZX-9 Ninja when a gal sitting next to me said she liked the sound a Harley made. I told her I know what you mean, I have a John Deere that sounds just like it. Not amusing to her.

Also, coming back from the CFO this last summer when in Iowa a guy asked me what I was riding and I pointed out my 05 FJR and he said "don't guys your age normally ride a Harley". I started to tell him no, guys my age normally kick guys his ages ass but decided wtf and watched him leave in a junker pickup.

About 30 or so years ago I stopped at a 7-11 to get some coffee earlylate depending on your viewpoint.

I was on a Kawasaki kz440. I was a skinny assed kid.

I was the only customer in the store untill this rather large fellow came in wearing a T-shirt with all the Japanese motorcycle logo's and names on it.

At the top was the phrase


As I was sitting out front of the store drinking my coffee and looking at his Harley he joined me on the curb at said

" Don't worry about me, it's got two wheels "

We sat and talked about bikes and lot's of other things for quite a while

Haven't worried about my choice of motorcycle since.

Come to think of it I have only owned Japanese motorcycles.

I do worry about Good ole boy's in pick-ups

When riding to Sturgis on my ZX1100 about 10 years ago my son (on a Honda 90RR) and I saw some Harleys up front of us on the interstate. We opened them up and passed them at about 150mph! When we stopped for gas later the same Harleys came in. I went over and told them we were just showing off and not trying to show them up, no disrespect intended.

To their credit, they all said "no matter what you ride, if you ride your a brohter."

Then one said "damn those bikes are fast, and another added "and the're so dame quiet!" Kind of made my day.

They were really nice guys.

I go to Sturgis ofter, and I have never had anyone riding a Harley make fun of my crotch rockets.

Now that I ride a Valk. to Sturgis, I get a lot of nice remarks from Harley riders.

To bad, I still make jokes about them. (I guess those guys are nicer than me?)

Naaaaaaaa :beee:

This is the best reply to why you're not riding a Harley when you don't have your gun on you:

"Yeah, I would like to have a Harley but this is my 3rd Yamaha and I put 100,000 miles on each one with nothing but gas, tires, spark plugs and oil and still haven't been in the shop for anything. I like that 5-year unlimited warranty too.

Then you end the conservation with "But um' gone get one of them Harleys when I get my coins right......What kind you got and how tha hell did you pay for it". Damn they cost a lot?

This is the best reply to why you're not riding a Harley when you have your gun and your pistol permit on you and know how to use it:


Mister? Don't you know that you NEVER disrespect another man's bike, especially when you don't know him? I figure You're either crazy or you have a gun on you right now? Which is it?

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LSUBOY... :D that's a great comeback...just so you know, up here in the great white north :blink: we suffer both rednecks & HD a**holes :dribble: ...so don't go thinking that you (that are south of us) have a monopoly on them B) have fun ride safe :cownoy:

Guys, guys, guys!  What's with all this Alabama slamming?  These poor people are my next-door neighbors.And don't even start with the joke about us marrying our sisters.  It just ain't true.  We screw 'em, we don't marry 'em.
Expanding the gene pool in Alabama

KM's Top Ten list of snappy answers to " When Are You Going to Get a REAL bike? (meaning a Harley):

10. When they make one that looks like this...(pointing to your bike)

9. When they start making them as good as the Japanese/German/Italian bikes.

(pick what ever yours is)

8. And by what authority do you have that says Harleys are REAL bikes? Are you a motorcycle expert?

7. Crap! you mean this is not a real motorcycle? I'm going to have to go talk to my dealer...he must be trying to rip me off !!!

6.If you mean REAL as in a Sopwith Camel is a REAL airplane-as opposed to a F-14... a blackpowder rifle ia a REAL gun, as opposed to an UZI.. and a '59 Cadilac is a REAL car... as opposed to a Ferrari...Then I would have to say..No Thanks..I don't collect antiques.

5.The day pinheads like you stop asking me that idiotic question.

4. When my doctor tells me that I can't have any "excitement" anymore.

3. Uh..dunno...When Hell Freezes Over ????

2. Don't want a REAL bike..This one here is a SUREAL bike. They are much better. It goes from 0-60 in under 3 seconds , sticks to turns like it's on rails , and I can ride it onto a frozen lake and slam on the brakes and it will stop without sliding or falling over. That is SUREAL. You ought to try one.

And the Number One answer to "When are you going to get a REAL bike? is:

1.Wow! this is weird! I was JUST going to go down to the Harley Dealer and trade this in on a Brand New Sportster!! Then to celibrate me and some freinds of mine from Venus where going to hop on their spaceship and fly over to Germany for some beer and unicorn hunting. Wanna come? Follow Me!!!!!!


Knifemaker,, :haha:

as soon as Harley makes a bike as reliable,fast,comfortable with 145 hp, and looks this good ,, I'll get one ,, and that'll be when Hell freezes over!!!

I lived that life already ,, got tired of fixing it more than riding it !!!

Umm ,, I own a vintage Indian and a Harley ,, see what I'm riding !!!!!!!!!

Knifemaker,, :haha:
as soon as Harley makes a bike as reliable,fast,comfortable with 145 hp, and looks this good ,, I'll get one ,, and that'll be when Hell freezes over!!!

I lived that life already ,, got tired of fixing it more than riding it !!!

Umm ,, I own a vintage Indian and a Harley ,, see what I'm riding !!!!!!!!!
Does your Roadliner have a screen, or is it nekkid?
