Go Buy a REAL Motorcycle!!!

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I shot skeet a few years ago - Smith and Wesson Model 1000 Semi-auto - don't make 'em anymore. Fun sport, especially the last station.

BTW, the 1911 is recoil operated, not blowback.

Intersting point on the Fad,business life, and Life Style Issue. Businesses in U.S. history and other counries continue to live and operate even if their floating the financial titanic. Harley, GM, and thousands others have and do. And look what HD has developed over 100 years. They have been in business for 100 YEARS and its the same crap. I would love to compare HD Research and Development department to Yamahas. Yamaha just celebrated its 50 years in business, and compare what they have done! In a way its sad that the United States really has know company to even come close to compete on a tech basis that the Japanese in the motorcycle industry do. So HD has to sell its crap based on Life Style Image. Not performance, reliability ect. Only recently has Harley Davidson Prospered, yes from its life style image marketing campaign. And a very successful ongoing campaign. The Life Style Image I see and agree have been well Marketed has it roots with the Hells Angel anti social crowd Life Style. This new TARGET MARKET, those now professionals that were attending college during the inception of the 50s and 60s "anti social time". Out of this social crowd came the attraction to the now professionals something they wish they had experienced during college. "FAD" Social Freedom in many aspects. These freedoms stem from the 50s 60s BIKER "Hells Angel crowd". That is one Life Style I do not want to imitate or experience or be associated with. And at what price, twice the price of an FJR thats nuts. And ride a piece crap! But if they can get the money for it what the hell. But please do not let the secret out. I still want Harley to sell tons of that crap! Then I can walk into my garage fire my FJR up the first time, ride down some lonely road trouble free. And have a hell of alot more fun doing it for half the price.

Marketing 101:

If you package 'shit' just right, someone will buy it.

Bike Week is firing up around here, and the local news did an interview with Bruce Rossmeyer (dude owns about a dozen HD dealerships including this palace). He said, and I quote:

"When people ask me how the motorcycle business is, I say, Who gives a damn? The t-shirt business is great!"

I just about choked on an enchilada.

Intersting point on the Fad,business life, and Life Style Issue.
How right you are! The last time I went to Vegas, my friends and I stepped into a HD shop. It was a huge place, on the famous Fremont Street, with lots of people looking around. They had a tremendous range of merchandise including a leather COUCH with the HD logo stamped into the back rests. You could buy almost anything you wanted, in orange and black. There was even a MOTORCYCLE in the store, but it was behind ropes with cautions not to touch.

My girlfriends and I cheerfully fired up our Japanese and German bikes and rode away from the image store.


There's a coupld of those harlye botique shops here, one in Waikik and one in a big shopping center...

The Japanese tourists love them!

The only time the locals go is when there's a run and those are poker stops...<BG>


There's a coupld of those harlye botique shops here, one in Waikik and one in a big shopping center...
Seems to be a trend to have these in southern Ontario.

I have not absolutely verified it but it appears to me that the dealers are being compelled by HD to build large, new stand alone facilities in sight of major highways.

Two of these have "sprung up" in the past 2 years in London and Chatham, Ontario. The London one was formerly at an old shop on the west side of town.

There was an old, established HD dealer about 4 hours drive west of here in an area where I travel on business, located out in the "sticks" on a less traveled secondary two lane highway. They lost their HD dealership. The locals told me that the dealer was told they could keep the dealership if they moved about 15 miles north and build a new facility on Hwy 401. This is second hand info., however.

The dealer I do business with is an old, estblished shop out in the country. They have two adjoined but separate sections, the Yamaha/Suzuki/Honda side (which I frequent) and the "Harely side" (where I do go to buy the cosmetic product "Harley Glaze").

A month ago, the owner was telling me they have plans to build a new separate HD shop out along the QEW Hwy. He made it sound like it was their idea but I wonder if they were being told that this was a requirement.

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19 bikes over the years, no Harleys. And none are on the wish list now. There's a hotdog down the block with a V-Rod who needs to see the tail end of a VFR a couple times for an attitude adjustment. :assasin:

It wasn't the 'real bike' quote, but one buddy did hit me with "friends don't let friends ride rice burners." He admitted that's an old phrase from the 60's and just wanted to press my buttons.

I fess up to owning two Harley t-shirts, but both were given to me.

There's a coupld of those harlye botique shops here, one in Waikik and one in a big shopping center...
Seems to be a trend to have these in southern Ontario.

I have not absolutely verified it but it appears to me that the dealers are being compelled by HD to build large, new stand alone facilities in sight of major highways.

Two of these have "sprung up" in the past 2 years in London and Chatham, Ontario. The London one was formerly at an old shop on the west side of town.

There was an old, established HD dealer about 4 hours drive west of here in an area where I travel on business, located out in the "sticks" on a less traveled secondary two lane highway. They lost their HD dealership. The locals told me that the dealer was told they could keep the dealership if they moved about 15 miles north and build a new facility on Hwy 401. This is second hand info., however.

The dealer I do business with is an old, estblished shop out in the country. They have two adjoined but separate sections, the Yamaha/Suzuki/Honda side (which I frequent) and the "Harely side" (where I do go to buy the cosmetic product "Harley Glaze").

A month ago, the owner was telling me they have plans to build a new separate HD shop out along the QEW Hwy. He made it sound like it was their idea but I wonder if they were being told that this was a requirement.
Yup...unfortunately too true...If the dealers dont' build botiques with XXX amount of space ( I dont' know the numbers) to sell tshirts and doggy kerchiefs, then Harley takes away their franchise..

Several small byt good dealers have been closed.

there's one dealers in hawaii that isnt' epanding... there is simply no room here...

We have 3 H-D dealers on a 20 x 40 sq mile island...

Of course, thay all sell others brands as well... Yamaha, Kawasaki, Triumph, Huskys or whatever the're called now...


Saw 4 x HDs while I was commuting yesterday - 1 on the road, 1 in the back of a Pickup, and 2 on a trailer. That guy actually riding the HD must be a whack job, what the heck is he thinkin'!?

Harley is going to be an interesting story in the next 10 years or so. Their business is based on lifestyle and image of the baby boomers growing up as teens and young adults in the 50s and 60s. This group looks fondly back on those years as the "good times" and are trying to relive the past. And that bulge is passing .

I am not sure the teens and young adults of today look at the "turn of the 19th century styling" of the HDs as a bike to aspire to. They have hip-hop, rap, extreme sports, etc. I think they may see cruisers as "bikes for grays".

I am a tail end baby boomer and find the H-D style to be in tune with Huck Finn, WWI, Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders, homes with outhouses, bringing water into the house in buckets, wringer washing machines, black and white TV. While it may be nice to think about that period I am not one to pay premuim dollars to try and relive it.

Living in Lake Havasu an hour ride away 3 hours on a HD is Laughlin Nev. Interesting place Gambling and the Colorado River thats a winner. Ever year is the Laughlin River Run, I would venture to saw it with a little more effort could Rival Datona. The River Run is mostly comprised of you know those other bikes. A near by revived old Gold mine town now tourist trap Oatman is a fun ride from either Havasu or Laughlin. The town is small quite and is famous for it burros woundering the town. This has to do with LIFE STYLE. During the River Run the HD riders converge on this little town like flys on SHT. One of the LIFE STYLE hobbies that these White Collar Professionals by week day Hells Angel by weekend do is sit on their bikes and rev them. Im talking not 10 or 20 bikes but hundreds .Dont get me wrong I have three boys one racing Motocross working at a local cycle shop"rides YZ250"the other rides YZ80. I raised then on bikes. Ever try to chase on 18 year old on a YZ250 across the desert. The 4 year old sneaks into the garage sits on the bikes when we can't find him. They all make alot of noise. But HD riders part of that Life Style is the SOUND they MAKE. To each their own, but for Gods Sake if you want to sit and rev an inefficeint engine go way the hell out into the Mahove desert and do it. I hear about the amount of money they spend on pipes for these things for the SOUND but what PERFORMANCE. I DONT GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funnies at the barber shop. So the wife says if you don't get a haircut I'm buying you a dog license, Hey alright I can take a hint, so I grab my cap and head for John's shop(John rides an HD and we talk about rides while he's got me in the chair). I walk into the shop there's three guys there with Daytona Bike Week T-Shirts and hats. they are talking it up about all the HD choppers and custom crusiers they saw in Daytona. Then I walked around the corner and hung my cap up. The guys all stopped talking. I turned around they're all staring at the big FJR logo on my cap. John says you sure know how to kill a party.

You Harley bashers just don't get. I have a 91 FLHTCU (think Honda Wing for you rice eaters ;) ) and I love it.

Absolutely it does NOT go as FAST or HANDLE, or STOP as well as (most) metric bikes. The level of performance is based upon enjoying the ride, not to see how fast I get there.

The HD has a certain visceral ambience about it. It is about the slow, enjoyable ride. To really take in the scenery as you rumble by. Running two lane roads with big twin rumbling, the total comfort of the riding position, the healthy yet not obnoxious exhaust... it's really nice.

Compared to the FJR, I don't have to buy radiator guards for it. Or worry about an anemic charging system. Or valves starting to tick at 5000 miles. Or oil leaking. Or replacing rear tires every 6000. Or loss of resale (although the rate has gone from just freakin' ridiculous to above average in the last several years). No muss, no fuss valve adjustments. Parts that I can get to *if* they should go bad e.g. regulator, ignition module, etc. I can pull spark plugs in 20 seconds. Airfilter maintenance is easier than pulling plugs. Mounting aftermarket horns? No problem. Passenger to pillion, bike to bike communcation stock. Stereo stock. CB stock. Greatly reduced need to farkle! :bleh:

For the record, the bike still has original valves, tranny, rings, etc. The engine and tranny are original. The only items replaced have been consumable things like drive belts, cables, tires, filters, etc. No massive top end tear downs looking for Timex watch sounds or anything else. All original. The paint and chrome as still very very nice. Much better than any of the other older bikes I have. Mileage? Best guess is >70k. The Japanese made speedo died and I did have to replace that.

Also - I don't have a tattoo one, no piercings, and don't buy into the so-called HD LifeStyle crap. I wear protective clothing and an Arai X-Over helmet. To me the HD is just another bike created so some humanoid can get their face in the wind. Isn't that what it's about? :clap:

I guess what I'm trying to say is that under it all is a truly functional motorcycle. After 15 years of being on the road with this bike I would not hesitate a New York second to head out for a 6,000 mile run. My bet is that most throw-away, mass produced 15-year old metric bikes are not able make the same statement. Some Wings, some Euro bikes (Bmw) yes. But most, no. Additionally, 15 years from now, the FLH will still be running. Parts still available. No worries about not finding the ECU for the ABS or FI. Like older BMW's and others they are infinitely rebuildable.

Having said all that, I can't wait to get my 06A that's due THIS MONTH. I seriously considered selling the FLH to sponsor the FJR then decided who needs a new roof anyway?? :eh:

To me, both bikes are good at different things. When I get the speed itch I'll be on the FJR. Or if I need to haul the bacon to make the destination on time. Commuting will be on the FJR. It will be the daily ride. But when I'm looking for that slower pace, to cruise on 2 lane roads on that nice spring/summer day, it will be the HD. Even my long tours will most likely be on the HD. Time will tell on that issue. Each bike serves a different purpose and need.

Sorry for the rant, but all the anti-HD bashing lately pissed me off. From appearances, some on this board are just as bigoted and mulleted as those they describe in the HD crowd. If you want to experience the other side of the coin, ride a big twin to some sport bike events. It's the same old thing just reversed. Sad in a way.

Ride free, ride long. Ride what you want. If you are riding any freakin' thing with 2 wheels you are my friend and ally. Even bicycles. So there. :D

Flame on. :bigeyes:

PS if you really want to piss a 1% HD bigot off, tell him about all the Japanese/Euro parts on that 'Americun' machine. German pistons. Showa forks, Japanese instrument cluster, and the list goes on and on...

Have fun guys and gals, did not mean to offend my fellow FJR brothers with this post.

"Just Ride".

Saw 4 x HDs while I was commuting yesterday - 1 on the road, 1 in the back of a Pickup, and 2 on a trailer. That guy actually riding the HD must be a whack job, what the heck is he thinkin'!?
Maybe his pick up truck had broken down?


The HD has a certain visceral ambience about it. It is about the slow, enjoyable ride. To really take in the scenery as you rumble by.... it's really nice.
Kinda the same reason I also have a Land Cruiser (but not a Jeep). :D

Well, they may be old tech, but if it ain't broke... My '02 Road King never sputtered or left me standing at the curb. Rode nice, had decent power, was comfy and looked pretty good. The chrome was cheap and pittted in a couple of weeks, though.

In ten or so years, I'll prolly be on a Road Glide. :blink:

The HD has a certain visceral ambience about it. It is about the slow, enjoyable ride. To really take in the scenery as you rumble by.... it's really nice.
Kinda the same reason I also have a Land Cruiser (but not a Jeep). :D
Hey Bob, have you seen Toyota's new FJ yet?

Yeah, and I'm gonna want one if they make it available with the I4 diesel over here. Otherwise, it's just a well-dressed Tacoma, not unlike the Tahoe/H2 posemobile. Present company excepted, of course.

I sold my FJ-40 to a friend when divorce found me in posession of the '93

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