Going across the USA on my motorcycle

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No plans, no agendas, just riding wherever the road takes us.

That's the ticket! Just keep looking for those twisty scenic byways! Have great time!

Did you guys make it to Albuquerque? If you did, are you still here or close by? If you did or you are, check your PM's for my contact info. My schedule got adjusted and I am off today (Monday). There's no way I'm gonna waste this weather. If your around, I'll take you guys north towards Colorado on some of the best roads NM has to offer. It's just after 0740...Lemme know.

Some pics from yesterday:

Brunch at Oregano's in Flagstaff, AZ


Riding into New Mexico:




We met some cool people at the NM stateline.


Met some guy on a Harley on his way back to Oklahoma. We also met a heavy metal band called Exmortus. They were from SoCal and were on a tour. Buncha cool dudes ;)

Anyway, made it to Albuquerque, NM last night. Got something to eat and got thoroughly plastered. Might be heading out somewhere in TX today. I'll update and post more pics when I get a chance.

So far so good. Having a GREAT time.


Rode from Albuquerque to Lubbock, TX today. We had a late start today but we rolled into Lubbock around 11ish PM

Staying here for the night.

We're actually waiting for a cab in the hotel room as I'm typing this. We're gonna check out the local bars and get a drink or two, or three ;)

Tomorrow we're probably gonna head out to Austin, TX

If any of you local peeps wants to hang out, let me know. Me and my buddy would enjoy meeting you guys. Maybe y'all can show us some cool places to hang out too in the process :)

Feel free to call me (323) 899-5550. If I dont pick up, leave a msg. Chances are, I'm riding on the bike.

I'll post up more pics when I get a chance, time to check out the local talent.


Here's some new pics

Ate at Garcia's kitchen in Albuquerque, NM. The red chili there was jamming!


Crossing the Texas stateline:


Drinking it up at the Library in Lubbock, TX


Thought this sign was funny


Riding thru West Texas on the way to San Antonio






Stopped in Fredricksburg, TX and met a cool Texan dude


Drinkin' it up in San Antonio



Quick update...

Just arrived in Austin, TX an hour ago. It's approx 6pm as i'm typing this. We're gonna head out in a few and check out the local restaurants/bars.

If anyone wants to hang out, feel free to call me 323-899-5550. Me and my buddy would love to meet y'all.

We got a long day coming up tomorrow. We're thinking of riding north into Oklahoma.

So far so good, I'm having the time of my life :)


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Where abouts on the east coast ary you heading?
I think Arcadia national park in Maine is the furthest most point on the east coast.

Acadia is an excellent suggestion. But it isn't the most eastern point in the US.
Well i googled it just to find out and here is the answer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubec,_Maine

Actually there are several anwsers depending on your Point of view, no punn intended. :)

Ah, you are correct sir.

Lubec is the eastern most place in the USA and Eastport is the eastern most "city".

Since when does a place with a population of 1200 constitute a city? Those crazy Mainiacs... ;)

Had a GREAT time in Austin last night. Here are some new pics:

Went to a steakhouse called Sullivan's where I had a really great meal


After that we hit up the local bars on 6th St and got totally hammered. Had a great time though ;)




Today we left Austin around 1pm and headed north to Oklahoma City, OK

Some pics from today's ride:







We got to Oklahoma City around 9:30pm or so. Just got something to eat and went back to the hotel. Prolly gonna just chill tonight, we have a long day tomorrow. We're headed to St. Louis, MO in the morning.

So far so good, LOTS of fun :)


Here's some new pics
Ate at Garcia's kitchen in Albuquerque, NM. The red chili there was jamming!

That Garcia's is right down the road from my office. It is also very close to the Dog House. Garcia's is good, but man, you missed out.

Have a great time!! IF you happen to come back through Albuquerque, lemme know. There's lots fun to do here, and the roads are great. Don't let crappy I-40 fool you.

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You two are living LARGE!

I always wanted to travel like that with a buddy, But i can't find anyone crazy enough to ride like that!

I will keep my eyes peeled for yall, As i am all over the place. I am currently in Kentucky. :)

We met some cool people at the NM stateline.

Met some guy on a Harley on his way back to Oklahoma. We also met a heavy metal band called Exmortus. They were from SoCal and were on a tour. Buncha cool dudes ;)


I just LOVE the energy in that photograph. Thanks for posting it up. That's a moment, right there!



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