Going across the USA on my motorcycle

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[SIZE=12pt]Rock on Dudes![/SIZE] :guitar: Be prepared for some chilly night in upstate NY; gets pretty cold when the sun sets. Hope you guys brought your Long-John's (grew up in Binghamton, NY) :bike:

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Some recent updates:

Forgot to tell you guys, back in St. Louis, MO some jackass knocked my bike over on its left side. Scratched the left saddlebag and left mirror pretty good. Of course, no note or anything. Oh well, I called my insurance co. right away and said they'd take care of it.

Also, last night back in Cleveland, OH I was trying to mess with my GPS and I guess it got wet during the storm. So needless to say, it doesn't work anymore. Same thing happened to my buddy's GPS unit. We're pretty much using our phones to navigate now, but it's a PITA since we can't check while riding.


We left Cleveland around 130pm and got into Pennsylvania in no time:


I was tired of riding wet in the rain so we went to the WalMart in Erie, PA and got some rain pants:


It rained lightly for a little bit in PA, then we reached New York:


When we got into NY, the floodgates of heaven just opened and it was pouring pretty bad. I'm so glad we got the rain gear because it actually kep me quite comfortable. It was raining so hard we could barely see the lines on the road.

We took it easy and finally made it into Buffalo. Checked into the hotel and went to the Anchor Bar, the birthplace of buffalo wings ;)



Tomorrow we gotta do some laundry. I'm out of clean socks. After the laundrymat, we're probably going to check out Niagara Falls. That should be pretty cool, I've never been there.

More updates/pics to come later :D


Myke,Great posts, keep em coming.

What is your total milage so far?

Is there any region you are staying away from?!

Stay safe!
Approx 3700-3900 miles so far, I have to check my bike for the exact #

No plans really, just taking it day by day



The JACKASS who knocked the bike over must have been jealous of how beautiful they are and the fact that they don't have one.

Scratches are a Badge of Honor!! Wear them with pride! I have several Badges myself.

Too bad about the GPS Units. Might add a New Dimention to your trip. Flying Blind!! Hang Tough and Ride Safe.

At this point, I think we are all on this trip with you guys. (How great would that be)??????

The next day, my buddy took me here:

First time there. Food was disgustingly good.

Dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! White Castle Burgers???

I grew up on those things!! Forget Disney!!

WHITE CASTLE is the Happiest Place on Earth!!!

This is Bringing Tears to my Eyes!! I'm Loving this Trip!!

You have my Complete Attention Now!! Keep the Pics Coming!!
Just like Harrold and Kumar! I am very jealous.

This is a rough sketch of our route <...>
Between LA and Chicago, that's basically good old Route 66 with a massive detour to San Antonio... B)

Well done, guys. Have (more) fun!


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:clapping: Damn this is a great thread. I am right there with you...vicariously at least...next spring I will be making such a trip. I hope I can find someone on the forum able to do it with me. Gotta be some other recently retired reprobate wanting to do this...anyone? Hell I can ride from Lancaster, SC and meet you anywhere. My last day working is April 1. :yahoo:

Ed, Lancaster SC

:clapping: Damn this is a great thread. I am right there with you...vicariously at least...next spring I will be making such a trip. I hope I can find someone on the forum able to do it with me. Gotta be some other recently retired reprobate wanting to do this...anyone? Hell I can ride from Lancaster, SC and meet you anywhere. My last day working is April 1. :yahoo: Ed, Lancaster SC
You suck Ed. <_< I got a number of years left before my time comes. Enjoy it.

Guys, I've got to ask, are you spending any time off the highway? The best way to see the US to get on those two lane wandering roads and rolling threw those cool old towns. You'll meet the friendliest people!

Enjoying the thread from cubical-land!


This is a great thread, keep it up! :clapping:

I can't believe that nobody has busted your balls about not having rain pants until you get to Erie, PA. :)

:clapping: Damn this is a great thread. I am right there with you...vicariously at least...next spring I will be making such a trip. I hope I can find someone on the forum able to do it with me. Gotta be some other recently retired reprobate wanting to do this...anyone? Hell I can ride from Lancaster, SC and meet you anywhere. My last day working is April 1. :yahoo: Ed, Lancaster SC
You suck Ed. <_< I got a number of years left before my time comes. Enjoy it.
Yeah I am going to hate it. I will have to come out and ride with you and Christine. I am going to plan the trip so that I can see a lot of the names on the list all over the US. :yahoo:

It would be great to buy everyone a beer one at a time (maybe two at the time?)


This is a great thread, keep it up! :clapping:
I can't believe that nobody has busted your balls about not having rain pants until you get to Erie, PA. :)
No kidding Tom... for sure, if he can afford one of those Motofizz bags that are on the back seat, surely he can afford proper rain gear.

You guys have a good time. Try to get off of the beaten path, though. Those interstates eat tires alive.


So yesterday, me and my buddy went to Niagara Falls:


Man, it was amazing... Those waterfalls are HUGE:



After checking out the waterfalls, we decided to walk over to the Canadian side:


Here's me sitting on two countries at once ;)


We went to a Chinese restaurant of all places, and drank Canadian beer:


This freaked me out at first when a I saw it... those crazy Canadians


It started raining late in the afternoon, so we decided to head back to the hotel. One more pic of the falls:


We ran outta clean clothes, so we had to spend part of the night at the laundrymat:


After that, we went to one of the local bars and watched the Angels game. We drank so much beer, they gave us tokens for free beer :D


Obligatory kiss pic ;)


More to come


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We left Buffalo today and started heading south. Riding thru upstate NY was actually pretty cool. The colors of the trees were barely starting to turn, I thought it was pretty neat:



We got to Binghamton, NY and had to stop for gas. It was about 48* so we had to get something hot. Here we are trying to warm up"


After our break, we rode 200 miles south to Philadelphia, PA. The temps got to about 41* but we got there eventually.

Went straight to this place to get an authentic Philly cheese steak sandwich.


Best cheese steak I've ever had!


More updates to come :)

